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PHP RFC: Random Extension 5.x


There are several problems with the current implementation of PHP's random functionality, so some improvements.


There are four main problems

  • Global state
  • Mersenne Twister
  • Randomness
  • Internals

Global state

However, the state of Mersenne Twister is implicitly stored in a global area of PHP, and there is no way for the user to access it, so adding any randomization functions between the seeding the intended usage would break the code.

Let's say you have the following code.

function foo(): void {
    // do nothing;
mt_rand(1, 100); // result: 76

Then at some point in time the function was edited like below.

function foo(): void {
    str_shuffle('abc'); // added randomization
mt_rand(1, 100); // result: 65

As you can see, the result of mt_rand has changed from 76 to 65 because str_shuffle() changed the state of Mersenne Twister internally.

Maintaining such code can be difficult when your code utilizes external packages. Also, by using Generator and Fiber introduced in PHP 8.1, the current state can be easily lost.

Given the above, mt_srand() and srand(), can not provide reproducible values in a consistent manner.

Another problem which may occur is when using extensions like Swoole, which copy global random state to child processes due to its structure, making random number-related operations unsafe unless they are reseeded.


Mersenne Twister

Mersenne Twister is an excellent pseudo random number generator. But, it is old and no longer suitable for the current needs.

It has a very long period of 2^19937 - 1. In general, a long period is a good thing, but nevertheless it fails several statistical tests (BigCrush and Crush).

Also, the size that Mersenne Twister can generate is limited to 32-bit. This is not compatible with the current situation where many execution environments are 64-bit and zend_long has a length of 64-bit.


PHP's built-in functions (shuffle(), str_shuffle(), array_rand()) use Mersenne Twister as the default random number source. This is inappropriate if you need cryptographically secure random numbers. If a similar function that meets that requirement is needed, the user will need to implement a new function using random_int() or similar functions.


The implementation of random numbers in PHP is scattered within the standard module for historical reasons.

The following are different header files, but some are interdependent, which can be very confusing to extension developers.

extension header source
Combined LCG standard php_lcg.h lcg.c
libc rand* standard php_rand.h rand.c
MT19937 standard php_mt_rand.h mt_rand.c
CSPRNG standard php_random.h random.c

Userland approach

Think about how the above problems could be solved in userland.

Implement a random number generator in PHP. Here I will consider an already existing implementation (https://github.com/savvot/random) and our implementation of XorShift128+.

class XorShift128Plus
    /* constants */
    protected const MASK_S5 = 0x07ffffffffffffff;
    protected const MASK_S18 = 0x00003fffffffffff;
    protected const MASK_S27 = 0x0000001fffffffff;
    protected const MASK_S30 = 0x00000003ffffffff;
    protected const MASK_S31 = 0x00000001ffffffff;
    protected const MASK_LO = 0x00000000ffffffff;
    protected const ADD_HI = 0x9e3779b9;
    protected const ADD_LO = 0x7f4a7c15;
    protected const MUL1_HILO = 0x476d;
    protected const MUL1_HIHI = 0xbf58;
    protected const MUL1_LO = 0x1ce4e5b9;
    protected const MUL2_HIHI = 0x94d0;
    protected const MUL2_HILO = 0x49bb;
    protected const MUL2_LO = 0x133111eb;
    /* states */
    protected int $s0;
    protected int $s1;
    public function __construct(int $seed)
        $s = $seed;
        $this->s0 = $this->splitmix64($s);
        $this->s1 = $this->splitmix64($s);
    public function generate(): int
        $s1 = $this->s0;
        $s0 = $this->s1;
        $s0h = ($s0 >> 32) & self::MASK_LO;
        $s0l = $s0 & self::MASK_LO;
        $s1h = ($s1 >> 32) & self::MASK_LO;
        $s1l = $s1 & self::MASK_LO;
        $zl = $s0l + $s1l;
        $zh = $s0h + $s1h + ($zl >> 32);
        $z = ($zh << 32) | ($zl & self::MASK_LO);
        $this->s0 = $s0;
        $s1 ^= $s1 << 23;
        $this->s1 = $s1 ^ $s0 ^ (($s1 >> 18) & self::MASK_S18) ^ (($s0 >> 5) & self::MASK_S5);
        return $z;
    protected function splitmix64(int &$s): int
        $zl = $s & self::MASK_LO;
        $zh = ($s >> 32) & self::MASK_LO;
        $carry = $zl + self::ADD_LO;
        $z = $s = (($zh + self::ADD_HI + ($carry >> 32)) << 32) | ($carry & self::MASK_LO);
        $z ^= ($z >> 30) & self::MASK_S30;
        $zl = $z & self::MASK_LO;
        $zh = ($z >> 32) & self::MASK_LO;
        $lo = self::MUL1_LO * $zl;
        $zll = $zl & 0xffff;
        $zlh = $zl >> 16;
        $mul1l = $zll * self::MUL1_HILO;
        $mul1h = $zll * self::MUL1_HIHI + $zlh * self::MUL1_HILO + (($mul1l >> 16) & 0xffff);
        $mul1 = (($mul1h & 0xffff) << 16) | ($mul1l & 0xffff);
        $mul2 = ((self::MUL1_LO * $zh) & self::MASK_LO);
        $carry = (($lo >> 32) & self::MASK_LO);
        $hi = $mul1 + $mul2 + $carry;
        $z = ($hi << 32) | ($lo & self::MASK_LO);
        $z ^= ($z >> 27) & self::MASK_S27;
        $zl = $z & self::MASK_LO;
        $zh = ($z >> 32) & self::MASK_LO;
        $lo = self::MUL2_LO * $zl;
        $zll = $zl & 0xffff;
        $zlh = $zl >> 16;
        $mul1l = $zll * self::MUL2_HILO;
        $mul1h = $zll * self::MUL2_HIHI + $zlh * self::MUL2_HILO + (($mul1l >> 16) & 0xffff);
        $mul1 = (($mul1h & 0xffff) << 16) | ($mul1l & 0xffff);
        $mul2 = (self::MUL2_LO * $zh) & self::MASK_LO;
        $carry = ($lo >> 32) & self::MASK_LO;
        $hi = $mul1 + $mul2 + $carry;
        $z = ($hi << 32) | ($lo & self::MASK_LO);
        return $z ^ (($z >> 31) & self::MASK_S31);
$xs128pp = new \XorShift128Plus(1234);
// Benchmarking
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000000; $i++) {

