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PHP User Groups
We want to network PHP user groups into a tighter community, provide a means to share information and resources among our community members, and aid in the formation of new PHP user groups.
The PHP User Group Handbook
One of this group's projects is a handbook for PHP user groups, complete with information about starting a group, planning meetings, contacting publishing companies for books, looking for sponsorship, etc. This information is drawn from the experiences, successes, and failures of all the user groups in our network, and it needs your help to make it complete.
Contribute to the wiki
Since we're dedicated to providing a means for user group organizers to communicate, collaborate, and share, we provide a wiki where this kind of exchange may take place. If you need editing access to the wiki, please let us know on the mailing list.
Mailing list
The PHP project graciously hosts our mailing list. You may subscribe to the list by sending an e-mail to To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to The subject line and body of the message do not matter.
Archives of the mailing list are available at
Chat on IRC or Matrix
Our IRC and Matrix channels are bridged, so you may chat on one or the other (or both).
- Join us in #phpug on Libera.Chat IRC
- Join us in on Matrix
There is also a Slack-Team for Usergroups for communication within and with other usergroups. Feel free to get an invitation
Checkout the Community
There are irregular meetups of usergroup-organizers on conferences. Check out what happened there.