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PHP RFC: Inner Classes


This RFC proposes a significant enhancement to the language: Inner Classes. Inner classes enable the definition of classes within other classes, introducing a new level of encapsulation and organization within PHP applications.

Currently, many libraries implement “internal” classes by using a naming convention or an @internal annotation in the docblock. Inner classes enable libraries to define an internal class that cannot be used outside the class it is defined inside. This feature is not meant to be used as a “module” system, but rather as a way to encapsulate logic internal to a class, such as DTOs or helper classes.


Inner classes allow defining classes within other classes, following standard visibility rules. This allows developers to declare a class as private or protected and restrict its usage to the outer class. They are accessed via a new operator: :> which is a mixture of -> and ::.

class Outer {
    public class Inner {
        public function __construct(public string $message) {}
    private class PrivateInner {
        public function __construct(public string $message) {}
$foo = new Outer:>Inner('Hello, world!');
echo $foo->message;
// outputs: Hello, world!
$baz = new Outer:>PrivateInner('Hello, world!');
// Fatal error: Class 'Outer:>PrivateInner' is private


Inner classes support modifiers such as public, protected, private, final, readonly, and abstract. When using these as modifiers on an inner class, there are some intuitive rules:

  • public, private, and protected apply to the visibility of the inner class.
  • final, readonly, and abstract apply to the inner class itself.
  • static is not allowed as a modifier since PHP does not support static classes and inner classes are not a property.

If an inner class does not have any modifiers defined, it is assumed to be public by default.


Inner classes are strongly bound to their outer class. This means that if you extend an outer class and want to “redefine” an inner class, the child’s inner class is distinct. The following example best shows this:

class Outer {
    protected class Inner {}
class OuterV2 extends Outer {
    protected class Inner {}

In the above listing, OuterV2:>Inner is a distinct class from Outer:>Inner.

static resolution

The static keyword is not supported to resolve inner classes. Attempting to do so results in an error, depending on where it is used:

class Outer {
    class Inner {}
    // Fatal error: Cannot use the static modifier on a parameter
    public function foo(static:>Inner $bar) {}
    // Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token ":>", expecting ";" or "{"
    public function bar(): static:>Inner {}
    // Fatal error: Cannot use "static" as class name, as it is reserved 
    class Baz extends static:>Inner {}
    public function foobar() {
        return new static:>Inner(); // Fatal error: Cannot use the static modifier on an inner class

This is to prevent casual LSP violations of inheritance and to maintain the strong binding of inner classes.

parent resolution

The parent keyword is supported to resolve inner classes. Which parent it resolves to depends on the context:

class Foo {
    class Bar {}
class Baz extends Foo {
    // parent:>Bar resolves to Foo:>Bar
    class Bar extends parent:>Bar {
        // inside the class body, parent refers to Foo:>Bar
        public function doSomething(): parent {} 

parent explicitly resolves to the parent class of the current class body it is written in and helps with writing more concise code.

self resolution

The self keyword is supported to resolve inner classes. Which self it resolves to depends on the context:

class Outer {
  class Middle {
    class Other {}
    // extends Outer:>Middle:>Other
    class Inner extends self:>Other {
        public function foo(): self {} // returns Outer:>Middle:>Inner

self explicitly resolves to the current class body it is written in, just like with parent. On inner classes, self may be used as a standalone keyword to refer to the current outer class in extends.

// this is currently an error
class Outer extends self {
    // this extends Outer
    class Inner extends self {}

When using self inside a class body to refer to an inner class, if the inner class is not found in the current class, it will fail with an error.

class OuterParent {
    class Inner {}
    class Other {}
class MiddleChild extends OuterParent {
    // Fatal Error: cannot find class MiddleChild:>InnerParent
    class Inner extends self:>InnerParent {}
class OuterChild extends OuterParent {
    class Inner {}
    public function foo() {
        $inner = new self:>Inner(); // resolves to OuterChild:>Inner
        $inner = new parent:>Inner(); // resolves to OuterParent:>Inner
        $inner = new self:>Other(); // Fatal Error: cannot find class OuterChild:>Other
        $inner = new parent:>Other(); // resolves to OuterParent:>Other

Dynamic resolution

Just as with ::, developers may use variables to resolve inner classes, or refer to them by name directly via a string:

new $outer:>$inner
$dynamic = "Outer:>Inner";
new $dynamic();

This provides flexibility and backwards compatibility for dynamic code that may not expect an inner class.