Compare the speed of these implementations with the PHP's mt_rand().

XorShift128+ (iter:1000000000) MtRand (savvot/random) (iter: 10000000) Native MT (iter: 10000000)
PHP 8.1 0m3.218s 0m4.161s 0m0.160s
PHP 8.1 with JIT 0m1.836s (64M buffer) 0m2.184s (64M buffer) 0m0.184s (64M buffer)

Even with JIT enabled, the native implementation is not far behind. This is due to PHP's inability to handle unsigned integers well.

More about this can be read here: https://externals.io/message/115918#115959


Create a single Randomizer class which provides various randomization methods (like get int/bytes, shuffle string/arrays). This class will take an Engine interface in the constructor which can be swapped based on users needs. Some essential RNG engines will be prepackaged for convenience but an Interface will also be provided so that algorithms can be easily added.

I believe this proposal has the following benefits.

Swapping RNG Based on Environment

The appropriate RNG can be selected depending on the environment.

For example, say you want to use PRNG with a seed in development, but would like to use CSPRNG in production. This would be easily achievable with the following code.

$rng = $is_production
    ? new Random\Engine\Secure()
    : new Random\Engine\PCG64(1234);
$randomizer = new Random\Randomizer($rng);

Fixed Random Number Sequence

Processes that continue to generate random numbers until certain requirements are met may make it difficult to measure the processing load.

$required_result = mt_rand(1, 100);
while (($generated = mt_rand(1, 100)) !== $required_result) {
    echo "retry\n";
echo "done\n";

Interface and dynamic injections, allowing for the fixed sequences at test time.

$engine = new class () implements Random\Engine {
    public function generate(): string
        // Result must be a string.
        return pack('V', 1);
$randomizer = new Random\Randomizer($engine);
$required_result = $randomizer->getInt(1, 100);
while (($generated = $randomizer->getInt(1, 100)) !== $required_result) {
    echo "retry\n";
echo "done\n";

Cryptographically Secure Random Operations

Shuffling strings and arrays using CSPRNG (or any other RNG besides Mersenne Twister) was only achievable by implementing it in userland. This can now be done without writing userland code.

$engine = new Random\Engine\Secure();
$randomizer = new Random\Randomizer($engine);
$items = range(1, 10);
$items = $randomizer->shuffleArray($items);

State safe

Since the scope is limited to the engine instance, unintentional state changes caused by things such as external packages and Fiber are completely prevented.


