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todo:php53 [2008/11/27 21:01] – updated for final alpha3 date lsmithtodo:php53 [2017/09/22 13:28] (current) – external edit
Line 6: Line 6:
   - July 31st - alpha1 **COMPLETED**   - July 31st - alpha1 **COMPLETED**
   - September 2nd - alpha2 (freeze on August 29th, final packaging on September 1st) **COMPLETED**   - September 2nd - alpha2 (freeze on August 29th, final packaging on September 1st) **COMPLETED**
-  - December 2nd - alpha3 +  - December 4th - alpha3 (freeze on December 2nd, final packaging on December 3rd) **COMPLETED** 
-  - continued beta/RC releases in a 2-3 week interval +  - January 29th beta1 (freeze on January 26th, final packaging on January 28th) **COMPLETED** 
-  - stable release in Q12009+  - March 24th - RC1 (bug fixing until the 19th, with RM ok commits until 20nd, until 23rd build fixes only) **COMPLETED** 
 +  - June 7th - RC2 (bug fixing until end of the 4th, after that only build fixes and README changes) **COMPLETED** 
 +  - June 11th - RC3 **COMPLETED** 
 +  - June 18th - RC4 **COMPLETED** 
 +  - June 30th - stable **COMPLETED**
 ===== Todo items ===== ===== Todo items =====
Line 61: Line 65:
   - <del>add array_replace[_recursive] ([[|diff]], [[ |phpt]])</del> (matt/johannes) **DONE**   - <del>add array_replace[_recursive] ([[|diff]], [[ |phpt]])</del> (matt/johannes) **DONE**
   - <del>[[php-internals@121382088925963|unix path separators in spl]]</del> (Steph/Greg/Marcus) **DONE**   - <del>[[php-internals@121382088925963|unix path separators in spl]]</del> (Steph/Greg/Marcus) **DONE**
 ==== Alpha2 ==== ==== Alpha2 ====
Line 88: Line 93:
   - <del>[[php-internals@121776917000892|add the const qualifier in several function   - <del>[[php-internals@121776917000892|add the const qualifier in several function
 parameters in Zend/*]]</del> (Felipe) **DONE** parameters in Zend/*]]</del> (Felipe) **DONE**
 ==== Alpha3 ==== ==== Alpha3 ====
-  - [[|fix open PHP 5.3 bugs]] +  - <del>Cleanup code to use the new zend_parse_parameters API</del> (Alexey, Felipe, Olivier, David) **DONE** 
-  - make a PECL package for ext/ming and release a version compatible with libming 0.3 (Frank) +  - <del>Add all missing arg infos to make Reflection more informative (Felipe)</del> **DONE** 
-  - make a PECL package for ext/dbase and release current state +  - <del>commit [[rfc/rounding|rounding RFC]]</del> (Christian S.) **DONE** 
-  - make a PECL package for ext/fbase and release current state (Frank) +  - <del>finish namespace syntax (Greg, Stas)</del> **DONE** 
-  - more add tests for fileinfo (Felix/Derick) +  - <del>deprecate define_syslog_variables()</del> (Kalle) **DONE**
-  - [[bugid@45132|escapeshellcmd() security fix broken]] (Scott/Ilia) +
-  - Fix static build of extension when static is the default and --enable-snapshot-build is used +
-  - Improve the build script to ease the parsing of the output and QA +
-  - finish the code cleanup of fileinfo (Pierre) +
-  - add compression support to fileinfo (Pierre) +
-  - make all extensions use php implementation of getenv (Pierre) +
-  - Cleanup code to use the new zend_parse_parameters API (Alexey, Felipe, Olivier, David) **IN PROGRESS** +
-  - Add all missing arg infos to make Reflection more informative (Felipe) **IN PROGRESS** +
-  - [[php-internals@121562493417767|Algorithm Optimizations - string search]] (Scott) +
-  - [[php-internals@121553589610107|additional re2c tweaks]] (Nuno/Marcus) +
-  - [[php-internals@121683203120583|update to re2c 0.14.0]] (Marcus) +
-  - Merge gd 2.1 to the bundled library (Pierre) +
-  - Enable all features as long as the minimum GD version is available (2.0.36 for 5.3) (Pierre) +
-  - htscanner: move the common part out of fcgi and enable it in the other sapis (or move it to the global SAPI) (Jani/Pierre) +
-  - Openssl: allow signing to work with buffers and add helpers to create signed mails (Pierre) +
-  - add openssl_parse_csr (Pierre) +
-  - [[php-internals@115635520414869| pat3 "OpenLDAP C API cleanup patch" and pat44 "LDAP control support"]] #42060(Pierre+
-  - finish namespace syntax (Greg, Stas) +
-  - <del>deprecate define_syslog_variables()</del> **DONE** (Kalle)+
-==== After Alpha3 (probably Beta1====+==== Beta1 ====
-  - write UPGRADING README file+  - <del>add pecl/enchant as a replacement for ext/pspell</del> (Pierre) **Done** 
 +  - <del>[[|mail() logging]]</del> (ilia) **Done** 
 +  - <del>add spl_object_id() or improve spl_object_hash() to ensure there is a way to uniquely identify an object during a given request (Lars/Guilherme)</del> **Done** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@46844|First line of included files not output if they begin with #]]</del> **Done** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@46304|Defining namespaced constant using define() defines CASE SENSITIVE namespace]]</del> **Done** 
