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PHP RFC: throwable_string_param_max_len: Configurable string length in getTraceAsString()


Since 2003, Throwable->getTraceAsString() and Throwable->__toString() have limited the length of string function arguments in stringified stack traces to 15 bytes (including lines such as #0 /path/to/file.php(line) function("012345678901234...")). This is not enough space to render information such as paths, URLs, UUIDs, etc. if an end user wants to see it when debugging an issue or during local development.

While 15 bytes may be a reasonable default for many use cases (e.g. allowing packing more stack frames on a screen or within a byte limit), it would be useful to be able to raise that default.

This hardcoded limit affects various places where exceptions and errors are converted to strings, such as:

  1. echo $throwable;
  2. log('something', $throwable->getTraceAsString());
  3. Uncaught Throwables that crashed an application.

Note that PHP 7.4 introduced the setting zend.exception_ignore_args, which allowed removing argument information from exceptions completely (in getTrace(), getTraceAsString(), etc.). Setting throwable_string_param_max_len=0 still provides more information than completely disabling tracking args (you still know the argument is a string, and types of non-strings), which is why this RFC also allows decreasing the setting from the previous hardcoded value of 15.

  • Being able to set the minimum value to 0 may have the benefit of avoiding accidentally exposing sensitive information in external dependencies or legacy applications even if enabling zend.exception_ignore_args didn't make sense for an application. See Impact of raising string param length limit for examples of those issues.


Add a new ini setting throwable_string_param_max_len that would allow changing the string byte limit to any value between 0 and 1000000, keeping the current default of 15 bytes. (Changeable by PHP_INI_ALL)

A maximum value is enforced to make it harder to accidentally run out of memory or disk space (e.g. if long strings occur multiple times in a stack trace). Throwable->getTrace() can be used if the full argument values are needed.

Backward Incompatible Changes


Proposed PHP Version(s)

PHP 8.0

RFC Impact


If the ini setting is not changed, there will be no impact.

If the user decides to raise the string length limit, then stack traces will contain longer representations of string params. This may result in more data being logged when Throwable->__toString() or Throwable->getTraceAsString() are used (e.g. full urls, full file paths, full file contents, etc). Stringified stack traces may also exceed what applications assumed the typical length would be (e.g. udp packet sizes when syslogging).

php.ini Defaults

To keep backwards compatibility for reasons such as Future scope: Raise the default value, php.ini-development remains at 15. Note that zend.exception_ignore_args defaults to On in PHP 7.4+, so anything using php.ini-production would not be logging stack traces regardless of this setting.

  • hardcoded default value: 15
  • php.ini-development value: 15
  • php.ini-production value: 0

Open Issues

Make sure there are no open issues when the vote starts!

Unaffected PHP Functionality

Other ways to inspect stack traces such as debug_print_backtrace() and Throwable->getTrace() are not affected. They do not have string length limits.

Future Scope

Decrease the ini setting's minimum

Future RFCs may suggest allowing 0 in throwable_string_param_max_len. This RFC keeps a minimum of 15 bytes because application developers/users may prefer to have the same level of detail in bug reports if stringified exceptions are included in bug reports.

Raise the default value

Since 2003, disk space, screen sizes, etc. have increased significantly. However, stack traces have probably also gotten longer in some frameworks, and the maximum syslog length may be limited to only a few thousand bytes on some platforms.

Application may be unexpectedly relying on the hardcoded limit of 15 to avoid logging sensitive information such as full urls, full paths, or full file contents.

Proposed Voting Choices

Add a new ini setting throwable_string_param_max_len as described in the RFC. (Yes/No, requiring 2/3 majority)


  • Informal poll: Interest in raising the default setting value


0.2: Add “Impact of raising string param length limit” section.

0.3: Allow decreasing throwable_string_param_max_len to a minimum of 0 (previously 15). Change the recommended value in php.ini-production to 0.

0.4: Update external links, formatting


https://externals.io/message/110717 “Making the hardcoded string length limit of Throwable->getTraceAsString() configurable”


Impact of raising string param length limit

For example, code such as the following already had multiple issues such as exposing $appSecret and the potential for XSS from echoing $rawUserInput without html escaping (e.g. <script>...</script>), and should be rewritten to stop doing that. If more than 15 bytes are output, the severity of that bug may be much higher (e.g. if $appSecret was "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...", which was previously truncated to 15 bytes and would omit the private key itself).

function unsafeHTMLRenderingExample(string $rawUserInput, string $appSecret) {
   echo "<h1>Heading</h1>\n";
   try {
   } catch (Exception $e) {
       // The output will include both $rawUserInput and $appSecret.
       // Previously, only 15 bytes would be displayed.
       echo "This should not happen: $e\n";  

Static analyzers may be able to detect potentially unsafe uses of getTraceAsString() and __toString(). Open-source projects in this area include the following:

Because the default remains at 15 bytes, this RFC should not make unsafe code like this worse unless the ini setting is changed deliberately.

A related ini setting is zend.exception_ignore_args, which was added in PHP 7.4 to force the omission of arguments from stack traces collected for exceptions, to prohibit the output of sensitive information in stack traces. See http://github.com/php/php-src/commit/0819e6dc9b4788e5d44b64f8e606a56c969a1588

rfc/throwable_string_param_max_len.1593654701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/02 01:51 by tandre