The Wiki TODO
- Tweak layout/look some more (please everyone make requests!)
- Create a namespace guideline document
- Guidelines for moving wiki pages. Research plugins to allow all users to do it, in order to preserve edit history
- Add a required field for people to explain why they want to register
- Switch to markdown as the wiki syntax
- Add some more Macros (
- Macro to format user names. The macro should check whether the user has php-src commit access and visualize that accordingly
Already completed:
Macro to easily link mailinglist mails.Syntax is something like [[list@<message-id>]]Macro to easily link bug ids.Syntax is something like [[bugid@<bug-id>]]Prevent people from picking the same nicknames on the wiki as are already used on
todo/wiki.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 by