
PHP RFC: Generic arrays


The PHP programming language lacks generics - one of the biggest problems with the absence of this feature is the lack of typed arrays.

One of the most important use cases is for things like controller/action abstractions in frameworks - these are currently forced to use complex solutions such as parameter attributes, parsing PHP-Doc annotations, or other workarounds to address the need for specifying array types, which can then only be checked at run-time by the framework, and receive limited IDE and static inspection support only from specialized external tooling. The goal for this feature is to provide a simpler, native solution to typed arrays, enabling e.g. controller/action abstractions, data-mappers, ORMs, etc. to use native reflection to determine array types.

This feature is designed not to conflict with full support for generics in the future. Arrays are a special case requiring special treatmeant in any case, since arrays are a builtin type, and not something that would be automatically supported by introducing generic classes and interfaces - while these could support generic collection types (classes) it is equally important to support type-hinting of the builtin, value-typed array datatype. Since arrays are declared using a literal keyword, and since this proposal extends the older array literal only, this can be done without introducing generic syntax to the rest of the language.


The following is a small, motivating example of safely mapping some post-data against function parameters:

function processUserConsent(bool $accepted, array<string> $categories) {
    if ($accepted) {
        setcookie('consent', implode(",", $categories), time() + 24*60*60*365);
    } else {
        setcookie('consent', '', 1);
$post = [
    "accepted" => true,
    "categories" => ["necessary", "preferences"]

The array elements in this example will be automatically type-checked.


Like regular arrays, typed arrays behave like values, and are passed by value. (they are not objects, and they are not passed by reference.)

Typed arrays are type-checked at run-time, when an array literal is created, and when an element is appended or replaced into a typed array. If a type-check fails, a TypeError will be thrown.

The feature should use familiar generic syntax like array<User> or array<string,int> etc. for type-hints, where array<V> and array<K,V> are separate pseudo-types specifying either the element value type, or the key and value types. When no key type is specified, the element identity behavior should be identical to that of regular, untyped arrays.

Typed array literals will be written as e.g. $users = array<User>(new User("Alice"), new User("Bob")). (Note that this should not interfere with function calling syntax, since the array() literal is a language construct, and not a function.)

(Note that the 2014 “Array Of” RFC suggested a simpler syntax for type hints, namely User[] - for the sake of consistency, and since this syntax is unable to specify the key type, this RFC proposes consistent use of the array keyword for type hints and literal values.)


In the following, we describe the type-casting behavior when assigning or returning typed arrays.

Return types

For the sake of ergonomics, an untyped array (literal or local variable) may be returned from a function with a narrower, typed array return-type:

function getUsers(): array<User> {
    return [new User(), new User()];

In this example, the returned array will be type-checked at the time when it is returned. (Since there are no other references to the array in this example, as an optimization, perhaps the array can internally be “upgraded” to a typed array.)

Property Types

For the sake of ergonomics, assigment of untyped array (literal or local variable) will be handled when assigned to properties with a narrower, typed array property-type:

class UserList
    public array<User> $users;
$list = new UserList();
$list->users = [new User(), new User()];

Similar to return types, the array will be type-checked at assignment. (and, as an implementatiom detail, may be “upgraded” internally.)

Mixing array types

We need to consider scenarios with multiple array references and mixed type assignments, as in this example:

$a = array<int>(1, 2);
$b = array<int>(3, 4);
$c = array<int>(...$a, ...$b); // typed array
$d = [...$a, ...$b]; // untyped array

In this example, $c is a typed array, and the elements of $a will be type-checked at assignment. (As an optimization and implementation detail, the elements of $b may internally be assignable without type-checking.)

The array literal example for $d in an untyped array - the run-time will not attempt to reason about combined array types, and (for backwards compatibility reasons) an untyped array is always the default.

Type casting

We need to consider support for explicit type-casting:

$a = ["1", "2"];
$b = (array<int>) $a;

In this example, the elements of $a will be converted from string to int, unless strict_types are enabled, in which case the assigment will error.

In other words, assignment of elements must behave the same as assignments of individual values in PHP in general. (Note that this is true for both values and keys - if they have types, their values must be assigned and converted consistently with values assigments in PHP in general.)

We must also consider what happens when arrays are cast to a wider type - for example:

class ItemList {
    public array $items;
$typedList = array<int>(1, 2, 3);
$container = new ItemList();
$container->items = $typedList;

In this example, $container->items is declared as an untyped array, and shall remain untyped. This mirrors how PHP currently handles type assignments - the property’s type hint determines the behavior. While the local variable in this example is a typed array, arrays are passed by value (and typed arrays preserve this semantic) and the array in ItemList::$items is a copy, which remains untyped after assignment.


To summarize, the key principles are:

  1. Typed arrays maintain their type constraints in local contexts
  2. Typed arrays lose their type constraints when assigned to array typed properties or return types
  3. Literal arrays are always untyped by default.

