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rfc:typed-aliases [2024/09/06 18:07] – created withinboredomrfc:typed-aliases [2024/09/06 18:36] (current) – add reasoning withinboredom
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 Developers may access the ''%%aliasOf%%'' property to ascertain the alias’s underlying type. Developers may access the ''%%aliasOf%%'' property to ascertain the alias’s underlying type.
 +===== Why Special Classes? =====
 +After looking at the current type system in PHP, it became clear that if we were to implement aliases in the existing type system, it would be overly complex and challenging to maintain. Using classes, however, is much simpler, easier to maintain, and debug. It is also easier to reason about in the symbol tables as well since classes are synonymous with types in PHP.
 ===== Backward Incompatible Changes ===== ===== Backward Incompatible Changes =====
rfc/typed-aliases.1725646061.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/06 18:07 by withinboredom