Benchmark Creation
The original application is
Better benchmarks describes the goals of the better benchmark RFC, to contact details, mailing list, etc.
- Student: Alexander Hjalmarsson
- Mentor: Nuno Lopes/ Paul Biggar
- Timezone: GMT+1 / GMT
- Mailing list: php-qa with [benchmarks] in the subject line.
Project Plan
Late may and early June: Research and start coding on the CLI-version of the benchmark suite. This involves porting necessarily benchmarks and place them in the benchmark suite.
Mid June: The CLI version of the benchmark suite should have a clear shape.
Mid June - Early July: The CLI-application should be totally complete and work should be focused on the web applications such as phpBB, worpress, joomla and/or SugarCRM. Depending on the CLI-application, this date might be moved more towards June.
Early July: Work on the web application should start.
Early August: The first web application should be finished or almost done.
August 10th - August 17th: Buffert week for problems, documentation, bug checking etc.