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rfc:password_hash [2012/06/26 15:10] – created ircmaxellrfc:password_hash [2012/09/04 14:13] – Open Voting ircmaxell
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 ====== Request for Comments: Adding simple password hashing API ====== ====== Request for Comments: Adding simple password hashing API ======
-  * Version: 0.1+  * Version: 1.3
   * Date: 2012-06-26   * Date: 2012-06-26
   * Author: Anthony Ferrara <ircmaxell@php.net>   * Author: Anthony Ferrara <ircmaxell@php.net>
-  * Status: Draft+  * Status: Voting Opened
   * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/password_hash   * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/password_hash
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 Password Hashing is a way to convert a user-supplied password into a one-way derived token for storage. By using the derived token, it makes it impossible to reverse the stored token and get the original password used by the user. This adds a layer of defense in case an attacker gets access to the database storing the password. Password Hashing is a way to convert a user-supplied password into a one-way derived token for storage. By using the derived token, it makes it impossible to reverse the stored token and get the original password used by the user. This adds a layer of defense in case an attacker gets access to the database storing the password.
-==== Why Do We Need Strong Password Hashing?+==== Why Do We Need Strong Password Hashing? ====
 As it turns out, just hashing a password using //md5()// or even //sha512()// isn't good enough. Cryptographic hash functions (such as those supplied by //hash()//) are designed to be fast. This is good for cryptographic needs such as signing. But for password hashing, that's a problem since it allows an attacker to brute force a lot of passwords very quickly. Adding a salt makes it resistent to [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_table|rainbow tables]], but not resistent to brute forcing where that salt is known. As it turns out, just hashing a password using //md5()// or even //sha512()// isn't good enough. Cryptographic hash functions (such as those supplied by //hash()//) are designed to be fast. This is good for cryptographic needs such as signing. But for password hashing, that's a problem since it allows an attacker to brute force a lot of passwords very quickly. Adding a salt makes it resistent to [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_table|rainbow tables]], but not resistent to brute forcing where that salt is known.
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 ==== New Functions ==== ==== New Functions ====
-  * //string password_hash(string $password, string $algo = PASSWORD_DEFAULT, array $options = array())// - The function which creates new password hashes. If called with one parameter, it will auto-generate a salt, and use the defined default algorithm (currently //bcrypt//). The //$options// array allows for passing in algorithm specific options. In the case of //bcrypt//, two options are supported: //salt// and //cost//. The //salt// parameter, if provided, will be used in place of an auto-generated salt. The //cost// parameter is passed to //crypt()// to control the amount of CPU time that should be expended creating the hash (higher is more resistent to brute forcing, lower is kinder on the servers. A balance should be achieved).+  * //string password_hash(string $password, int $algo, array $options = array())// - The function which creates new password hashes. The second parameter //algo// indicates which algorithm should be used to execute the hash. You can use the default constant if you want the algorithm to automatically update itself to the strongest algorithm available as PHP is upgraded. If called with two parameters, it will auto-generate a salt. The //$options// array allows for passing in algorithm specific options. In the case of //bcrypt//, two options are supported: //salt// and //cost//. The //salt// parameter, if provided, will be used in place of an auto-generated salt. The //cost// parameter is passed to //crypt()// to control the amount of CPU time that should be expended creating the hash (higher is more resistent to brute forcing, lower is kinder on the servers. A balance should be achieved).
   * //bool password_verify($password, $hash)// - The function which verifies an existing hash. This hash can be created via //password_hash()//, or a normal //crypt()// hash. The only thing it provides on top of //crypt()// is resistance to timing attacks by using a constant-time comparison function.   * //bool password_verify($password, $hash)// - The function which verifies an existing hash. This hash can be created via //password_hash()//, or a normal //crypt()// hash. The only thing it provides on top of //crypt()// is resistance to timing attacks by using a constant-time comparison function.
-  * //string password_make_salt(int $lengthbool $raw_output false)// - This function will create a new random salt of the specified length using psuedo-random algorithmsIt will be used by //password_hash()// if a salt is not provided. But it can also be used to generate salts for other //crypt()// algorithms that //password_hash()// does not support. It can also be used to generate strong salts for other algorithmssuch as //PBKDF2// (which exists as an RFC now), or 3pd libraries like //PHPASS//.+  * //bool password_needs_rehash(string $hash, int $algoarray $options array())// - This function checks to see if the supplied hash implements the algorithm and options providedIf notit is assumed that the hash needs to be rehashed. 