Visibility Rules


Private and protected inner classes are only instantiatable within their outer class (or subclasses for protected). Since inner classes are inside outer classes, they can instantiate other private, protected, or public classes of the outer class if it is visible to them.

class Outer {
    private class Other {}
    protected class Inner {
        public function Foo() {
            $bar = new self(); // allowed
            $bar = new Outer:>Inner(); // allowed
            $bar = new Outer:>Other(); // allowed
class SubOuter extends Outer {
    public function Foo() {
        $bar = new self:>Inner(); // allowed to access protected inner class
        $bar = new self:>Other(); // Fatal error: Class 'Outer:>Other' is private

Attempting to instantiate a private or protected inner class outside its outer class will result in a fatal error:

new Outer:>Inner(); // Fatal error: Class 'Outer:>Inner' is private

Method return type and argument declarations

Inner classes may only be used as a return type or argument declarations for methods that have the same visibility or lesser. Thus returning a protected class type from a public method is not allowed, but is allowed from a protected or private method.

Inner Class VisibilityMethod VisibilityAllowed
public public Yes
public protectedYes
public private Yes
protected public No
protected protectedYes
protected private Yes
private public No
private protectedNo
private private Yes

Methods and functions outside the outer class are considered public by default. Attempting to declare a return of a non-visible type will result in a TypeError:

class Outer {
    private class Inner {}
    public function getInner(): self:>Inner {
        return new self:>Inner();
// Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Method getInner is public but returns a private class: Outer:>Inner
new Outer()->getInner();


The visibility of a type declaration on a property must also match the declared type. Thus, a public property cannot declare a private type.

This gives a great deal of control to developers, preventing accidental misuse of inner classes. However, this does not preclude developers from returning a private/protected inner class, only from using them as a type declaration. The developer can use an interface or abstract class type declaration, or use a broader type such as object, mixed, or nothing at all:

class Outer {
    private class Inner implements FooBar {}
    public function getInner(): FooBar {
        return new self:>Inner(); // not an error

Accessing outer classes

There is no direct access to outer class properties or methods, such as an outer keyword. While each class is distinct from the others, inner classes may access outer class private/protected methods and properties if given an instance, and outer classes may access private/protected methods of inner classes.

class Parser {
    public class ParseError extends Exception {
        private function __construct(Parser $parser) {
            // we can access $parser->state here
            parent::__construct(/* ... */);
    private class ParserState {}
    private self:>ParserState $state;
    private function throwParserError(): never {
        throw new self:>ParseError($this);

This is allowed because inner classes are strongly bound to their outer class, and inner classes are considered as members of their outer class. This allows for better encapsulation and organization of code, especially in the realm of helper classes and DTOs.


Several new methods are added to ReflectionClass to help support inspection of inner classes:

$reflection = new ReflectionClass('\a\namespace\Outer:>Inner');
$reflection->isInnerClass(); // true
$reflection->isPublic() || $reflection->isProtected() || $reflection->isPrivate(); // true
$reflection->getName(); // \a\namespace\Outer:>Inner
$reflection->getShortName(); // Outer:>Inner

When these methods are called on outer classes, isPublic is always true and isInnerClass is always false.


Inner classes are never autoloaded, only their outermost class is autoloaded. If the outermost class does not exist, then their inner classes do not exist.

Inner Class Features

Inner classes support all features of regular classes, including:

  • Properties: both static and instanced
  • Methods: both static and instanced
  • Property hooks
  • Magic methods
  • Traits
  • Interfaces
  • Abstract classes
  • Final classes
  • Readonly classes
  • Class constants

Backward Incompatible Changes

  • This RFC introduces new syntax and behavior to PHP, which does not conflict with existing syntax.
  • Some error messages will be updated to reflect inner classes, and tests that depend on these error messages are likely to fail.
  • Tooling using AST or tokenization may need to be updated to support the new syntax.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

This RFC targets the next version of PHP.

RFC Impact



To Existing Extensions

Extensions accepting class names may need to be updated to support :> in class names. None were discovered during testing, but it is possible there are unbundled extensions that may be affected.

To Opcache

This change introduces a new opcode, AST, and other changes that affect opcache. These changes are included as part of the PR that implements this feature.

Open Issues

Pending discussion.

Unaffected PHP Functionality

There should be no change to any existing PHP syntax.

Future Scope

  • Inner enums
  • Inner interfaces
  • Inner traits
  • Outer keyword for easily accessing outer classes

Proposed Voting Choices

As this is a significant change to the language, a 2/3 majority is required.

Patches and Tests

To be completed.


After the project is implemented, this section should contain - the version(s) it was merged into - a link to the git commit(s) - a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature - a link to the language specification section (if any)


Rejected Features


rfc/short-and-inner-classes.1741770391.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/12 09:06 by withinboredom