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PHP RFC: Improve predictable PRNG random


Current predictable PRNG, i.e. mt_rand() and rand(), produces very weak random values even produces non random values.

Non random value

// We need the same random numbers here
for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {
   // Use my PRNG state
   $my_rand[] = mt_rand(); 
// Somewhere later in code AND/OR even other requests
// We need somewhat random numbers for non CS purpose
for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {
   // following mt_rand() is NOT RANDOM at all
   $my_other_rand[] = mt_rand(); 

This is not limited to specific request that calls mt_srand($some_value), but applies to consecutive requests.

PHP should have system and user PRNG state to resolve this behavior.

Weak seeding = Weak random

MT rand has 2^19937−1 cycle. This makes MT rand much stronger than older predictable PRNG. However, PHP initializes MT rand by 32 bit int value for both system and user seed, thus only 2^32 initial states. As a result, PHP's MT rand cannot not use more than 99% of MT rand cycle. This behavior is extremely weaker than MT rand could be.

To resolve this issue, PHP should initialize MT rand with more seed value and have API allows large seed value.

Rack of Reseeding

Reseeding is important for PRNG to mitigate guessed random value. Since MT rand is predictable PRNG, using the same PRNG state allows to guess random value. Current PHP only supports very weak initialization and keeps using the same PRNG state once it is initialized. This behavior makes trivial to guess MT rand generated random numbers.

To resolve this issue, PHP should reseed MT rand when state is used certain number of times.


Return PRNG state object from mt_srand()/srand()

  RandomState mt_srand([int|string $seed]);
  RandomState srand([int|string $seed]);

Returned RandomeState object is used for PRNG. Unless PRNG state object is specified, functions that use MT rand uses internal system PRNG state. When $seed is string, all bits are used for PRNG state initialization upto MT rand state buffer max. Internal PRNG state uses php_random_bytes() and randomize state.

Note: srand() is alias of mt_rand(). Python initializes MT rand state by string data like this proposal.


  $state = mt_srand(random_bytes(2000));
  $rand = mt_rand($state); // User PRNG state is used
  $rand = mt_rand(); // System PRNG state is used

Add optional PRNG object parameter for functions

  int mt_rand([RandomState $seed_object])
  int mt_rand(int $min, int $max [, RandomState $seed_object])
  int rand([RandomState $seed_object])
  int rand(int $min, int $max [, RandomState $seed_object])
  bool shuffle(array &$arr [, RandomSatate $seed_object]);

When user initialized PRNG state object is specified, specified state is used to generate random values.

RandomState object

class RandomState {
    private int $count = 0; // Number of this state is used to generate random value
    private int $reseed = 100; // Max number of count to reseed automatically
    private string $state; // Binary PRNG state
    public function getCount() {
       return $this->count;
    public function Reseed([int $count = NULL]) {
      if ($count) {
         $this->reseed = $count;
         return TRUE;
      return $this->reseed;

Add automatic reseeding for system PRNG state

Add BG(mt_rand_reseed) global default to 100.

   ini_set('mt_rand_reseed', 10); // Change system reseed cycle to 10
   ini_get('mt_rand_reseed'); // Get system reseed cycle

uint32_t BG(mt_rand_is_seeded) is used for already seeded flag and counter. Upper 16 bits are used for seeded flag, lower 16 bits are used for counters. Therefore, max reseed count is 2^16.

Backward Incompatible Changes

Basically, none if user wants random values. mt_srand()/srand() returned nothing previously.

If users want static random values, they have to use RandomStatus object to get it.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

Next PHP 7.x

RFC Impact



To Existing Extensions

Modules uses MT rand RPNG.

To Opcache


New Constants


php.ini Defaults


  • mt_rand_reseed = 10 for compiled/php.ini-*.

Open Issues

Research internal MT rand usage and adjust them.

Unaffected PHP Functionality

Patch uses CSPRNG, php_random_bytes(), which could raise exception in case of CSPRNG failure. However, raised exception is not a matter that PHP should took care of.

  1. php_random_bytes() abstracts access to CSPRNG. PHP cannot compile without CSPRNG now.
  2. modern/usable system should provide CSPRNG as system service.
  3. CSPRNG is system service and error is very unlikely unless serious hardware and/or OS error.
  4. CSPRNG access error is system error that PHP should not try to recover or workaround.

CSPRNG exception should be raised when it is necessary, but it is not a real BC issue.

Future Scope

Add object based predictable PRNG API.

Proposed Voting Choices

Patches and Tests



After the project is implemented, this section should contain

  1. the version(s) it was merged to
  2. a link to the git commit(s)
  3. a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature
  4. a link to the language specification section (if any)


Links to external references, discussions or RFCs

Rejected Features

Keep this updated with features that were discussed on the mail lists.

rfc/improve_predictable_prng_random.1485924879.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)