 +  * //array password_get_info(string $hash)// - This function gets the information used to generate a hash. The returned array has two keysalgo and options.
 ==== New Constants ==== ==== New Constants ====
-Initially, two constants are defined:+Initially, several new constants are defined:
-  * //PASSWORD_BCRYPT = "2y"// - Create new password hashes using the //CRYPT_BLOWFISH// algorithm+  * //PASSWORD_BCRYPT = 1// - Create new password hashes using the //CRYPT_BLOWFISH// algorithm
   * //PASSWORD_DEFAULT = PASSWORD_BCRYPT// - The default algorithm to use for hashing if no algorithm is provided. This can change in future releases if a new, stronger hashing algorithm (such as //scrypt// is supported).   * //PASSWORD_DEFAULT = PASSWORD_BCRYPT// - The default algorithm to use for hashing if no algorithm is provided. This can change in future releases if a new, stronger hashing algorithm (such as //scrypt// is supported).
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  * //BCrypt// - The //CRYPT_BLOWFISH// algorithm. The strongest algorithm currently supported by PHP.  * //BCrypt// - The //CRYPT_BLOWFISH// algorithm. The strongest algorithm currently supported by PHP.
-==== Possible Implementation Details ====+==== Behavioral Semantics ==== 
 +=== password_hash() === 
 +  * E_WARNING - When CRYPT is not included in core (was disabled compile-time, or is listed in disabled_functions declaration) 
 +  * E_WARNING - When supplied an incorrect number of arguments. 
 +  * E_WARNING - When supplied a non-string first parameter (password) 
 +  * E_WARNING - If an algorithm is specified in the algo parameter that is not supported 
 +  * E_WARNING - If a bcrypt cost parameter is outside of the range 4-31 (by ini or specified in the options array) 
 +  * E_WARNING - If a non-string salt option is provided 
 +  * E_WARNING - If a provided salt option is too short for the specified algorithm 
 +If any error is raise, //false// is returned by the function. 
 +Normal Operation: 
 +With BCrypt, the output of //crypt()// is checked for error states (output < 13 characters). If there was an error in hashing, //false// is returned (this shouldn't happen due to the verification of the parameters, but it's there in case something fails). Otherwise, the output of //crypt()// is returned directly. 
 +It's important to note that the output of //crypt()// (and hence //password_hash()//) contains all the information that will be needed to verify the hash later. Therefore, if the default hashing algorithm changes, or the user changes their algorithm, old hashed passwords would still continue to function and will be validated properly. 
 +If we look at the output format of a hash: 
 +<file php basic_usage.php> 
 +var_dump(password_hash("rasmuslerdorf", PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array("cost" => 7, "salt" => "usesomesillystringfor"))); 
 +// string(60) "$2y$07$usesomesillystringfore2uDLvp1Ii2e./U9C8sBjqp8I90dH6hi" 
 +Note that //$2y$// indicates the algorithm to use (in this case, bcrypt). The //07$// indicates the cost parameter supplied. The //usesomesillystringfor// is the salt we provided. And the final part, //e2uDLvp1Ii2e./U9C8sBjqp8I90dH6hi// is the generated hash. 
 +So this final hash string consists of everything that //crypt()// or //password_verify()// will need to test the hash. Therefore, there is no need to store the salt separately, it's included in the generated hash. And there is no need to store the algorithm separately, as it is also stored in the generated hash. 
 +=== password_verify() === 
 +  * E_WARNING - When CRYPT is not included in core (was disabled compile-time, or is listed in disabled_functions declaration) 
 +  * E_WARNING - When supplied incorrect number of parameters. 
 +On error, it will return false. 
 +Normal Operation: 
 +When passed a correct password and the generated hash from //password_hash()//, the function will return a boolean //true//. If there is any failure (hash is invalid, password is incorrect, hash is corrupted, etc), the function will return a boolean //false//
 +It's important to note that this function does not take any indication of the algorithm or salt. That's because both are included in the resulting //$hash// return value from //password_hash()//
 +=== password_get_info() === 
 +  * E_WARNING - When supplied an incorrect number or type of of parameters. 
 +On error, it will return NULL 
 +Normal Operation: 
 +When passed in a valid hash created by a supported password_hash algorithm, this function will return an array of information about that hash. The first associative element, "algo" is the algorithm that was used to generate the hash (or //0// if not found). The second element is "options", which includes the used options by the hashing algorithm, with the exception of the salt used. 
 +=== password_needs_rehash() === 
 +  * E_WARNING - When supplied an incorrect number or type of of parameters. 
