
This is an old revision of the document!



Since its version 7.62.0 [1], libcurl features a brand new URL API [2] that can be used to parse and generate URLs, using libcurl’s own parser. One of the goals of this API is to tighten a problematic vulnerable area for applications where the URL parser library would believe one thing and libcurl another. This could and has sometimes led to security problems [3].


There is obviously many different ways on how to implement this API in user land and recent discussions shows that people do not agree on how this API should be implemented. This RFC will propose 4 different solutions of exposing this API.

Common to all proposed implementations

All the 4 different implementations would add two new classes CurlUrl and CurlUrlException. These two classes will only exist if the version of libcurl installed on the system is greater than or equal to 7.62. If the version is older, these 2 classes will not exist.

One new Curl option will also be available CURLOPT_CURLU. Curl will use the given object read-only and will not change its contents.

The CurlUrlException class represents an error raised by libcurl. The constants exposed in this class are all the code that CurlUrlException::getCode() could return. Those codes are internally mapped to CURLUE_* error codes that libcurl could raise. Those constants may vary depending on the version of libcurl ext/curl was compiled with.

If ext/curl was compiled with libcurl > 7.80 then CurlUrlException::getMessage() will return a user-friendly message that will discribe the problem. (Exemple: Malformed input to a URL function).

/* libcurl >= 7.62.0 */
final class CurlUrlException extends Exception
    public const BAD_PORT_NUMBER = UNKNOWN;
    public const MALFORMED_INPUT = UNKNOWN;
    public const OUT_OF_MEMORY = UNKNOWN;
    public const USER_NOT_ALLOWED = UNKNOWN;
    /* libcurl >= 7.81.0 */
    public const BAD_FILE_URL = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_FRAGMENT = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_HOSTNAME = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_IPV6 = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_LOGIN = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_PASSWORD = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_PATH = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_QUERY = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_SCHEME = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_SLASHES = UNKNOWN;
    public const BAD_USER = UNKNOWN;

Implementation 1 : Procedural API

This implementation is a simple one to one binding of the libcurl functions. The underlying CURLU handle will be exposed as an opaque CurlUrl object.

All CURLUPART_* and CURLU_ constants will be exposed as global constants with the same name in userland.

Three new functions will be exposed to manipulate the CurlUrl handle.

/* libcurl >= 7.65.0 */
/* libcurl >= 7.67.0 */
/* libcurl >= 7.78.0 */
function curl_url(?string $url = null): CurlUrl {}
function curl_url_set(CurlUrl $url, int $part, string $content, int $flags = 0): void {}
function curl_url_get(CurlUrl $url, int $part, int $flags = 0): ?string {}
final class CurlUrl {
curl_url(?string $url = null)

Create a new CurlUrl object. If $url is set, the URL will be initialised using this url, otherwise, all the parts will be set to null.

curl_url_set(CurlUrl $url, int $part, string $content, int $flags = 0): void

Update individual pieces of the URL. The $part argument identify the particular URL part to set or change (CURLUPART_*). Setting a part to a null value will effectively remove that part's contents from the CurlUrl object.

The $flags argument is a bitmask with individual features.

Supported flags Description
CURLU_NON_SUPPORT_SCHEME If set, allows this function to set a non-supported scheme.
CURLU_URLENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CURLU_DEFAULT_SCHEME If set, allow the URL to be set without a scheme and then sets that to the default scheme: HTTPS. Overrides the CURLU_GUESS_SCHEME option if both are set.
CURLU_GUESS_SCHEME If set,allow the URL to be set without a scheme and it instead “guesses” which scheme that was intended based on the host name. If the outermost sub-domain name matches DICT, FTP, IMAP, LDAP, POP3 or SMTP then that scheme will be used, otherwise it picks HTTP. Conflicts with the CURLU_DEFAULT_SCHEME option which takes precedence if both are set.
CURLU_NO_AUTHORITY If set, skips authority checks. The RFC allows individual schemes to omit the host part (normally the only mandatory part of the authority), but libcurl cannot know whether this is permitted for custom schemes. Specifying the flag permits empty authority sections, similar to how file scheme is handled.
CURLU_PATH_AS_IS If set, makes libcurl skip the normalization of the path. That is the procedure where curl otherwise removes sequences of dot-slash and dot-dot etc.
CURLU_ALLOW_SPACE If set, the URL parser allows space (ASCII 32) where possible. The URL syntax does normally not allow spaces anywhere, but they should be encoded as %20 or '+'. When spaces are allowed, they are still not allowed in the scheme. When space is used and allowed in a URL, it will be stored as-is unless
curl_url_get(CurlUrl $url, int $part, int $flags = 0): ?string

This function lets the user extract individual pieces from the $url object. If the particular part is not set, this function will return null.

