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IRC and Discord

The PHP community has footholds on IRC and Discord. The IRC presence is on Libera Chat and Discord is run by the PHP Community.


This is managed by the PHP Community, contact Ben Ramsey for help creating and bridging channels.

Libera IRC Channel Setup

Channels on IRC that start with #php can be claimed by the members of the php group, and the list of those people can be discovered by viewing the ChanServ info for one of the already-claimed channels:

/msg ChanServ info #php-internals

Creating a new channel

Execute the following commands to set up a brand new channel, replacing #channel with the name of your channel.

/join #channel
/msg ChanServ REGISTER #channel
/msg ChanServ SET #channel GUARD ON
/msg ChanServ SET #channel KEEPTOPIC ON
/msg ChanServ SET #channel PUBACL OFF
/msg ChanServ SET #channel SECURE ON
/msg ChanServ SET #channel TOPICLOCK ON
/msg ChanServ SET #channel VERBOSE OPS
/msg ChanServ SET #channel RESTRICTED OFF
/msg ChanServ SET #channel MLOCK +n-tlk
/msg ChanServ SET #channel EMAIL
/msg ChanServ SET #channel URL
/msg ChanServ SET #channel ENTRYMSG Welcome! Be nice!
/msg ChanServ TOPIC #channel Welcome to our channel!
/msg Chanserv TEMPLATE #channel BOP +AVotv
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #channel SUCCESSOR +ARSefiorstv

MLOCK does -t to remove the “ops-topic” requirement. Since we have TOPICLOCK set, ChanServ will handle reverting the topic for any users who do not have the +t mode set. There’s no need to require them to be an op to set the topic.

To create private channel

/msg ChanServ SET #channel RESTRICTED ON
/msg ChanServ SET #channel PRIVATE ON
/msg ChanServ SET #channel MLOCK +npsrQS-tlk
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #channel MEMBER +AVtv

To allow someone access to join the channel, set them as a MEMBER, which lets them view the access list, set the topic, and use the voice/devoice commands. It also auto-voices them.

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel nickname MEMBER

Forwarding a channel

/msg ChanServ TOPIC #oldchannel We have moved to #newchannel. Please type /join #newchannel to get to us.
/msg ChanServ SET #oldchannel MLOCK +tnsmif #newchannel
/msg ChanServ SET #oldchannel PRIVATE ON

Channel user flag templates

Set a user’s permissions by template:

/msg ChanServ FLAGS #channel nickname HOP

* AOP: (Auto) Operator, standard moderator, *(“auto” is an historical term; not really auto-opped with these flags)*, Flags: +Aeotv

Can view access lists; exempt from +b and can unban themselves; allowed to useop/deop commands; allowed to use topic and topicappend; allowed to voice/devoice.

* FOUNDER: “God” Operator, channel owner, Flags: +AFRefiorstv

Can view access lists; has full founder access; can use recover, sync, and clear commands; exempt from +b and can unban themselves; allowed to modify channel access lists; can use the invite and getkey commands; allowed to use op/deop commands; can use the unban command; can use the set command; allowed to use topic and topicappend; allowed to voice/devoice.

* HOP: Half Operator, a user who can update the topic, talk, and allow others to talk on +m and +t channels, Flags: +Atv

Can view access lists; allowed to use topic and topicappend; allowed to voice/devoice.

* SOP: Super Operator, an operator able to set channel options and invite or unban users, Flags: +Aeiorstv

Can view access lists; exempt from +b and can unban themselves; can use the invite and getkey commands; allowed to use op/deop commands; can use the unban command; can use the set command; allowed to use topic and topicappend; allowed to voice/devoice.

* VOP: Voice Operator, a user who can talk and allow others to talk on +m channels, +Av

Can view access lists; allowed to voice/devoice.

* BOP: Bot Operator, Flags: +AVotv

Can view access lists; auto-voiced by ChanServ; allowed to use op/deop commands; allowed to use topic and topicappend; allowed to voice/devoice.

* SUCCESSOR: “God” Operator, channel successor, Flags: +ARSefiorstv

Can view access lists; has full access as a successor; can use recover, sync, and clear commands; exempt from +b and can unban themselves; allowed to modify channel access lists; can use the invite and getkey commands; allowed to use op/deop commands; can use the unban command; can use the set command; allowed to use topic and topicappend; allowed to voice/devoice.

Flags Reference

/msg chanserv help flags
Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> [nickname|hostmask|group template]
Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> [nickname|hostmask|group flag_changes]

    +v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
    +V - Enables automatic voice.
    +o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
    +O - Enables automatic op.
    +s - Enables use of the set command.
    +i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
    +r - Enables use of the unban command.
    +R - Enables use of the recover, sync and clear commands.
    +f - Enables modification of channel access lists.
    +t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
    +A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
    +S - Marks the user as a successor.
    +F - Grants full founder access.
    +b - Enables automatic kickban.
    +e - Exempts from +b and enables unbanning self.

The special permission +* adds all permissions except +b, +S, and +F.
The special permission -* removes all permissions including +b and +F.
systems/irc.1721352583.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/19 01:29 by jimw