Local Variables

This feature is designed not to conflict with potential future suppport for typed local variables - only array literals and static type-hints in parameters and properties are enhanced by this proposed feature.

When a typed array is assigned to a variable, the variable itself remains untyped. For example:

$a = array<int>(1, 2, 3);
$b = array<string>("foo", "bar");
$a = $b; // valid

While this code is valid, variable type inference is already widely adopted by static analysis tools and IDEs, and this feature naturally lends itself to the addition of static array type-checking in such tools.

Untyped return values

To clarify, the behavior in scenarios without type hints, consider untyped (or explicitly mixed) return values:

function process(array<int> $nums): mixed {
    return $nums; // returned as-is
$a = process([1,2,3]); // type is array<int>

In this example, the untyped array literal is coerced to array<int>.

Note that this would cause in error in strict_mode if the types are incorrect:

$a = process(["one", "two"]); // error

Spread Arguments in Existing Code

We must consider spread arguments as well - it would be tempting to think we could implicitly upgrade the meaning of spread arguments with type-hints in existing code, such as:

function sum(int ...$input) {
    return $input; // untyped array

However, this is not feasible, since we would break any existing code that modifies an array after receiving it:

function stuff(int ...$input) {
    $input[] = "hello";
    return $input;

To be clear, this proposal does not propose any change to the current behavior of spread arguments.

New Syntax for Spread Argument Types

Since the existing int ...$input syntax specifies the element type, the following new syntax is proposed, as a means to specify the resulting array argument type:

function process(User ...array<IUser> $input) {
    return $input; // returns a typed array<IUser>

In this example, the function will type-check the arguments against User, then produce a typed array of IUser elements - in other words, this enables us to type-check input arguments using one type, while specifying a different type for the resulting array. (Note that this proposed syntax is consistent with the general Type $name type-hinting pattern.)

Nested Arrays

We need to consider nested array types as well, for example:

$a = array<array<int>>([1, 2]);
$a[] = [3, 4];
$a[0][1] = "string"; // error

To be clear:

  1. Deeply nested typed arrays must be supported.
  2. Type checking must be recursive for nested structures.

Interactions with Existing Type Syntax

Natural interactions with existing type-hinting and type-checking syntax and behavior is expected.

For example, the following examples are expected to be valid:

$a = array<int|string>(123, "hello");    // union type-checking for array literals
$b = (array<int|string>) [123, "hello"]; // union type-checking for an untyped array literal
$c = array<string|null>("hello", null);  // typed array with a nullable element type
$d = array<callable>(fn () => "hello");  // typed array of callables
$e = array<array>();                     // typed array of untyped arrays
$f = array<Iterator&Countable>();        // typed array with an intersection value type

These examples are not exhaustive, but are meant to impart the idea that typed arrays are expected to work and interact with the rest of the type system, and to support existing type-hinting syntax, in general.

(The notable exception is the void type, which would not make sense as either an element or key type.)

Pass By Reference

We need to consider pass-by-reference semantics - for example, the following should error:

function process(array &$untyped) {
    // ...
$ints = array<int>(1, 2, 3);
process($ints); // ERROR

That is, when a wider array type is expected, but a narrower array type gets assigned, you receive a run-time error, on account of array<int> not be assignable by reference to an array typed parameter.

Reference Semantics

Similar to pass-by-reference semantics, but less obviously, the same restriction applies to property assignments as well:

class ItemList
    public array $items;
$items = array<int>(1, 2, 3);
$list = new ItemList();
$list->items = &$items; // ERROR

Again, since an array<int> cannot be assigned to an array, this assignment cannot be performed.

You can contrast this with the default behavior of copy semantics - this is, $items can be assigned to $list->items by creating an untyped copy of the type array, however &$items cannot be assigned to $list->items, because it violates the requirement for an untyped array, which must accept any value.

(The idea of allowing typed arrays to live in an untyped array property was carefully considered, and the conclusion was that this could have unpredictable side effects, such as unexpected errors deep inside in library code, if the library attempts to append to a typed array provided by you.)


Developers should be able to use reflection to check if an array is typed, and to determine the key and value element types.

We would need a new type to represent a reflected typed array:

interface ReflectionArrayType extends ReflectionType
    public function getValueType(): ReflectionType;
    public function hasKeyType(): bool;
    public function getKeyType(): ?ReflectionType;
    public function __toString(): string; // returns "array<V>" or "array<K,V>", where K/V will be the stringified inner types

ReflectionParameter and ReflectionProperty will both be updated, such that getType can return ReflectionArrayType for typed arrays.

Note that this change applies to typed arrays only - for the sake of backwards compatibility, the getType method will continue to return a ReflectionNamedType where getName() returns array, as before.