The $part argument identify the particular URL part to extract.

The $flags argument is a bitmask with individual features.

Supported flags Description
CURLU_DEFAULT_PORT If the object has no port stored, this option will make the function return the default port for the used scheme.
CURLU_DEFAULT_SCHEME If the object has no scheme stored, this option will make the function return the default scheme instead of null.
CURLU_NO_DEFAULT_PORT Instructs the function to not return a port number if it matches the default port for the scheme.
CURLU_URLDECODE If set, the function will encode the host name part. If not set (default), libcurl returns the URL with the host name “raw” to support IDN names to appear as-is. IDN host names are typically using non-ASCII bytes that otherwise will be percent-encoded. Note that even when not asking for URL encoding, the '%' (byte 37) will be URL encoded to make sure the host name remains valid.
CURLU_URLENCODE If set, the function will decode the host name part. If there are any byte values lower than 32 in the decoded string, the get operation will return an error instead.

Implementation 2 : Mutable CurlUrl with single setter/getter method

This implementation is an oopified version of the procedural API offered by libcurl, with few changes :

  • Constants related to the Curl URL API are moved to class constants on CurlUrl or CurlException
  • Functions that normally take the CurlUrl handle are replaced by methods on this handle.
  • The CurlUrl::get method will return null instead of an exception if the retrived part is not set.
  • All other errors of libcurl will become CurlUrlException
final class CurlUrl implements Stringable
    public const PART_FRAGMENT = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_HOST = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_OPTIONS = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_PASSWORD = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_PATH = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_PORT = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_QUERY = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_SCHEME = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_URL = UNKNOWN;
    public const PART_USER = UNKNOWN;
    public const APPENDQUERY = UNKNOWN;
    public const DEFAULT_PORT = UNKNOWN;
    public const DEFAULT_SCHEME = UNKNOWN;
    public const DISALLOW_USER = UNKNOWN;
    public const GUESS_SCHEME = UNKNOWN;
    public const NO_DEFAULT_PORT = UNKNOWN;
    public const PATH_AS_IS = UNKNOWN;
    public const URLDECODE = UNKNOWN;
    public const URLENCODE = UNKNOWN;
    /* libcurl >= 7.65.0 */
    public const PART_ZONEID = UNKNOWN;
    /* libcurl >= 7.67.0 */
    public const NO_AUTHORITY = UNKNOWN;
    /* libcurl >= 7.78.0 */
    public const ALLOW_SPACE = UNKNOWN;
    public function __construct(?string $url = null) {}
    public function get(int $part, int $flags = 0): string|null {}
    public function set(int $part, string $content, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function __toString(): string {}
    public function __clone() {}
__construct(?string $url = null, int $flags = 0)

Create a new CurlUrl object. Implementation is similar to :

public function __construct(?string $url = null, int $flags = 0) {
    $this->set(self::PART_URL, $url, Curl $flags);
CurlUrl::set(int $part, string $content, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Update individual pieces of the URL. The $part argument identify the particular URL part to set or change (CurlUrl::PART_*). Setting a part to a null will effectively remove that part's contents from the CurlUrl object.