 +On error, it will return NULL 
 +Normal Operation: 
 +The supplied hash parameter is tested to see if the algorithm and options supplied match. Basically, this is similar to a wrapper over password_get_info() to validate if the supplied hash matches the configuration options passed in. This can be used to determine if a hash needs to be re-hashed after modifying the options (such as increasing bcrypt cost, changing algorithms, etc). 
 +<file php basic_usage.php> 
 +$password = "rasmuslerdorf"; 
 +$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array("cost" => 7, "salt" => "usesomesillystringfor"))); 
 +if (password_verify($password, $hash)) { 
 +    if (password_needs_rehash($hash, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array('cost' => 8))) { 
 +        update_password_in_db($password); 
 +    } 
 +    log_user_in(); 
 +} else { 
 +    error_wrong_password(); 
 +It could be implemented in user-land by: 
 +<file php user_needs_rehash.php> 
 +function password_needs_rehash($hash, $algo, array $options = array()) { 
 +    $info = password_get_info($hash); 
 +    $return = $algo != $info['algo']; 
 +    // Skip salt parameter if supplied to options 
 +    $return |= array() != array_diff_assoc($info['options'], $options); 
 +    return $return; 
 +==== Examples ==== 
 +===Basic Usage:=== 
 +<file php basic_usage.php> 
 +$password = "foo"; 
 +$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); 
 +// Store Hash 
 +if (password_verify($password, $hash)) { 
 +    // Password Is Correct 
 +} else { 
 +    // Password Is Not Correct 
 +===Specifying Algorithm:=== 
 +<file php specify_algorithm.php> 
 +$password = "foo"; 
 +$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); 
 +// Store Hash 
 +if (password_verify($password, $hash)) { 
 +    // Password Is Correct 
 +} else { 
 +    // Password Is Not Correct 
 +===Specifying Cost:=== 
 +<file php specify_cost.php> 
 +$password = "foo"; 
 +$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array("cost" => 14); 
 +// Store Hash 
 +if (password_verify($password, $hash)) { 
 +    // Password Is Correct 
 +} else { 
 +    // Password Is Not Correct 
 +===Specifying Salt Manually:=== 
 +<file php specify_salt.php> 
 +$password = "foo"; 
 +$salt = mcrypt_create_iv(22, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);  
 +$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array("cost" => 14, "salt" => $salt); 
 +// Store Hash 
 +if (password_verify($password, $hash)) { 
 +    // Password Is Correct 
 +} else { 
 +    // Password Is Not Correct 
 +==== Possible Future Implementation Details ====
-  * INI setting for bcrypt cost - Presently, the default cost for //bcrypt// is determined by a C constant which can be updated in future releases. This could be changed to use an INI constant such as //password.bcrypt_cost = 11// so that hosts can change the default cost parameter at runtime. The problem with this is that hosts can also reduce the default cost so significantly that it makes the default hash very weak (relatively speaking).  
   * INI setting for default algo - Presently, the default algorithm is identified by a constant that can be updated only with a source-code change. It may be worth while implementing an INI setting to allow that to be chosen by the host. As the proposed implementation has only a single algorithm, this may be a choice to be made in the future.   * INI setting for default algo - Presently, the default algorithm is identified by a constant that can be updated only with a source-code change. It may be worth while implementing an INI setting to allow that to be chosen by the host. As the proposed implementation has only a single algorithm, this may be a choice to be made in the future.
 +  * Future PHP major releases should update the default bcrypt cost constant to increment it, providing default protection against increasing hardware performance. This will allow the default values for the function password_hash() to remain strong over time as hardware advances.
 +==== Updating PASSWORD_DEFAULT ====
 +I'd propose the following policy for updating the default hashing algorithm in future releases of PHP.
 +  * Any new algorithm must be in core for at least 1 full release of PHP prior to becoming default. So if scrypt is added in 5.5.5, it wouldn't be eligible for default until 5.7 (since 5.6 would be the full release). But if jcrypt (making it up) was added in 5.6.0, it would also be eligible for default at 5.7.0.
 +  * The default should only change on a full release (5.6.0, 6.0.0, etc) and not on a revision release. The only exception to this is in an emergency when a critical security flaw is found in the current default.
 +  * For a normal (non-emergency) change in default, an RFC shall be issued for the update of the default algorithm, following normal RFC rules.
