
This is an old revision of the document!

PHP 7.2 Preparation Tasks

  • Elect managers (started)
  • Triage for PHP 7.2
  • Triage github pull requests
  • Push appropriate RFC at appropriate time


Based upon PHP 7.1 release schedule

  • Tag on Tuesday, Release on Thursday
  • 6 months pre-release phase
Date Release
Jun 08 2017 Alpha 1
Jun 22 2017 Alpha 2
Jul 06 2017 Alpha 3
Jul 20 2017 Beta 1
Aug 03 2017 Beta 2
Aug 17 2017 Beta 3
Aug 31 2017 RC 1
Sep 14 2017 RC 2
Sep 28 2017 RC 3
Oct 12 2017 RC 4
Oct 26 2017 RC 5
Nov 9 2017 RC 6
Dec 1 2017 GA

Elected Release Managers

  • Sara
  • Remi
todo/php72.1491982037.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)