
PHP RFC: Unbundle unmaintained extensions in PHP 8


The RFC proposes to unbundle or assign the PHP Project as a maintainer for the listed extension in PHP 8 following the Cleaning up unmaintained extensions RFC.

For a full list of currently unmaintained extensions please refer to this page: https://wiki.php.net/extensions-unmaintained

The following list provides a short overview of the extensions proposed to be unbundled from php-src in this RFC.

  • Database extensions
    • The DBA extension
    • The ODBC database extension
    • The ODBC PDO Driver extension
    • The Firebird PDO Driver extension
  • XML extensions
    • The XML-RPC extension
    • The SimpleXML extension
    • The XML Parser (xml) extension
    • The XSL extension
  • Human Language and Character Encoding Support extensions
    • The Enchant extension
    • The GetText extension
    • The Pspell extension
    • The iconv extension
  • Process Control Extensions
    • The PCNTL (Process control) extension
    • The POSIX extension
    • The Shared Memory (shmop) extension
    • The System V Semaphore extensions (which contains sysvem, sysvsh, and sysvmsg)
  • Network and Service extensions
    • The FTP extension
    • The SNMP extension
    • The Sockets extension
  • Variable and Type Related Extensions
    • The Filter extension
  • Mathematical Extensions
    • The BC Math extension
  • Other extensions
    • The Calendar extension
    • The Readline extension
    • The Tidy extension

The following extensions are considered maintained by the currently named maintainer:


Each extension is voted separately and requires a 2/3 majority to be unbundled otherwise the PHP Project is named as a maintainer for the extension until the next call for Maintainers.
The number of bugs for each extension is accurate at the time of writing (2019-07-16)

Database extensions

The DBA extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2013.
There are currently 1 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The ODBC extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2004.
There are currently 42 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The ODBC PDO Driver extension

This extension never had a named maintainer.
There are currently 26 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The Firebird PDO Driver extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2007.
There are currently 4 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

XML Extensions

The XML-RPC extension

This extension has been orphaned.
There are currently 3 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The SimpleXML extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2008.
There are currently 23 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The XML Parser (xml) extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2013.
There are currently 3 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs and 1 suspended bug for this extension on the bug tracker (XML Related label).

The XSL extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2010.
There are currently 5 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

Human Language and Character Encoding Support

The Enchant extension

This extension never had a named maintainer.
There are currently no open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The GetText extension

This extension never had a named maintainer.
There are currently 4 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The Pspell extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2004.
There are currently 2 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The iconv extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2010.
There are currently 3 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

Process Control Extensions

The PCNTL (Process control) extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2010.
There are currently 11 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The POSIX extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2000.
There are currently 1 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The Shared Memory (shmop) extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2008.
No category under which to file bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The System V Semaphore extensions (which contains sysvem, sysvsh, and sysvmsg)

This extension never had a named maintainer.
There are currently 9 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

Network and Service extensions

The FTP extension

This extension never had a named maintainer.
There are currently 17 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The SNMP extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2013.
There are currently 4 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The Sockets extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2000.
There are currently 21 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The Filter extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2011.
There are currently 26 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

Mathematical Extensions

The BC Math extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2004.
There are currently 2 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

Other extensions

The Calendar extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2004.
There are currently no open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs and 1 suspended bug for this extension on the bug tracker.

The Readline extension

This extension never had a named maintainer.
There are currently 6 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

The Tidy extension

This extension hasn't had a maintainer since 2012.
There are currently 4 open/verified/analysed/assigned bugs for this extension on the bug tracker.

Backward Incompatible Changes

Code using these extensions will need to install the corresponding extension via PECL or port them to a better-maintained extension.


Version 0.1.0: Initial RFC
Version 0.2.0: Drop extensions which are deemed essential


rfc/unbunle-unmaintained-extensions-php8.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/25 14:03 by girgias