 +==== Removed Concepts ====
 +  * An INI setting for the default bcrypt cost. This has been removed due to popular opinion. The default bcrypt cost is now determined solely by a C constant defined in ext/standard/php_password.h.
 ==== Patch ==== ==== Patch ====
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 Additionally, a compatibility version in PHP is maintained at [[https://github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat|Github]]. This can be used in PHP versions 5.3 and 5.4 and for testing. Additionally, a compatibility version in PHP is maintained at [[https://github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat|Github]]. This can be used in PHP versions 5.3 and 5.4 and for testing.
 +===== Future Concerns =====
 +With the nature of cryptography, future compatibility is a significant concern. In order to be safe, this functionality would need to be able to adapt to changing requirements in the future. There are a few provisions that enable future compatibility in future versions of PHP:
 +  - New algorithms can be added to the API. It's already designed to be extended with new algorithms. The existance of the `$algo` and `$options` parameters to `password_hash()` are designed to allow arbitrary algorithms to be implemented in the future.
 +  - The default algorithm is specified by a constant //PASSWORD_DEFAULT//. As new and stronger algorithms are added, this constant can be updated to point to the strongest at the time. 
 +  - The default cost parameter to BCRYPT is specified in the php.ini file. This allows individual sites to tailor the cost of bcrypt for their needs. Additionally, the default value (if not set in PHP.ini) can be updated in the source from release to release to compensate for faster hardware.
 +  - If an implemented algorithm is ever grossly compromised (to the point of uselessness), password_hash() can be changed to either reject creation of new hashes for that algorithm, or raise warnings to notify users about said problems... Additionally, password_needs_rehash() can be changed to always return true for the compromised algorithm.
 +===== Discussion Points =====
 +==== password_hash() Algo Argument as optional ====
 +There has been some discussion around the second argument of password_hash() (The algorithm argument) and whether it should have a default value or not.
 +=== Should Have A Default ===
 +The "should have a default setting" argument is that it makes the API easier to use. All you would need to do is //password_hash($password)// to safely hash a password. The default would be updated according to the "Updating PASSWORD_DEFAULT" guidelines above. The API would become //string password_hash(string $password, int $algo = PASSWORD_DEFAULT, array $options = array())//
 +=== Should Not Have A Default ===
 +By not having a default value (and hence being a mandatory argument), it forces implementing developers to understand that the default argument can change over time. This has a few benefits in that developers need to recognize that storage requirements may change over time, that portability may be affected, etc.
 +=== Current Position ===
 +The current position of this RFC sides with the "should not have a default" argument. Therefore, the function has a required second argument.
 +==== password_make_salt() Is Not Needed ====
 +There has also been discussion around whether or not //password_make_salt()// should be exposed to user-land. 
 +=== It should not be exposed ===
 +The argument that it should not be exposed is that it's not really doing anything generic. It produces a random salt of the specified length. This can already be accomplished in user-land via combinations of functions such as //mcrypt_create_iv()// and //base64_encode()//. Therefore, its existence is not really necessary.
 +=== It should be exposed ===
 +The argument that it should be exposed is that it needs to be implemented in C because it is needed for password_hash(), so it should be exposed so that it can be used for other things in userland. One of these other uses is that the format for the string (a-zA-Z0-9./) is already correct for //crypt()//. Therefore, a single function call can create salts for the other crypt() algorithms. Whereas to safely create them now requires a combination of at least 3 function calls.
 +=== Current Position ===
 +The current position of this RFC sides with the "should not be exposed" argument. The function has been removed from the proposal.
 +==== password_needs_rehash() is not needed ====
 +The function //password_needs_rehash()// can be implemented in user-land with the information returned by //password_get_info()//.
 +=== Not Needed ===
 +Since the function can be implemented in user-land, there is no need to implement it in core.
 +=== Needed ===
 +There are a few reasons to include it in core. It makes it significantly easier to implement as otherwise implementation specific changes would need to be made over time to ensure that new algorithms are correctly identified (with their options). It also provides the ability to always reject hashes made using a grossly compromised algorithm (letting password_verify work, but rejecting password_hash attempts)...
 +=== Current Position ===
 +The current position of this RFC is that the function is needed, and is implemented.
 +==== The Existence Of PASSWORD_DEFAULT ====
 +There's been some discussion around the existence of the PASSWORD_DEFAULT constant.
 +=== Should Have It ===
 +The argument for the constant is that it provides the ability for code to take advantage of the most secure algorithm for the current release of PHP. This would change over time, but over a long term period of time (would only change every major release). Therefore, it would make it easier to implement code that would stay secure over a long period of time.
