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PHP RFC: Uniform Variable Syntax

  • Date: 2014-05-31
  • Author: Nikita Popov nikic@php.net
  • Status: Draft
  • Proposed for: PHP 6


This RFC proposes the introduction of an internally consistent and complete variable syntax. To achieve this goal the semantics of some rarely used variable-variable constructions need to be changed.


Issues with the current syntax

Root cause

The root cause for most issues in PHP's current variable syntax are the semantics of the variable-variable syntax $$foo['bar']. Namely this expression is intepreted as ${$foo['bar']} (lookup the variable with the name $foo['bar']) rather than ${$foo}['bar'] (take the 'bar' offset of the $$foo variable).

Why this choice of semantics is problematic to our parser design is explained in the next section. Before getting to that, I will discuss why this choice is also bad from a language design perspective:

Normally variable accesses are interpreted from left to right. $foo['bar']->baz will first fetch a variable named $foo, then will take the 'baz' offset of the result and finally access the baz property. The $$foo['baz'] syntax goes against that basic principle. Rather than fetching $$foo and then taking its 'baz' offset, it will first fetch $foo, fetch its baz offset and then look up a variable with the name of the result.

This combination of an indirect reference and an offset is the only case where interpretation is inverted. For example the very similar $$foo->bar will be interpreted as ${$foo}->bar and not as ${$foo->bar}. It follows normal left-to-right semantics. Similarly $$foo::$bar is also interpreted as ${$foo}::$bar and not as ${$foo::$bar}.

To ensure maximum possible inconsistency there exists an exception to this rule. Namely global $$foo->bar will be interpreted as global ${$foo->bar}, even though this is not the case for normal variable accesses.

This issue applies not only to simple indirect references, but also to indirected property and method names. For example Foo::$bar[1][2][3] is interpreted as an access to the static property Foo::$bar, followed by fetches of the 1, 2 and 3 offsets. On the other hand Foo::$bar[1][2][3]() (notice the parentheses at the end) has an entirely different interpretation. This does not call the function stored at Foo::$bar[1][2][3]. Instead it calls the static method of class Foo with name $bar[1][2][3].

The last issue implies that PHP's variable syntax is non-local. It is not possible to parse a PHP variable access with a fixed finite lookahead (most parsers have only one token lookahead), without transplanting the generated syntax tree or instructions after the fact.

Impact on parser definition

In addition to the problems described above the semantics for indirect references also has far-reaching consequences on how the variable syntax is defined in our parser. In the following I will outline the kind of issue it causes, for readers not familiar with parser construction:

The “standard” approach to defining a variable syntax for a LALR parser is to create a left-recursive variable rule, which could look roughly as follows (somewhat simplified):

        T_VARIABLE                            /* $foo */
    |   variable '[' expr ']'                 /* variable['bar'] */
    |   variable '->' T_STRING                /* variable->baz */
    |   variable '->' T_STRING '(' params ')' /* variable->oof() */
    |   variable '::' T_VARIABLE              /* variable::$rab */
    |   ...

This approach ensures that we can arbitrarily nest different access types (in the following called “dereferencing”). For example the above definition allows you to write $foo['bar']->baz->oof()::$rab. This expression is grouped from left-to-right, i.e. it is interpreted as (((($foo)['bar'])->baz)->oof())::$rab.

What happens to this scheme if we add a (right-associative) $$foo['bar'] syntax? One might think that it could be defined as follows:

    |   reference_variable '[' expr ']'

    |   '$' reference_variable
    |   variable '[' expr ']'
    |   variable '->' T_STRING
    |   ...

However, this is not possible because it makes the grammer ambiguous. When the parser encounters $$foo['bar'] it could either interpret it using the '$' reference_variable rule (i.e. ${$foo['bar']} semantics) or using the variable '[' expr ']' rule (i.e. ${$foo}['bar'] semantics). This kind of issue is called a “shift/reduce conflict”.

How can this issue be resolved? By removing the variable '[' expr ']' rule. However, if this rule is removed, you can no longer write $foo->bar['baz'] etc either. As such offset access needs to be implemented anew for all other dereferencing types: You need to implement it for $foo->bar, for $foo->bar() and for $foo::$bar. Furthermore you need to ensure that you can continue to nest arbitrary types of dereferences after that.

This is both extremely complicated and fragile. This is the reason why PHP only introduced the foo()['bar'] syntax in PHP 5.4 and even then the support is not perfect.

Incomplete dereferencing support

Because of the implementational hurdles described in the previous section, we do not support all combinations of dereferencing operations to an arbitrary death. While PHP 5.4 fixed the most glaring issue (support for $foo->bar()['baz']), other problems still exist.

