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PHP RFC: Sealed Classes


The purpose of inheritance is code reuse, for when you have a class that shares common functionality, and you want others to be able to extend it and make use of this functionality in their own class.

However, when you have a class in your code base that shares some implementation detail between 2 or more other objects, your only protection against others making use of this class is to add `@internal` annotation, which doesn't offer any runtime guarantee that no one is extending this object.

Internally, PHP has the `Throwable` interface, which defines common functionality between `Error` and `Exception` and is implemented by both, however, end users are not allowed to implement `Throwable`.

Currently PHP has a special case for `Throwable`, and what this RFC is proposing is to make this kind of functionally possible to end users as well, so that `Throwable` is not a spacial case anymore.


Support for sealed classes is added through a new modifier `sealed`, and a new `permits` clause that takes place after `extends`, and `implements`.

sealed interface Option permits Some, None {}
interface Some extends Option {} // ok
interface None extends Option {} // ok
interface Maybe extends Option {} // Fatal error: Interface Maybe cannot extend sealed interface Option.

An interface that is sealed can be implemented directly only by the classes named in the `permits` clause.

namespace Psl\Result {
  sealed interface ResultInterface permits Success, Failure { ... }
  class Success implements ResultInterface { ... }
  class Failure implements ResultInterface { ... }
  function wrap(callable $callback): ResultInterface { ... }
  function unwrap(ResultInterface $result): mixed
    return match(true) {
      Result\Success => $result->value(),
      $result instanceof Result\Failure => throw $result->error(),
    }; // no need for default, it's not possible.
namespace App {
  use Psl\Result;
  // Fatal error: Class App\Maybe cannot implement sealed interface Psl\Result\ResultInterface.
  final class Maybe implements Result\ResultInterface {}

Similarly, a trait that is sealed can only be used by the classes named in the `permits` clause.

This is an example taken from the PSL Channel component

namespace Psl\Channel\Internal {
  use Psl\Channel\ReceiverInterface;
  sealed trait ChannelSideTrait permits BoundedReceiver, BoundedSender, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender
    // ...
  // OK
  final class BoundedReceiver implements ReceiverInterface
    use ChannelSideTrait;
    // ...
  // OK
  final class UnboundedReceiver implements ReceiverInterface
    use ChannelSideTrait;
    // ...
namespace App\Channel {
    use Psl\Channel\Internal\ChannelSideTrait;
    // Fatal error: Class App\Channel\MyReceiver may not use sealed trait Psl\Channel\Internal\ChannelSideTrait.
    final class MyReceiver {
      use ChannelSideTrait;
      // ...
    // Fatal error: Trait App\Channel\MyReceiver may not use sealed trait Psl\Channel\Internal\ChannelSideTrait.
    trait MyChannelSideTrait {
      use ChannelSideTrait;
      // ...

When a sealed class, trait, or an interface permits a specific interface, any class can use it as long as that interface exists in it's inheritance tree, as follows:

This also applies when sealing to a specific class, or a trait.

interface Foo {}
sealed interface Bar permits Foo {}
class FooImpl implements Foo {}
class Baz extends FooImpl {}
// `BarImpl` is allowed to implement `Bar` because it extends `Baz`, which
// extends `FooImpl`, which implement `Foo`, making `BarImpl` an instance of `Foo`.
class BarImpl extends Baz implements Bar {}

Sealed classes with no `permits` clause, or with an empty `permits` clause will result in a parse error, as follows:

// Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting permits (T_PERMITS) in ...
sealed class Bar { }
// Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting identifier (T_STRING) or namespace (T_NAMESPACE) or \\ (T_NS_SEPARATOR) in ...
sealed class Bar permits { }


Some people might be against introducing a new keyword into the language, which will lead to `sealed` and `permits` not being a valid class names anymore, therefor, a second vote will take place to decide which syntax should be used.

The available options are the following:

1. using `sealed`+`permits`:

sealed class Foo permits Bar, Baz {}
sealed interface Qux permits Quux, Quuz {}
sealed trait Corge permits Grault, Garply {}

2. using `permits` only:

class Foo permits Bar, Baz {}
interface Qux permits Quux, Quuz {}
trait Corge permits Grault, Garply {}

3. using pre-reserved `for` keyword:

class Foo for Bar, Baz {}
interface Qux for Quux, Quuz {}
trait Corge for Grault, Garply {}

Backward Incompatible Changes

`sealed` and `permits` become reserved keywords in PHP 8.2

Proposed PHP Version(s)

PHP 8.2

RFC Impact

To Opcache


To Reflection

The following additions will be made to expose the new flag via reflection:

  • New constant ReflectionClass::IS_SEALED to expose the bit flag used for sealed classes
  • The return value of ReflectionClass::getModifiers() will have this bit set if the class being reflected is sealed
  • Reflection::getModifierNames() will include the string “sealed” if this bit is set
  • A new ReflectionClass::isSealed() method will allow directly checking if a class is sealed
  • A new ReflectionClass::getPermittedClasses() method will return the list of class names allowed in the `permits` clause.

Proposed Voting Choices

As this is a language change, a 2/3 majority is required.

Patches and Tests

Links to any external patches and tests go here.

If there is no patch, make it clear who will create a patch, or whether a volunteer to help with implementation is needed.

Make it clear if the patch is intended to be the final patch, or is just a prototype.

For changes affecting the core language, you should also provide a patch for the language specification.


rfc/sealed_classes.1646102935.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/01 02:48 by azjezz