Implement the following new interfaces and classes.

interface Random\Engine

Interface to provide random number generator engine.

It has a single generate(): string method that generates random numbers as a binary string. This string must be non-empty and attempting to return an empty will result in a RuntimeException. If you implement a random number generator in PHP, you must use the pack() function appropriately.

interface Random\CryptoSafeEngine

A marker interface to indicate that the implemented random number generator is cryptographically secure.

interface SerializableEngine

An interface indicating that the implemented random number generator is serializable.

The following methods must be implemented:

  • _serialize(): array
  • _unserialize(array $data): void

class Random\Engine\CombinedLCG

Generate random numbers using the CombinedLCG algorithm.

By passing a value to the constructor, it can be seeded with any value. If omitted or null, the seed value is generated by CSPRNG.

The following interface are implemented:

  • Random\Engine
  • Random\SerializableEngine

The following methods are implemented:

  • _construct(int|null $seed = null)
  • generate(): string
  • _serialize(): array
  • _unserialize(array $data): void

The values generated by calling CombinedLCG::generate() with the same seed will always return the same sequence of results.


$seed = 1234;
$engine = new \Random\Engine\CombinedLCG($seed);
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // fc6ff102
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // 40e0ce05
// same seed results in same sequence of results.
$engine = new \Random\Engine\CombinedLCG($seed);
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // fc6ff102
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // 40e0ce05

class Random\Engine\MersenneTwister

Generate random numbers using the MT19937 (a.k.a Mersenne Twister) algorithm.

By passing a value to the constructor, it can be seeded with any value. If omitted or null, the seed value is generated by CSPRNG. The second argument, passing MT_RAND_PHP, allows the use of PHP's broken Mersenne Twister.

The following interface are implemented:

  • Random\Engine
  • Random\SerializableEngine

The following methods are implemented:

  • _construct(int|null $seed = null, int $mode = MT_RAND_MT19937)
  • generate(): string
  • _serialize(): array
  • _unserialize(array $data): void

The values generated by calling MersenneTwister::generate() with the same seed will always return the same sequence of results.


$seed = 1234;
$engine = new \Random\Engine\MersenneTwister($seed);
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // 2f6b0731
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // d3e2667f
// same seed results in same sequence of results.
$engine = new \Random\Engine\MersenneTwister($seed);
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // 2f6b0731
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // d3e2667f

class Random\Engine\PCG64

Generate random numbers using the PCG64 (Permuted Congruential Generator, pcg_state_setseq_128 XSL-RR-RR) algorithm.

By passing a value to the constructor, it can be seeded with any value. If omitted or null, the seed value is generated by CSPRNG. A string can also be passed as the seed value, and a string is required to seed with 64-bit or higher values. The string must be 128-bit.

The second argument can be the value of inc in PCG64. This allows the LCG increment to be specified. As with the seed, it can be an int or a 128-bit binary string.

The following interface are implemented:

  • Random\Engine
  • Random\SerializableEngine

The following methods are implemented:

  • _construct(string|int|null $seed = null, string|int|null $sequence = null)
  • generate(): string
  • jump(int $advance): void
  • _serialize(): array
  • _unserialize(array $data): void

jump(int $advance): void can be used to advance the state an arbitrary number of times.

The values generated by calling Random\Engine\PCG64::generate() with the same seed and inc will always return the same sequence of results.


$seed = 1234;
$inc = 3;
$engine = new \Random\Engine\PCG64($seed, $inc);
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // 1c06dad6c4c8b955
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // 8ee5e6c082b15ae7
// same seed results in same sequence of results.
$engine = new \Random\Engine\PCG64($seed, $inc);
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // 1c06dad6c4c8b955
var_dump(bin2hex($engine->generate())); // 8ee5e6c082b15ae7

class Random\Engine\Secure

Random\Engine\Secure::generate() cannot be seeded, and are non-reproducible because they are based on lower-layer true random numbers.

Random number generated by this class is guaranteed to be CSPRNG.

The following interface are implemented:

  • Random\Engine
  • Random\CryptoSafeEngine

The following methods are implemented:

  • _construct()
  • generate(): string

The sequence generated by Secure::generate() is not reproducible in any way.

final class Random\Randomizer

A single class for processing with random numbers using the engine.

