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Test failures for 5.4

Test failure interface

A pretty interface to see test failures and their diffs can be found at

Tested 2011-08-30 on Mac OS X

Testing register_shutdown_function() with timeout. (Bug: #21513) [tests/func/005a.phpt]
Timeout again inside register_shutdown_function [tests/lang/045.phpt]
Bug #28220 (mb_strwidth() returns wrong width values for some Hangul characters) [ext/mbstring/tests/bug28220.phpt]
Bug #49536 (mb_detect_encoding() returns incorrect results when strict_mode is turned on) [ext/mbstring/tests/bug49536.phpt]
Unicode standard conformance test (ill-formed UTF sequences.) [ext/mbstring/tests/illformed_utf_sequences.phpt]
Test mb_internal_encoding() function : usage variations - Test different encodings [ext/mbstring/tests/mb_internal_encoding_variation2.phpt]
Bug #53649 (mysql_query with "load data" unable to save result set) [ext/mysql/tests/bug53649.phpt]
Bug #5547 (mysql_pconnect leaks file descriptors on reconnect) [ext/mysql/tests/bug55473.phpt]
LOAD DATA INFILE - open_basedir [ext/mysql/tests/mysql_query_load_data_openbasedir.phpt]
Sort with SORT_LOCALE_STRING [ext/standard/tests/array/locale_sort.phpt]
todo/tests54.1314808851.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)