 +==== RC1 ====
-==== Future PHP releases ====+  - <del>[[rfc:newinis|reorganize the bundled php.ini files to production/development recommendations]]</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@46048|SimpleXML top-level @attributes not part of iterator]]</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@46897|ob_flush() should fail to flush unerasable buffers]]</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@46817|tokenizer misses last single-line comment]]</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@46984|Strict-Warning when overwriting methods with changed parameters]]</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@42641|ob_start(): inconsistent behaviour with undefined callbacks]]</del> **WONT FIX (?)** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@47206|Unintended API change in XSLTProcessor]]</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@45432|PDO: persistent connection leak]]</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@47302|Problem with downloading pear]]</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>re-enable phar for big endian systems</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>review closures and especially reflection changes</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>[[php-internals@123309118216429|PHP_5_3 missed merge from PHP_5_2 for write_func callback]]</del> **DONE** 
 +==== RC2 ==== 
 +  - <del>memory leak in the scanner when a new state stack is created</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>Add E_DEPRECATED patch for deprecated ini settings on startup</del> (Kalle) **DONE** 
 +  - <del>fix BC problem with BUILD_ID in Zend Engine (api_check API no longer allows to load extensions with arbitrary API)</del> **DONE** 
 +  - <del>verify PEAR bundle upgrade to the current latest version of 1.8.0</del> (Johannes/Helgi) 
 +  - <del>fix issues with rounding and parsing of floats/integers</del> (Matt/Dmitry) 
 +==== RC3 ==== 
 +  - <del>[[bugid@44859|is_readable() returns incorrect result with NTFS ACL permissions]]</del> (Pierre) **CRITICAL** 
 +  - <del>Add tests for ext/ODBC</del> (Felipe) 
 +==== RC4 ==== 
 +  - <del>very important for APC, about caching (stat cache or other) on win/fcgi</del> (Pierre) 
 +  - <del>add missing windows libs (except for firebird/interbase)</del> (Pierre) 
 +  - [[bugid@43817|opendir() fails on Windows directories with parent directory unaccessible]] (Pierre) 
 +==== stable ==== 
 +  - [[|fix open PHP 5.3 bugs]] 
 +  - <del>finish [[|UPGRADING README]] file</del> (Kalle/Hannes/Philip) 
 +  - <del>write migration guide for the manual</del> (Kalle/Hannes/Philip) 
 +  - <del>Fix the NEWS file, as it skips from 5.2.4 to 5.3.0</del> (Johannes) 
 +  - <del>Add E_DEPRECATED if session.bug_compat_42/warn is On (already removed in HEAD)</del> (Kalle) 
 +  - <del>update short_open_tag descriptions in php.ini-* as per [[|this]]</del> (Philip) 
 +==== After the first stable release ==== 
 +  - <del>add firebird/interbase to windows builds</del> 
 +  - make all extensions use php implementation of getenv (Pierre) 
 +  - Improve the build script to ease the parsing of the output and QA 
 +  - Fix static build of extension on windows when static is the default and --enable-snapshot-build is used (Pierre)
-  - [[rfc:zendsignals|Zend Signal Handling]] (Lucas/Dmitry) 
-  - Bring versioning in core extensions into line with PECL (Steph) 
-  - userspace streams filter that acts as a default filter through which require/include read their files (Sebastian, Sara) 
-  - implement proc_open's 'bypass_shell' option on linux (already works on windows). (Nuno) 
-  - [[|mail() logging]] (ilia) 
-  - XMLWriter Add writeNode([xmlreader obj]), allow to create a push/pull parser 
-  - SPL: Implement Spl(Array|Index|Member)Reference. (Marcus) 
-  - [[php-internals@119240004014373|Large File Support]] (wez) 
-  - Introduce concept of "strict classes" that do not permit dynamic property creation 
-  - Switch for disabling/enabling materialized cursors in mysqli 
-  - [[rfc:traits|traits]] 
-  - [[rfc:taint|taint]] 
-  - switch from bison to lemon 
-  - operator overloading 
-  - [[rfc:static-classes|static classes]] 
-  - "real" properties with attached getters and setters 
-  - Backport the output buffering re-write from HEAD as described in [[bugid@42641]]. 
-  - [[|add a function that returns tsrm_thread_id()]] (already covered by zend_thread_id() but only in debug ZTS mode) (Wez) 
-  - [[rfc:namespaces-for-internal-classes|namespaces for internal classes]] 
 ==== Additional Links ==== ==== Additional Links ====
todo/php53.1227819718.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)