The following methods are implemented:

  • _construct(Random\Engine $engine = new Random\Engine\Secure())
  • getInt(): int - replaces mt_rand()
  • getInt(int $min, int $max) - replaces mt_rand()
  • getBytes(int length): string - replaces random_bytes()
  • shuffleArray(array $array): array - replaces shuffle()
  • shuffleString(string $string): string = replaces str_shuffle()
  • _serialize(): array
  • _unserialize(array $data): void

The engine in the constructor is optional, and if it is omitted, Random\Engine\Secure is automatically used.

This class is serializable, but will fail if the given Engine is not serializable.

PRNG shootout

Since MT19937 has the aforementioned problems, an alternative algorithm must be chosen.

When introducing a new RNG algorithm, the selection of the algorithm is very important. The following table shows the RNG algorithms that I considered and their characteristics.

Generate size State size Performance Issues Implemented applications
MT19937 32-bit 32-bit x 624 Normal Some statistical test failed PHP, Python, Ruby
XorShift128+ 64-bit 64-bit x 2 Excellent Failure BigCrush V8, SpiderMonkey, JavaScriptCore
Xoshiro256++ 64-bit 64-bit x 4 Excellent, SIMD-frendly Currently none Rust
Xoshiro256* * 64-bit 64-bit x 4 Excellent Currently none Rust, .NET 6.0
PCG64 (XSL-RR-RR) 64-bit 128-bit x 2 Good Currently none Rust, NumPy

MT19937 and XorShift128+ are already widely used, but they have failed several statistical tests and are not recommended for new use. So I adopted a more modern PRNG called PCG64 which does not have any statistical test problems.

PCG64 is the only implementation of a reproducible RNG, except for MT19937 for compatibility and the special uses User and Secure.

PCG64 (pcg_state_setseq_128 XSL-RR-RR) looked like a good fit since it uses 64-bit wide values. PCG64 uses 128-bit integers, which cannot be used natively in 32-bit environments and needs to be emulated, but I think this is not a problem since most environments are now using 64-bit architectures.

I also considered Xoshiro256** but chose PCG because all of the issues raised against PCG64 appeared to have been resolved appropriately. The issues raised and the inventor's discussion of them can be found at

It is interesting to note that these algorithms have been heavily criticized by each other. Both opinions were respectable, which made the selection process very difficult.

I considered implementing both but adding unnecessary choices would have caused confusion for the users so the idea was dropped. If anyone thinks one is needed it can be added through PHP extensions.

Internal Changes

As a side effect of this RFC, the following PHP functions have been moved to the new ext/random extension.

  • lcg_value()
  • srand()
  • rand()
  • mt_srand()
  • mt_rand()
  • random_int()
  • random_bytes()

The following internal APIs will also be moved to the ext/random extension:

  • php_random_int_throw()
  • php_random_int_silent()
  • php_combined_lcg()
  • php_mt_srand()
  • php_mt_rand()
  • php_mt_rand_range()
  • php_mt_rand_common()
  • php_srand()
  • php_rand()
  • php_random_bytes()
  • php_random_int()

This is because ext/standard/random.c reserves the name RANDOM and cannot be used by the extension. In addition, all RNG-related implementations will be moved to the new random extension in order to standardize the RNG implementation.

The following header files are left in for extension compatibility.

  • ext/standard/php_lcg.h
  • ext/standard/php_rand.h
  • ext/standard/php_mt_rand.h
  • ext/standard/php_random.h

The contents all include ext/random/php_random.h.

#include “ext/random/php_random.h”

Future Scope

These are not within the scope of this RFC, but are worth considering in the future:

  • Remove old header files for compatibility (php_lcg.h, php_rand.h, php_mt_rand.h, php_random.h)
  • Deprecate lcg_value(), mt_srand(), srand()

Backward Incompatible Changes

The following names have been reserved and will no longer be available

  • Random
  • Random\Engine
  • Random\CryptoSafeEngine
  • Random\SerializableEngine
  • Random\Engine\CombinedLCG
  • Random\Engine\MersenneTwister
  • Random\Engine\PCG64
  • Random\Engine\Secure
  • Random\Randomizer

Proposed PHP Version(s)


RFC Impact



To Existing Extensions

In the future, it may be necessary to change the included header files to point to ext/random/php_random.h. However, compatibility will be maintained for now.

To Opcache


New Constants


php.ini Defaults


Open Issues



Voting opens 2022-MM-DD and 2021-MM-DD at 00:00:00 EDT. 2/3 required to accept.

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Patches and Tests

rfc/rng_extension.1653984761.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/31 08:12 by zeriyoshi