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PHP RFC: Suppressed Exceptions


In some scenarios it is possible for exception information to be lost, particularly when multiple exceptions occur in block of code. For example when retrying network requests.

function fetchDataOverNetwork() {
  $networkExceptions = [];
  for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_ATTEMPTS; $i++) {
    try {
  	  // Some operation that may throw 
	  return foo(); 
	catch (NetworkException $ne) {
		$networkExceptions[] = $ne;
  // Information about $networkExceptions is lost.
  throw new FetchDataException("Failed to get data");

Another example where an exception is thrown trying to release an acquired resource:

$resource = acquireSomeResource();
try {
catch (FooException $fooException) {
    try {
        // try to release resource cleanly
        throw $fooException;
    catch (ResourceException $resourceException) {
        // The information about $resourceException is lost.
        throw $fooException;

Although PHP has the capability of adding a 'previous' exception when creating a new exception, it is inappropriate to do that in these examples as that is meant to be used for transforming one exception to another type.

Additionally the 'previous' exception can only store information about one exception, not an arbitrary number of exceptions.


This RFC proposes to add two methods to allow storing and retrieving of suppressed exceptions to each of the base exception classes \Exception and \Error with the signatures

public void addSuppressed(Throwable exception)
public getSuppressed(): Throwable[];

These signatures would be similar to those in [Java](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Throwable.html#addSuppressed-java.lang.Throwable-)

These suppressed exceptions can be handled or logged appropriately where the exception is caught.

Example when retrying network requests.

function fetchDataOverNetwork() {
  $networkExceptions = [];
  for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_ATTEMPTS; $i++) {
    try {
  	  // Some operation that may throw 
	  return foo(); 
	catch (NetworkException $ne) {
		$networkExceptions[] = $ne;
  $fdException = new FetchDataException("Failed to get data");
  foreach ($networkExceptions as $networkException) {
  throw $fdException;

Example when cleaning up resource

$resource = acquireSomeResource();
try {
catch (FooException $fooException) {
    try {
        // try to release resource cleanly
        throw $fe;
    catch (ResourceException $resourceException) {
        throw $fooException;

Why not add suppressed in constructor?

As per the resource exception sometimes it is necessary to add suppressed exception to an exception that has been caught and is going to be re-thrown.

Backward Incompatible Changes

This has the potential to break user's custom exception serializing and deserializing. Although individually these would not be major breaks, they would still be more appropriate to have at a major release than a minor release, hence this RFC targets PHP 8.

Proposed PHP Version(s)


Proposed Voting Choices

Single for requiring 2/3 majority.

Patches and Tests




rfc/suppressed_exceptions.1554396577.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/04 16:49 by danack