The $flags argument is a bitmask with individual features.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME If set, allows this method to set a non-supported scheme.
CurlUrl::URLENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CurlUrl::DEFAULT_SCHEME If set, allow the URL to be set without a scheme and then sets that to the default scheme: HTTPS. Overrides the CurlUrl::GUESS_SCHEME option if both are set.
CurlUrl::GUESS_SCHEME If set,allow the URL to be set without a scheme and it instead “guesses” which scheme that was intended based on the host name. If the outermost sub-domain name matches DICT, FTP, IMAP, LDAP, POP3 or SMTP then that scheme will be used, otherwise it picks HTTP. Conflicts with the CurlUrl::DEFAULT_SCHEME option which takes precedence if both are set.
CurlUrl::NO_AUTHORITY If set, skips authority checks. The RFC allows individual schemes to omit the host part (normally the only mandatory part of the authority), but libcurl cannot know whether this is permitted for custom schemes. Specifying the flag permits empty authority sections, similar to how file scheme is handled.
CurlUrl::PATH_AS_IS If set, makes libcurl skip the normalization of the path. That is the procedure where curl otherwise removes sequences of dot-slash and dot-dot etc.
CurlUrl::ALLOW_SPACE If set, the URL parser allows space (ASCII 32) where possible. The URL syntax does normally not allow spaces anywhere, but they should be encoded as %20 or '+'. When spaces are allowed, they are still not allowed in the scheme. When space is used and allowed in a URL, it will be stored as-is unless
CurlUrl::get(int $part, int $flags = 0): string|null

This method lets the user extract individual pieces from the CurlUrl object. If the particular part is not set, this method will return null.

The $part argument identify the particular URL part to extract.

The $flags argument is a bitmask with individual features.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::DEFAULT_PORT If the object has no port stored, this option will make the method return the default port for the used scheme.
CurlUrl::DEFAULT_SCHEME If the object has no scheme stored, this option will make the method return the default scheme instead of null.
CurlUrl::NO_DEFAULT_PORT Instructs the method to not return a port number if it matches the default port for the scheme.
CurlUrl::URLENCODE If set, the method will encode the host name part. If not set (default), libcurl returns the URL with the host name “raw” to support IDN names to appear as-is. IDN host names are typically using non-ASCII bytes that otherwise will be percent-encoded. Note that even when not asking for URL encoding, the '%' (byte 37) will be URL encoded to make sure the host name remains valid.
CurlUrl::URLDECODE If set, the method will decode the host name part. If there are any byte values lower than 32 in the decoded string, the get operation will return an error instead.

Implementation 3 : Mutable CurlUrl with multiple setter/getter methods

/* libcurl >= 7.62.0 */
final class CurlUrl implements Stringable
    public const APPEND_QUERY = UNKNOWN;
    public const DEFAULT_PORT = UNKNOWN;
    public const DEFAULT_SCHEME = UNKNOWN;
    public const DISALLOW_USER = UNKNOWN;
    public const GUESS_SCHEME = UNKNOWN;
    public const NO_DEFAULT_PORT = UNKNOWN;
    public const PATH_AS_IS = UNKNOWN;
    public const URL_DECODE = UNKNOWN;
    public const URL_ENCODE = UNKNOWN;
    /* libcurl >= 7.67.0 */
    public const NO_AUTHORITY = UNKNOWN;
    /* libcurl >= 7.78.0 */
    public const ALLOW_SPACE = UNKNOWN;
    public function __construct(?string $url = null, int $flags = 0) {}
    public function get(int $flags = 0): string {}
    public function set(?string $url, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getHost(): ?string {}
    public function setHost(?string $host): CurlUrl {}
    public function getScheme(): ?string {}
    public function setScheme(?string $scheme, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getPort(int $flags = 0): ?int {}
    public function setPort(?int $port): CurlUrl {}
    public function getPath(int $flags = 0): string {}
    public function setPath(?string $scheme, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getQuery(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function setQuery(?string $query, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getFragment(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function setFragment(?string $fragment, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getUser(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function setUser(?string $user, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getPassword(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function setPassword(?string $password, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getOptions(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function setOptions(?string $options, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function __toString(): string {}
    /* libcurl >= 7.65.0 */
    public function getZoneId(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function setZoneId(?string $zoneid, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
__construct(?string $url = null, int $flags = 0)

Create a new CurlUrl object. Implementation is similar to :

public function __construct(?string $url = null, int $flags = 0) {
    $this->set($url, $flags);
CurlUrl::get(int $flags = 0): string