Basically, there are two classes of issues. The first one is that we do not always properly support nesting of different dereferencing types. For example, while it is possible to write both $foo()['bar'] and $foo['bar'](), the combination $foo()['bar']() results in a parse error. Another example is that the constant dereferencing syntax implemented in PHP 5.5 allows you to write [$obj1, $obj2][0], but [$obj1, $obj2][0]->prop is not possible. Yet another example is that the alternative array syntax $str{0} is not supported on function calls, i.e. getStr(){0} is not valid. I think the pattern should be clear by now.

The second class of issues is that some nesting types aren't supported altogether. For example :: only accepts simple reference variables on the left hand side. Writing something like $info['class']::${$info['property']} is not possible. Writing getFunction()() is not possible either. The (function() { ... })() pattern that is familiar from JavaScript is not allowed as well.

Lack of support for dereferencing parenthesis-expressions also prevents you from properly disambiguating some expressions. For example, it is a common problem that $foo->bar() will always try to call the bar() method, rather than calling the closure stored in $foo->bar. However writing ($foo->bar)() is not possible and you need to use a temporary variable. Another example is the case of Foo::$bar[1][2][3]() from above (which is interpreted as Foo::{$bar[1][2][3]}()). It is currently not possible to force the alternative behavior (Foo::$bar[1][2][3])().

Miscellaneous other issues

Behavior in write/isset context

The new (new Foo)['bar'] and [...]['bar'] syntaxes introduced in PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 were implemented as “non-variable expressions”. Primarily this means that it is not possible to assign to them under any circumstances, even if it would be technically possible. E.g. there is nothing inherently problematic with writing (new Foo)['bar'] = 42 (it's no different than writing foo()['bar'] = 42, which is possible). However this is not allowed.

Furthermore this causes inconsistent behavior in empty(): The expression empty(['bar' => 42]['bar']) will generate an “Undefined index” notice, even though empty() normally suppresses these.

Superfluous CVs on static property access

Upon encountering a static property access Foo::$bar PHP will currently emit a compiled variable (CV) for $bar, even though it is not necessary and never used. This is once again related to the way static member access needs to be implemented to support our weird indirect reference semantics.



Formal definition

A formal definition of the new variable syntax is provided in Bison syntax. This is a slightly simplified version of the grammer used in the actual implementation. Furthermore definitions for function_name, class_name, expr, function_call_parameter_list and array_pair_list have been omitted.

	|	class_name_or_dereferencable T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM simple_variable
	|	dereferencable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR member_name

	|	dereferencable '[' dim_offset ']'
	|	dereferencable '{' expr '}'
	|	function_name function_call_parameter_list
	|	dereferencable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR member_name function_call_parameter_list
	|	class_name_or_dereferencable T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM member_name function_call_parameter_list
	|	callable_expr function_call_parameter_list

	|	'$' '{' expr '}'
	|	'$' simple_variable

	|	'(' expr ')'
	|	dereferencable_scalar

		T_ARRAY '(' array_pair_list ')'
	|	'[' array_pair_list ']'

    |   dereferencable

	|	'{' expr '}'
	|	simple_variable

		/* empty */
	|	expr

	|	'(' expr ')'
	|	dereferencable_scalar

Differences in existing syntax

The main difference to the existing variable syntax, is that indirect variable, property and method references are now interpreted with left-to-right semantics. Examples:

$$foo['bar']['baz']   interpreted as ($$foo)['bar']['baz']
Foo::$bar['baz']()    interpreted as (Foo::$bar)['baz']()
$foo->$bar['baz']()   interpreted as ($foo->$bar)['baz']()

This change is backwards incompatible (with low practical impact), which is the reason why this RFC targets PHP 6. However it is always possible to recreate the old behavior by explicitly using braces:


This syntax will have guaranteed same behavior in both PHP 5 and PHP 6.

Newly added and generalized syntax

  • There are no longer any restrictions on nesting of dereferencing operations. In particular the examples $foo()['bar'](), [$obj1, $obj2][0]->prop and getStr(){0} from the previous sections are all supported now.
  • Static property fetches and method calls can now be applied to any dereferencable expression. E.g. $foo['bar']::$baz, $foo::$bar::$baz and $foo->bar()::baz() are all valid now.
  • The result of a call can now be directly called again, i.e. all of foo()(), $foo->bar()(), Foo::bar()() and $foo()() are valid now.
  • All dereferencing operations can now be applied to arbitrary parenthesis-expressions. I.e. all of (...)['foo'], (...)->foo, (...)->foo(), (...)::$foo, (...)::foo() and (...)() are supported now. In particular this also includes (function() { ... })().
  • All dereferencing operations can now be applied to dereferencable scalars (array and string literals as of PHP 5.5). E.g. it is possible to write "string"->toLower(), [$obj, 'method']() and 'Foo'::$bar. Note that these don't necessarily make sense by themselves, but the syntax is supported nonetheless. Extensions can then use it to implement the actual behavior for something like "string"->toLower().

Backward Incompatible Changes



rfc/uniform_variable_syntax.1401737961.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)