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rfc:get_declared_enums [2024/08/20 02:32] – created jrfrfc:get_declared_enums [2024/10/01 22:38] (current) – Status change jrf
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   * Version: 0.1   * Version: 0.1
   * Date: 2024-08-19   * Date: 2024-08-19
-  * Author: Juliette Reinders Folmer (php.net_nospam@adviesenzo.nl), Ayesh Karunaratne (ayesh@php.watch) +  * Author: Juliette Reinders Folmer (<php.net_nospam@adviesenzo.nl>), Ayesh Karunaratne (<ayesh@php.watch>
-  * Status: Draft+  * Status: Under Discussion
   * Implementation: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/15443   * Implementation: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/15443
   * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/get_declared_enums   * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/get_declared_enums
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 ===== Proposal ===== ===== Proposal =====
-There are four different <abbr title="Object-Oriented">OO</abbr> structures in PHP:+There are four different OO structures in PHP:
   * Classes   * Classes
   * Interfaces   * Interfaces
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 ===== Proposed Voting Choices ===== ===== Proposed Voting Choices =====
-Each vote would need a 2/3 majority.+Each vote would need a 2/3 majority. Voting started on 2024-XX-XX 
 +YY:YY UTC and closed on 2024-XX-XX YY:YY UTC.
-### Add a new get_declared_enums() function in the next PHP 8.x+<doodle title="Add a new get_declared_enums() function in the next PHP 8.x" auth="jrf" voteType="single" closed="true"> 
 +   * Yes 
 +   * No 
 +<doodle title="Deprecate using class_exists() for enums in PHP 8.x and change class_exists() to return false for enums in PHP 9.0" auth="jrf" voteType="single" closed="true"> 
 +   * Yes 
 +   * No 
 +<doodle title="Remove enums from the return value of get_declared_classes() in PHP 9.0" auth="jrf" voteType="single" closed="true"> 
 +   * Yes 
 +   * No 
-### Deprecate using class_exists() for enums in PHP 8.x and change class_exists() to return false for enums in PHP 9.0 
-### Remove enums from the return value of get_declared_classes() in PHP 9.0 
  * The third vote is conditional on the first vote passing.  * The third vote is conditional on the first vote passing.
rfc/get_declared_enums.1724121164.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/20 02:32 by jrf