
Version Control System

All of the code for the PHP project is managed in Git repositories hosted by the PHP Organization on GitHub.

The Git Workflow page explains the general Git-based workflow for the php-src repository where the PHP interpreter is developed.

Organization Owners

The organization on GitHub has many owners who have complete administrative access.

There is currently no defined process for adding and/or removing owners (and members).

Not all of the owners are included on this list yet because they had marked their membership as 'private' on GitHub, but the goal is to list everyone.


The PHP organization defines several teams. Explanation of how these are used needs to be added.

The teams are:

  • doc-en-team
  • doc-es-team
  • doc-fr-team
  • doc-pl-team
  • doc-pt_br-team
  • doc-ru-team
  • doc-team
  • doc-tr-team
  • doc-zh-team
  • Release Managers
  • systems-team
  • triage

Lists of team members to be added later.

systems/vcs.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/01 03:15 by jimw