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PHP RFC: Unicode Text Processing
- Version: 0.9
- Date: 2022-11-09
- Author: Derick Rethans
- Status: *Rough* Draft
- First Published at:
This RFC suggests to introduce a new class to make using and processing (Unicode) text significantly more developer friendly compared to the wealth of functionality that the intl extension provides. The goal is to make it easy for developers to do Unicode text processing correctly. The RFC does not aim to introduce a class that does everything that the intl extension provides with regards to Unicode strings.
To introduce a new “Text” class, with methods to operate on the text stored in the objects.
Methods on the class will all return a new (immutable) object.
The constructor takes a UTF-8 encoded text, and stores this in an internal structure. The constructor will also convert the given text to Unicode Canonical Form. Passing in non-well-formed UTF-8 will result in an `InvalidEncodingException`. The constructor will also strip out a BOM (Byte-Order-Mark) character, if present.
By default each string will have the “root” locale associated with it, but it is possible to configure a specific locale by using the `$locale` argument in the constructor.
The ``toString()`` method collapses the internally stored text into a UTF-8 encoded string, which can be used by all existing PHP functions that accept strings. Methods fall into multiple groups. Some to implement PHP's existing string functions (substr, wordwrap, etc.), but with meaningful names. A design goal is to rather create more methods, than allowing the behaviour of methods to be changed through (optional) arguments. The internal representation would be UTF-16, as that's what ICU uses. Unlike the PHP 6 approach, the conversion to/from the internal representation only happens on the boundaries: UTF-8 to UTF-16 through the constructor, and the reverse through the ``toString()`` method.
Groups of Methods
Each section will contain a list of expected methods, which from the start might not be exhaustive. Please join the discussion on the mailing list to suggest modifications or additions, keeping the design goals in mind.
``__construct(string $text, string $locale = 'C')``
Standard String Operations
All string operators operate on graphemes, which are generally: a normal character, a character with diacritics, a character with space modifiers, or an emojis.
I am not sure if these should accept `string|Text` or only `Text` as `$textToFind`. Accepting a string makes for a easier to use API, but with the caveat that we internally need to convert it pretty much to a `Text` object any way.
``splitByText(Text $separator, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): array(Text)``
Returns an array of Text objects, each of which is a substring of `$this`, formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the text `$separator`.
Like `explode($separator, $limit)`.
``static Text::joinFromTexts(array(Text) $elements, Text $separator``
Creates a new Text object by concatenating the each Text element in `$elements`, inserting `$separator` in between each element.
Semantics like `implode(string $separator, array(string) $array);`
``subString(int $offset, int $length) : Text|false``
Returns a sub-string, starting at `$offset` for `$length` graphemes.
Like: `grapheme_substr($this, $offset, $length)`
``trimLeft`` ``trimRight`` ``trim``
Removes white space at the start of, the end of, or both sides of the text.
Like: `ltrim`, `rtrim`, and `trim`, but with using the unicode definition of what white space is.
``wrap(int $maxWidth, bool $cutLongWords = false) : array(Text)``
Wraps a text to a given number of graphemes into an array of Text objects.
Like: `wordwrap`, but based on graphemes and returning an array instead of inserting a break character.
If `$cutLongWords` is set, no Text element will be larger than `$maxWidth`.
``replaceText(Text $search, Text $replace)`` ??
``replaceTextCaseInsensitively(Text $search, Text $replace)`` ??
Will have to use locales too.
Reverses a text, taking into account grapheme boundaries.
Finding text in text
Methods to find text in other text.
``getPositionOfFirstOccurrence(string|Text $textToFind, int $offset) : int|false``
Returns the position (in grapheme units) of the first occurrence of `$textToFind` starting at the (grapheme) `$offset`, or false if not found.
Like: `grapheme_strpos($this, $textToFind, $offset)`
``getPositionOfLastOccurrence(string|Text $textToFind, int $offset) : int|false``
Like `getPositionOfFirstOccurrence` but then from the end of the text.
``returnFromFirstOccurence(string|Text $textToFind) : Text|false``
Returns the `Text` starting with the `$textToFind` if found, and otherwise `false`.
Like: `grapheme_strstr($this, $textToFind)` (
``returnFromLastOccurence(string|Text $textToFind) : Text|false``
Like `returnFromFirstOccurence` but then from the end of the text.
`compareWith(Text $other) : int` (or also the Text's compare handler)
Needs to use a locale, and sorting text strength (to avoid all the many options)... perhaps use Intl's collator instead? Or have two methods?
`compareWithNaturalOrder(Text $other) : int`
Like `strnatcmp`/`strnatcasecmp`. Would be a short cut for using `compareWithCollator` with a `$collator` with the NUMERIC_COLLATION option turned on.
`compareWithCollator(Text $other, \Intl\Collator $collator) : int`
``contains(Text $string)``
Returns true if the text `$string` can be found in the text.
Like `str_contains`.
``endsWith(Text $string)``
``startsWith(Text $string)``
Case-insensitive variants are not included. If you need this, convert the text(s) with ``toLower`` first. Or allow for using Intl's Collator? That'd be nicer...
Case Conversions
Converts the text to lower case, using the lower case variant of each Unicode code point that makes up the text.
``toTitle`` i ``firstToLower``
Converts the first grapheme in the text to a lower case variant.
Returns the size in bytes that the text will take when converted to UTF-8.
`length()` `getCharacterCount()`
Returns the number of characters that make up the text. A character (also sometimes call a grapheme) consists of the base-character, and all combining diacritics. Unicode calls these "extended grapheme clusters".
Returns the number of Unicode code points that make up the text. (Not sure if we should add this, as it doesn't really have any use).
Pretty much a shortcut for::
$count = 0; foreach ($text->getWordIterator as $word) { $count++ };
Uses the locale, just like the iterators.
These functions return an iterator that can be used to iterator over the text. The return of the iterators are effected by the text's locale.
Converts text between scripts and other properties.
``transliterate(string $transliterationString)``
``transliterate(\Intl\Transliterator $transliterator)``
With the first one being a “simple” one to use, and the second using Intl's Transliterator for more complex cases.
Should we add shortcuts for a set of often used ones, such as `Any-Latin`? I think so, as it's the majority use case.
Converts any script to Latin.
Removes the accents from a (latin script) text.
A shortcut for the transliteration string `"Latin-ASCII"` (or a more suitable one, which I believe is `"NFD; [:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; NFC."`.
Backward Incompatible Changes
Introducing a new class could impact code bases that already use this class name. But as PHP owns the global namespace, this should not deter us from adding such a code class.
Proposed PHP Version(s)
Next PHP 8.x
RFC Impact
There will be no impact to SAPIs, existing extensions, nor Opcache.
Open Issues
Class Name
I have currently picked “Text”, as it describes that the object does not only represent single words (strings). Alternatively, we can pick something like “Utext” (for Unicode Text), but I find that a distraction.
Future Scope
More methods than described in this RFC can be added in the future.
Proposed Voting Choices
Either “yes” or “no” on including the proposed class.
Patches and Tests
There is no patch yet.
After the project is implemented, this section should contain
- the version(s) it was merged into
- a link to the git commit(s)
- a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature
- a link to the language specification section (if any)
Rejected Features
Nothing rejected yet.