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RFC: strn(case)cmp supporting a negative length as its third paramter


strncmp doesn't supporting negative length:

   if (strncmp("prefix_num", "num", -3) === 0) {
        echo "they have same suffix\n";

running the above script in PHP 5.3.6 will result:

warning: Length must be greater than or equal to 0 in /tmp/1.php 

but we know substr supports a negative length as its parameter:

   echo substr("test", 0, -1);


I wrote a patch to make strn(case)cmp supporting negative length,

after patched, following script:

   if (strncmp("prefix_num", "num", -3) === 0) {
        echo "they have same suffix\n";

will work as expect.

and if the abs of the negative length is greater than any strlen of the first two parameters, strn(case)cmp will works as similar as the same situation with positive length:

  var_dump(strncmp("prefix_num", "num", -10));
  //outpu: int(7)




  • 2011-07-28 Xinchen Hui: Initial RFC creation
rfc/strncmpnegativelen.1311829755.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)