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PHP RFC: Records


This RFC proposes the introduction of record objects, which are immutable classes with value semantics.

Value objects

Value objects are immutable objects that represent a value. They are used for storing values with a different meaning than their technical value, adding additional semantic context to the value. For example, a Point object with x and y properties can represent a point in a 2D space, and an ExpirationDate can represent a date when something expires. This prevents developers from accidentally using the wrong value in the wrong context.

Consider this example:

function updateUserRole(int $userId, Role $role): void {
    // ...
$user = getUser(/*...*/)
$uid = $user->id;
// ...
$uid = 5; // somehow accidentally sets uid to an unrelated integer
// ...
updateUserRole($uid, Role::ADMIN()); // accidental passing of 

In this example, the uid is accidentally set to a plain integer, and updateUserRole is called with the wrong value.

Currently, the only solution to this is to use a class, but this requires a lot of boilerplate code.

The solution

Like arrays, strings, and other values, record objects are strongly equal to each other if they contain the same values.

Let's take a look, using the previous example:

record UserId(int $id);
function updateUserRole(UserId $userId, Role $role): void {
    // ...
$user = getUser(/*...*/)
$uid = $user->id; // $uid is a UserId object
// ...
$uid = 5;
// ...
updateUserRole($uid, Role::ADMIN()); // This will throw an error

Now, if $uid is accidentally set to an integer, the call to updateUserRole will throw an error because the type is not correct.


This RFC proposes the introduction of a new record keyword in PHP to define immutable data objects. These objects will allow properties to be initialized concisely and will provide built-in methods for common operations such as modifying properties and equality checks using a function-like instantiation syntax. Records can implement interfaces and use traits but cannot extend other records or classes; composition is allowed, however.

Syntax and semantics


A record is defined by the word “record”, followed by the name of its type, an open parenthesis containing one or more typed parameters that become public, immutable, properties. They may optionally implement an interface using the implements keyword. A record body is optional.

A record may contain a constructor with zero arguments to perform further initialization if required. If it does not have a constructor, an implicit, empty contstructor is provided.

A record body may contain property hooks, methods, and use traits (so long as they do not conflict with record rules). Regular properties may also be defined, but they are immutable by default and are no different from const.

Static properties and methods are forbidden in a record (this includes const, a regular property may be used instead). Attempting to define static properties, methods, constants results in a compilation error.

namespace Paint;
// Define a record with several primary color properties
record Pigment(int $red, int $yellow, int $blue) {
  // property hooks are allowed
  public string $hexValue {
    get => sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $this->red, $this->yellow, $this->blue),
  // methods are allowed
  public function mix(Pigment $other, float $amount): Pigment {
    return $this->with(
      red: $this->red * (1 - $amount) + $other->red * $amount,
      yellow: $this->yellow * (1 - $amount) + $other->yellow * $amount,
      blue: $this->blue * (1 - $amount) + $other->blue * $amount
  // all properties are mutable in constructors
  public function __construct() {
    $this->red = max(0, min(255, $this->red));
    $this->yellow = max(0, min(255, $this->yellow));
    $this->blue = max(0, min(255, $this->blue));
  public function with() {
    // prevent the creation of a new Pigment from an existing pigment
    throw new \LogicException("Cannot create a new Pigment from an existing pigment");
// simple records do not need to define a body
record StockPaint(Pigment $color, float $volume);
record PaintBucket(StockPaint ...$constituents) {
  public function mixIn(StockPaint $paint): PaintBucket {
    return $this->with(...[...$this->constituents, $paint]);
  public function color(): Pigment {
    return array_reduce($this->constituents, fn($color, $paint) => $color->mix($paint->color, $paint->volume), Pigment(0, 0, 0));


A record may be used any where a readonly class can be used, as the behavior of it is very similar with no key differences to assist in migration from readonly class.

Optional parameters and default values

A record can also be defined with optional parameters that are set if omitted during instantiation.

record Rectangle(int $x, int $y = 10);
var_dump(Rectangle(10)); // output a record with x: 10 and y: 10

Auto-generated with method

To enhance the usability of records, the RFC proposes automatically generating a with method for each record. This method allows for partial updates of properties, creating a new instance of the record with the specified properties updated.

The auto-generated with method accepts only named arguments defined in the constructor. No other property names can be used, and it returns a record object with the given values.

$point1 = Point(3, 4);
$point2 = $point1->with(x: 5);
$point3 = $point1->with(null, 10); // must use named arguments
echo $point1->x; // Outputs: 3
echo $point2->x; // Outputs: 5

A developer may define their own with method if they so choose, and reference the generated with method using parent::with(). This allows a developer to define policies or constraints on how data is updated.

record Planet(string $name, int $population) {
  public function with(int $population) {
    return parent::with(population: $population);
$pluto = Planet("Pluto", 0);
// we made it!
$pluto = $pluto->with(population: 1);
// and then we changed the name
$mickey = $pluto->with(name: "Mickey"); // no named argument for population error


Optionally, they may also define a constructor to provide validation or other initialization logic:

record User(string $name, string $email) {
  public string $id;
  public function __construct() {
    if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid email address");
    $this->id = hash('sha256', $email);
    $this->name = ucwords($name);

During construction, a record is fully mutable. This allows the developer freedom to mutate properties as needed to ensure a canonical representation of an object.