This can be regarded as a non-breaking change - the return type is still ReflectionType, which is the base class implemented by ReflectionArrayTypes and other type reflection models. Older code of course wouldn’t support ReflectionArrayType, which means it wouldn’t support typed arrays - but typed arrays also wouldn’t be present in said older code. (Libraries of course might need to be upgraded to support typed arrays, by handling ReflectionArrayType.)


The serialize and unserialize functions should preserve typed arrays.

When a typed array is unserialized, we should assume the serialized data is valid - the key/value types do not need to be checked, and the value type (if it is a class/interface type) should not be autoloaded.


The json_encode function should not preserve typed arrays.

(PHP in general does not attempt to preserve PHP types as JSON, except for those types that are directly equivalent to JSON types.)

Performance Implications

Type-checking comes with a run-time overhead - this is to be expected.

However, when type-checking or type-hinting is required, the alternatives are all going to perform worse - if-statements, run-time reflection of PHP-Doc blocks, or reflection-based facilities using attributes, are all inherently going to perform worse than native, declarative typed arrays.

Object-based collection types, whether in userland or in the standard library, are also inherently going to perform worse - on top of forcing pass-by-reference object semantics, which tend to be undesirable when it comes to arrays, which, having value semantics, are not subject to bugs arising from unexpected side effects.

It goes without saying, any alternatives are going to be far more difficult for users to implement, as well.

Future Optimization

Even if this feature were to launch essentially without any optimizations, there are of course optimization paths that could be implemented in the future, if required or desired.

For example, passing an array from one function to another may require copying in a first version of this feature - while future versions could (for example) implement, for example, some of the following:

  1. Static analysis, such that the engine would know that assigning array<int> to array<int> can be done with the usual write-on-modify optimization that PHP employs with untyped arrays.
  2. When copying is required, copying without validation, when the array element types are two compatible types, e.g. a subtype or an implemented interface.
  3. Internal preservation of array types when assigned to untyped arrays, e.g. preserving but hiding the type, and disabling the type-check, such that assigning an unmodified array<int> to an array, and back to array<int>, could be done by merely re-enabling the internally preserved previous type.

Optimizations are almost certainly possible, but are not mandated for an initial implementation by this proposal.

Users would almost definitely wish to apply typed arrays, in some cases, mainly for the sake of documentation and IDE support, so any future optimizations should definitely be considered.

If, initially, users choose to apply typed arrays sparingly, for example just in their input models, the feature itself would still be a considerable win in terms of input validation performance and simplicity in many use-cases that currently require manual validation, such as parsing post-data, applying JSON structures to models, and so on.

Impact on Existing Standard Library

Altering the built-in standard library is beyond the scope of this proposal.

Built-in array functions, such as array_map or array_merge, should not be changed - similar to the behavior of array literals (as described previously) these functions will always return untyped arrays, which you can then type-cast, if desired.

Future improvements could be made to type-hinting, type-checking and reflection for built-in functions - for example, a function such as array_sum could use a typed array parameter type, such as array<int|float>, rather than manually type-checking it's input. (again, this is merely considered and not proposed by this RFC.)

Impact on Debug Functions

The functions var_dump, var_export and debug_zval_dump will need to be updated to output typed arrays.

Argument expansions in printed stack-trace outputs (from exceptions) will need to be updated as well.

Impact on Type-checking Features

The gettype function should return “array” for typed arrays, and is_array should return true for a typed array.

Typed arrays are still fundamentally arrays in terms of behavior, such as key-value storage and iteration.

The gettype function does not differentiate between types of objects (e.g. returns “object” regardless of class) and, similarly, the function should not differentiate the type of array.

While this could lead to unexpected exceptions in code without type-hints, this is always the cast for untyped PHP code receiving unexpected types.

In typed code, any typed array will have been passed through a typed parameter, or a typed property, before reaching any such code. In existing typed code, the type hint would be array, which would cause type casting (as described previously) before reaching such code.

Since developers may need to distinguish between regular arrays and typed arrays, the instanceof operator will need to be updated to allow type-checks such as $array instanceof array<User>, and this must take into account type-checks against wider types, such that e.g. a superclass or an implemented interface of the checked key/value types would work as expected.

We could consider the addition of an is_typed_array function, although the usefulness of this might be limited, since we not have generic function calls. We could still include a function though, which would accept the value to check, and optionally the key/value types passed as string literals. Again, this would have limitations, such as being unable to use nested array types, so perhaps it is better to guide developers to instanceof, or the reflection API - and in that case, perhaps a very simple is_typed_array function could be considered, that only checks if the type is a typed array, without checking for the specific type.

Backward Incompatible Changes

No BC breaks are expected from this proposal.

Proposed PHP Version(s)


Proposed Voting Choices

For this proposal to be accepted, a 2/3 majority is required.

Patches and Tests

No patch has been written for this RFC.

rfc/generic-arrays.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/17 13:30 by mindplay