This is an old revision of the document!
Release Managers
Johannes Schlüter, Lukas Kahwe Smith
- July 24th - feature freeze COMPLETED
- July 31st - alpha1 COMPLETED
- September 2nd - alpha2 (freeze on August 29th, final packaging on September 1st) COMPLETED
- December 2nd - alpha3
- continued beta/RC releases in a 2-3 week interval
- stable release in Q12009
Todo items
Please keep the upgrade documentation always current.
MFH namespacesDone- some concerns (will not be addressed for now)
MFH _ _callStaticDoneMFH Object handler get_debug_infoDoneremove zend.ze1_compatibility mode and throw E_CORE_ERROR when setDONE (dmitry)Add open_filename debug info to streams.DoneNew error message generation for parameter parsing API.DoneSymlink the intl extension from PECL, but leave it disabled by default as is the case with all extensions dependent on external libsDONEApply the Late Static Binding PatchDoneissues with parent forwarding -> make parent::/self:: forwarding(etienne/dmitry) DONE
Implement Sqlite3 support via the ext/sqlite extension (ext/sqlite isn't possible, ext/sqlite3 from pecl is.)(Scott) DONEwill require minor changes to PDO_SQLite to share the sqlite libraryDONE
Introduce mysqlnd library into core and use it as a backend for PDO and mysql/mysqli extensions (possibly enabling them by default)(Andrey) DONEPatch PDO_MYSQL to optionally support mysqlnd library in addition to the MySQL client library, fix assorted PDO_MYSQL bugs, extend PDO test suite(Johannes, Ulf) DONE
Split off deprecation from E_STRICT into E_DEPRECATEDDone (Lars, Felipe, Marcus)PCRE extension will not be allowed to be disabledDone (Marcus)The new php.ini files parser/scanner + CGI/FastCGI “htaccess” style ini file supportDone- SPL improvements:
Make DirectoryIterator implement SeekableIterator. (Etienne)DoneImplement MultipleIterator in C. (Arnaud, Marcus)DONEImplement RecursiveTreeIterator in C. (Marcus/Arnaud)Done
OpenID enabling patch for OpenSSL and PHP 5 (wez)Donemerge the zend_arg_info const'ify patch (Dmitry, Nuno)Donemerge Matt's ZEND_SIGNED_MULTIPLY_LONG() optimization patch(matt/dmitry) DONEMerge the [ GCC 4 -fvisibility patch] (Dmitry, Nuno)DoneImplement David's Circular Garbage collection patch.DoneLink phar extension from PECL into core (possibly enabling it by default)DoneReplace flex scripts with re2c ones in Zend. This will fix the memleak issues of the lexer, make the lexer threadsafe and reentrant and allows to use emalloc on temp blocks automatically (read more here). (Marcus, Nuno, Scott) Donedrop ext/hash in favor of an extended ext/mhash with an ext/hash wrapper(Scott) DoneMove extensions to PECL(Pierre)ncurses*Done*fdf*Done*sybase*Done*
remove E_DEPRECATED on is_a()Doneupgrade PCRE(Nuno) DoneUpdate Ming (sync with ming cvs, may be done in the phase between feature freeze and alpha1)(Frank) DONEadd fileinfo extension to core(Derick) DONEadd support for import by OID into ext/pgsql(Hartmut) DONEclosures (Christian/Dmitry)Donedrop _ _toString() from closures(Johannes/Dmitry) DONE
deprecate ticks(Felipe) Doneunix path separators in spl(Steph/Greg/Marcus) DONE
Windows binary releases and snaps: stabilize, review, fix and make it maintainableDONEmake mysqlnd the default mysql libDONEremove pdo_oci8 (only keep pdo_oci)DONEfix libsqlite bundeling and related extensionsDONE
move ext/ming to PECL(Pierre) DONEBundle unix man pages for functions, methods and class references(Hannes, Rudy) DROPPED (will be made available as a PEAR installable package)shutdown order issues(Greg/Dmitry) DONERemove GD1 and Freetype1 support(Scott) DONEfix modification of virtual directories in phar(Greg/Dmitry) DONEsome performance concerns over non-code files in phar(Greg/Dmitry) DONEsolve issues with ext/soap and errors in the ctor(Dmitry) DONEapply patches to ODBC for bug #43666, bug #43668, bug #43669(Patrick) DONEdrop ereg usage (browser cap, etc.)(Nuno) DONEMFH lightspeed SAPI(Georg) DONEadd some tests for fileinfo(Felix/Derick) DONEfork fileinfo lib code to make it more compatible with php(Derick/Ilia/Mikko/Pierre) DONEAdd BC function 'mime_content_type()' into fileinfo extension to allow removing ext/mime_magic completely(Derick) DONEmove frontbase extension to PECL(Pierre) DONEmove dbase extension to PECL(Pierre) DONEsolve include path issue(Dmitry) DONE
- make a PECL package for ext/ming and release a version compatible with libming 0.3 (Frank)
- make a PECL package for ext/dbase and release current state
- make a PECL package for ext/fbase and release current state (Frank)
- more add tests for fileinfo (Felix/Derick)
- escapeshellcmd() security fix broken (Scott/Ilia)
- Fix static build of extension when static is the default and --enable-snapshot-build is used
- Improve the build script to ease the parsing of the output and QA
- finish the code cleanup of fileinfo (Pierre)
- add compression support to fileinfo (Pierre)
- make all extensions use php implementation of getenv (Pierre)
- Cleanup code to use the new zend_parse_parameters API (Alexey, Felipe, Olivier, David) IN PROGRESS
- Add all missing arg infos to make Reflection more informative (Felipe) IN PROGRESS
- additional re2c tweaks (Nuno/Marcus)
- update to re2c 0.14.0 (Marcus)
- Merge gd 2.1 to the bundled library (Pierre)
- Enable all features as long as the minimum GD version is available (2.0.36 for 5.3) (Pierre)
- htscanner: move the common part out of fcgi and enable it in the other sapis (or move it to the global SAPI) (Jani/Pierre)
- Openssl: allow signing to work with buffers and add helpers to create signed mails (Pierre)
- add openssl_parse_csr (Pierre)
- finish namespace syntax (Greg, Stas)
deprecate define_syslog_variables()DONE (Kalle)
After Alpha3 (probably Beta1)
Future PHP releases
- Zend Signal Handling (Lucas/Dmitry)
- Bring versioning in core extensions into line with PECL (Steph)
- userspace streams filter that acts as a default filter through which require/include read their files (Sebastian, Sara)
- implement proc_open's 'bypass_shell' option on linux (already works on windows). (Nuno)
- mail() logging (ilia)
- XMLWriter Add writeNode([xmlreader obj]), allow to create a push/pull parser
- SPL: Implement Spl(Array|Index|Member)Reference. (Marcus)
- Large File Support (wez)
- Introduce concept of “strict classes” that do not permit dynamic property creation
- Switch for disabling/enabling materialized cursors in mysqli
- switch from bison to lemon
- operator overloading
- “real” properties with attached getters and setters
- Backport the output buffering re-write from HEAD as described in bug #42641.
- add a function that returns tsrm_thread_id() (already covered by zend_thread_id() but only in debug ZTS mode) (Wez)
Additional Links
- Vote results, PhP53VoteResult
- Current ML Discussion: 5.3 Release Planning
- NEWS: 5.3
todo/php53.1227819718.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)