
PHP RFC: Naming convention for the internal PHP function's arguments


Since PHP is now supporting the named params. It will be important to set a -draft- naming convention for the internals functions parameters.

PHP has function families, e.g. string's functions family, array's functions family, and so forth. Fortunately, most of these function shares the same argument naming. but there are some of them that do not.


Sharing the same arguments naming with all similar functions.

Most array_* functions accept the first argument ( Input arguments ) as a variable named $array.

But there are some functions that does not, like `in_array()`, `array_search()`, `count()` ... etc.

This is the same for the str_* functions. Most of them share the `$string` argument as an input argument but some functions like `strpos()`, `stripos()` do not.

Backward Incompatible Changes

This will break users who are already using the named arguments on 8.0 and 8.1 versions.

Proposed PHP Version(s)


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rfc/the_naming_convention_for_internal_functions_arguments.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/08 16:38 by hassan