 +=== Should Not Have It ===
 +By not having the constant, developers would be forced to choose a specific algorithm at author time. This would allow them to understand the different algorithms available and make an intelligent choice. Additionally, it would prevent migration issues that could be caused by a changing algorithm (storage requirements, etc).
 +=== Current Position ===
 +The current position of this RFC is that the benefits of the constant relating to long term security outweigh the bad parts for the average developer. Therefore, the constant exists.
 +==== password_verify() Returns FALSE On Error ====
 +There's been discussion about the return value on parameter parse errors.
 +=== NULL ===
 +The argument that password_verify should return //NULL// on a parameter parse error (invalid types, invalid numbers of types, etc) because that's the standard way PHP internal functions deal with parameter errors. For consistency it should also return //NULL//.
 +=== FALSE ===
 +The argument is that password_verify should always return a strict boolean type. That way, a check of //if (false === password_verify(..))// would not accidentally return a false condition when the password was not verified. As such, it would become possible for password_verify() to return falsy, but non-false results when it did not successfully verify the password hash.
 +=== Current Position ===
 +The current position is that the security context of the function justifies the break of consistency with other core functions. Therefore password_verify() currently only ever returns a boolean (never NULL).
 +==== The API Does Not Support PEPPER ====
 +A Pepper is similar to a salt, except that it's a unique site-wide value which is stored outside of the database.
 +=== Should Have Pepper ===
 +The "should have" pepper argument is that it provides an added level of defense in case a database with salts and hashes is leaked.
 +=== Should Not Have Pepper ===
 +There are a few reasons we should not use peppers:
 +  * No standard cryptographic algorithm or function accepts a unique "pepper" argument.
 +  * There are no peer-reviewed standards or research papers that indicate that using a pepper adds any significant value.
 +  * Since the security value of the "pepper" is in its secrecy, it becomes a cryptographic secret. PHP variables are not conducive to holding secrets (in that they cannot be cleared or overwritten directly).
 +Additionally, the same benefit can be had by encrypting the hash using the secret "pepper" value prior to storage. In practice this will be the better alternative (although for most use-cases not necessary) because it uses standard algorithms with correct inputs for them.
 +=== Current Position ===
 +This RFC takes the position that the core API should not directly use a pepper.
 ===== References =====  ===== References ===== 
Line 100: Line 387:
   * [[http://stackoverflow.com/q/1561174/338665|SHA512 vs Blowfish and BCrypt]]   * [[http://stackoverflow.com/q/1561174/338665|SHA512 vs Blowfish and BCrypt]]
 +==== Timing Attacks ====
 +  * [[http://rdist.root.org/2010/07/19/exploiting-remote-timing-attacks/|Exploiting Remote Timing Attacks]]
 +  * [[http://rdist.root.org/2010/01/07/timing-independent-array-comparison/|Timing Independent Array Comparison]]
 +  * [[http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/papers/ssl-timing.pdf|SSL Timing Attacks (PDF)]]
 +  * [[http://blog.astrumfutura.com/2010/10/nanosecond-scale-remote-timing-attacks-on-php-applications-time-to-take-them-seriously/|Nanosecond Scale Remote Timing Attacks on PHP Applications]]
 ==== Strong Algorithms ==== ==== Strong Algorithms ====
Line 107: Line 400:
   * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2|PBKDF2]]   * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2|PBKDF2]]
   * [[http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt.html|SCrypt]]   * [[http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt.html|SCrypt]]
 +===== Vote =====
 +title="Should the simplified password hashing API indicated here be included in master?" auth="ircmaxell" voteType="single" closed="False">
 +   * Yes
 +   * No
 ===== Changelog ===== ===== Changelog =====
   * 0.1 - Initial Draft   * 0.1 - Initial Draft
 +  * 0.2 - Add ini directive for bcrypt cost
 +  * 0.3 - Add section on future concerns
 +  * 0.4 - Add behavioral semantics for each function
 +  * 0.5 - Remove ini directive for bcrypt cost
 +  * 0.6 - Make //$algo// parameter to //password_hash()// no longer optional
 +  * 0.7 - Implement password_get_info() and password_needs_rehash()
 +  * 0.8 - Add discussion points section, change password_make_salt to take flag for second parameter
 +  * 1.0 - Proposed
 +  * 1.1 - Add pepper discussion
 +  * 1.2 - Removed //password_make_salt()// function from proposal
 +  * 1.3 - Open Voting
rfc/password_hash.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 by