Return the full, normalized, and possibly cleaned up URL version of what was previously parsed.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::DEFAULT_SCHEME If the object has no scheme stored, this option will make the method return the default scheme instead of null.
CurlUrl::DEFAULT_PORT If the object has no port stored, this option will make the method return the default port for the used scheme.
CurlUrl::NO_DEFAULT_PORT Instructs the method not to return a port number if it matches the default port for the scheme.
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE If set, the method will encode the host name part. If not set (default), libcurl returns the URL with the host name “raw” to support IDN names to appear as-is. IDN host names are typically using non-ASCII bytes that otherwise will be percent-encoded. Note that even when not asking for URL encoding, the '%' (byte 37) will be URL encoded to make sure the host name remains valid.
CurlUrl::URL_DECODE If set, the method will decode the host name part. If there are any byte values lower than 32 in the decoded string, the get operation will return an error instead.
CurlUrl::set(?string $url, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the full URL of the CurlUrl instance. If the object is already populated with a URL, the new URL can be relative to the previous. Setting $url to NULL will set all parts of the object to null.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME Make this function accept unsupported schemes.
CurlUrl::DEFAULT_SCHEME If set, will make libcurl allow the URL to be set without a scheme and then sets that to the default scheme: HTTPS. Overrides the CurlUrl::GUESS_SCHEME option if both are set.
CurlUrl::GUESS_SCHEME If set, will make libcurl allow the URL to be set without a scheme and it instead “guesses” which scheme that was intended based on the host name. If the outermost sub-domain name matches DICT, FTP, IMAP, LDAP, POP3 or SMTP then that scheme will be used, otherwise it picks HTTP. Conflicts with the CurlUrl::DEFAULT_SCHEME option which takes precedence if both are set.
CurlUrl::NO_AUTHORITY If set, skips authority checks. The RFC allows individual schemes to omit the host part (normally the only mandatory part of the authority), but libcurl cannot know whether this is permitted for custom schemes. Specifying the flag permits empty authority sections, similar to how file scheme is handled.
CurlUrl::PATH_AS_IS If set, makes libcurl skip the normalization of the path. That is the procedure where curl otherwise removes sequences of dot-slash and dot-dot etc.
CurlUrl::ALLOW_SPACE If set, the URL parser allows space (ASCII 32) where possible. The URL syntax does normally not allow spaces anywhere, but they should be encoded as %20 or '+'. When spaces are allowed, they are still not allowed in the scheme. When space is used and allowed in a URL, it will be stored as-is unless CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE is also set.
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE Can be set in combination with CurlUrl::ALLOW_SPACE which makes libcurl URL-encode the space before stored. This affects how the URL will be constructed when CurlUrl::get() is subsequently used to extract the full URL or individual parts.
CurlUrl::getHost(): ?string

Get the Host part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set.

CurlUrl::setHost(?string $host): CurlUrl

Set the host part of the URL. If it is IDNA, the string must then be encoded as your locale says or UTF-8. If it is a bracketed IPv6 numeric address, it may contain a zone id (or you can use CurlUrl::setZoneid()).

CurlUrl::getScheme(): ?string

Get the scheme part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set.

CurlUrl::setScheme(?string $scheme, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the scheme part of the URL. Libcurl only accepts setting schemes up to 40 bytes long.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME Make this function accept unsupported schemes.
CurlUrl::getPort(int $flags = 0): ?int

Get the port part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::DEFAULT_PORT If the object has no port stored, this option will make the method return the default port for the used scheme.
CurlUrl::NO_DEFAULT_PORT Instructs the method to return null if the port matches the default port for the scheme.
CurlUrl::setPort(?int $port): CurlUrl

Set the port part of the URL. The given port number must be between 1 and 65535. Anything else will throw an exception.

CurlUrl::getPath(int $flags = 0): string

Get the path part of the URL.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_DECODE If set, URL decode the contents before returning it.
CurlUrl::setPath(?string $scheme, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the path part of the URL. If a path is set in the URL without a leading slash, a slash will be inserted automatically when this URL is read from the handle.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CurlUrl::getQuery(int $flags = 0): ?string

Get the query part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_DECODE If set, URL decode the contents before returning it.
CurlUrl::setQuery(?string $query, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the query part of the URL. The question mark in the URL is not part of the actual query contents.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CurlUrl::APPEND_QUERY If set, the provided part will be appended on the end of the existing query - and if the previous part did not end with an ampersand (&), an ampersand will be inserted before the new appended part. When CurlUrl::APPEND_QUERY is used together with CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE, the first '=' symbol will not be URL encoded.
CurlUrl::getFragment(int $flags = 0): ?string

Get the fragment part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set. The hash sign in the URL is not part of the actual fragment contents.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_DECODE If set, URL decode the contents before returning it.
CurlUrl::setFragment(?string $fragment, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the fragment part of the URL

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CurlUrl::getUser(int $flags = 0): ?string

Get the user part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_DECODE If set, URL decode the contents before returning it.
CurlUrl::setUser(?string $user, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the user part of the URL.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CurlUrl::getPassword(int $flags = 0): ?string

Get the password part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_DECODE If set, URL decode the contents before returning it.
CurlUrl::setPassword(?string $password, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the password part of the URL.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CurlUrl::getOptions(int $flags = 0): ?string

Get the options part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_DECODE If set, URL decode the contents before returning it.
CurlUrl::setOptions(?string $options, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the options part of the URL.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CurlUrl::getZoneId(int $flags = 0): ?string

Get the zone id part of the URL or null if it wasn't already set.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_DECODE If set, URL decode the contents before returning it.
CurlUrl::setZoneId(?string $zoneid, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl

Set the zone id part of the URL.

Supported flags Description
CurlUrl::URL_ENCODE If set, URL encodes the part.
CurlUrl::__toString(): string

Same as calling CurlUrl::get()

Implementation 4 : Immutable CurlUrl with multiple `with*`/getter methods

This solution is similar to the previous one, except that the CurlUrl object will be immutable. All set* methods will be replaced by a with* method that will, instead of modifying the instance of the object, return a new object with the modified part of the URL.

This would avoid confusing behaviour where the CurlUrl object would be unintentionally modified after being attached to a CurlHandle.

/* libcurl >= 7.62.0 */
final class CurlUrl implements Stringable
    public const APPEND_QUERY = UNKNOWN;
    public const DEFAULT_PORT = UNKNOWN;
    public const DEFAULT_SCHEME = UNKNOWN;
    public const DISALLOW_USER = UNKNOWN;
    public const GUESS_SCHEME = UNKNOWN;
    public const NO_DEFAULT_PORT = UNKNOWN;
    public const PATH_AS_IS = UNKNOWN;
    public const URL_DECODE = UNKNOWN;
    public const URL_ENCODE = UNKNOWN;
    /* libcurl >= 7.67.0 */
    public const NO_AUTHORITY = UNKNOWN;
    /* libcurl >= 7.78.0 */
    public const ALLOW_SPACE = UNKNOWN;
    public function __construct(?string $url = null, int $flags = 0) {}
    public function get(int $flags = 0): string {}
    public function with(string $url, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getHost(): ?string {}
    public function withHost(?string $host): CurlUrl {}
    public function getScheme(): ?string {}
    public function withScheme(?string $scheme, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getPort(int $flags = 0): ?int {}
    public function withPort(?int $port): CurlUrl {}
    public function getPath(int $flags = 0): string {}
    public function withPath(?string $scheme, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getQuery(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function withQuery(?string $query, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getFragment(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function withFragment(?string $fragment, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getUser(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function withUser(?string $user, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getPassword(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function withPassword(?string $password, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function getOptions(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function withOptions(?string $options, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}
    public function __toString(): string {}
    /* libcurl >= 7.65.0 */
    public function getZoneId(int $flags = 0): ?string {}
    public function withZoneId(?string $zoneid, int $flags = 0): CurlUrl {}

Backward Incompatible Changes

None, except that the class names CurlUrl and CurlUrlException will be declared by PHP and conflict with applications declaring the same class names in the global namespace.

Proposed PHP Version(s)



A first vote (⅔rds) to allow the introduction of a new Curl Url API

An STV vote to choose for the implementation.

With STV you SHOULD rank all the choices in order. Don't pick the same option more than once, as that invalidates your vote.

Primary vote

Should we introduce a new Curl URL API
Real name Yes No
Final result: 0 0
This poll has been closed.

Secondary vote

This is a ranked-choice poll (following STV) between the proposed implementations.

You can vote 4 times, but make sure you select each implementation only once.

First choice

CurlUrl implementation
Real name Implementation 1 : Procedural API Implementation 2 : Mutable CurlUrl with single setter/getter method Implementation 3 : Mutable CurlUrl with multiple setter/getter methods Implementation 4 : Immutable CurlUrl with multiple `with*`/getter methods
Final result: 0 0 0 0
This poll has been closed.

Patches and Tests

This patch is a work in progress of the first solution : https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/8770




rfc/curl-url-api.1656962814.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/04 19:26 by pierrick