Performance considerations

To ensure that records are both performant and memory-efficient, the RFC proposes leveraging PHP's copy-on-write (COW) semantics (similar to arrays) and interning values. Unlike interned strings, the garbage collector will be allowed to clean up these interned records when they are no longer needed.

$point1 = Point(3, 4);
$point2 = $point1; // No data duplication, $point2 references the same data as $point1
$point3 = Point(3, 4); // No data duplication here either, it is pointing the the same memory as $point1
$point4 = $point1->with(x: 5); // Data duplication occurs here, creating a new instance with modified data

Cloning and with()

Calling clone on a record results in the same record object being returned. As it is a “value” object, it represents a value and is the same thing as saying clone 3—you expect to get back a 3.

with may be called with no arguments, and it is the same behavior as clone. This is an important consideration because a developer may call $new = $record->with(...$array) and we don’t want to crash. If a developer wants to crash, they can do by assert($new !== $record).

Serialization and deserialization

Records are fully serializable and deserializable.

record Single(string $value);
record Multiple(string $value1, string $value2);
echo $single = serialize(Single('value')); // Outputs: "O:6:"Single":1:{s:5:"value";s:5:"value";}"
echo $multiple = serialize(Multiple('value1', 'value2')); // Outputs: "O:8:"Multiple":1:{s:6:"values";a:2:{i:0;s:6:"value1";i:1;s:6:"value2";}}"
echo unserialize($single) === Single('value'); // Outputs: true
echo unserialize($multiple) === Multiple('value1', 'value2'); // Outputs: true


A record is always strongly equal (===) to another record with the same value in the properties, much like an array is strongly equal to another array containing the same elements. For all intents, $recordA === $recordB is the same as $recordA == $recordB.

Comparison operations will behave exactly like they do for classes, for example:

record Time(float $milliseconds = 0) {
    public float $totalSeconds {
        get => $this->milliseconds / 1000,
    public float $totalMinutes {
        get => $this->totalSeconds / 60,
    /* ... */
$time1 = Time(1000);
$time2 = Time(5000);
echo $time1 < $time2; // Outputs: true


Records in PHP will be fully supported by the reflection API, providing access to their properties and methods just like regular classes. However, immutability and special instantiation rules will be enforced.

ReflectionClass support

It can be used to inspect records, their properties, and methods. Any attempt to modify record properties via reflection will throw an exception, maintaining immutability. Attempting to create a new instance via ReflectionClass will cause a ReflectionException to be thrown.

$point = Point(3, 4);
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($point);
foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {
    echo $property->getName() . ': ' . $property->getValue($point) . PHP_EOL;

Immutability enforcement

Attempts to modify record properties via reflection will throw an exception.

try {
    $property = $reflection->getProperty('x');
    $property->setValue($point, 10); // This will throw an exception
} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
    echo 'Exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; // "Cannot modify a record property"

ReflectionFunction for implicit constructor

Using ReflectionFunction on a record will reflect the constructor.

$constructor = new \ReflectionFunction('Geometry\Point');
echo 'Constructor Parameters: ';
foreach ($constructor->getParameters() as $param) {
    echo $param->getName() . ' ';

New functions and methods

  • Calling is_object($record) will return true.
  • A new function, is_record($record), will return true for records, and false otherwise
  • Calling get_class($record) will return the record name


Calling var_dump will look much like it does for objects, but instead of object it will say record.

record(Point)#1 (2) {

Considerations for implementations

A record cannot be named after an existing record, class or function. This is because defining a record creates both a class and a function with the same name.


As invoking a record value by its name looks remarkably similar to calling a function, and PHP has no function autoloader, autoloading will not be supported in this implementation. If function autoloading were to be implemented in the future, an autoloader could locate the record and autoload it. The author of this RFC strongly encourages someone to put forward a function autoloading RFC if autoloading is desired for records.

Backward Incompatible Changes

No backward incompatible changes.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

PHP 8.5

RFC Impact



To Existing Extensions


To Opcache


New Constants


php.ini Defaults


Open Issues


Unaffected PHP Functionality


Future Scope

Proposed Voting Choices

Include these so readers know where you are heading and can discuss the proposed voting options.

Patches and Tests



After the project is implemented, this section should contain

  1. the version(s) it was merged into
  2. a link to the git commit(s)
  3. a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature
  4. a link to the language specification section (if any)


Links to external references, discussions or RFCs

Rejected Features

Keep this updated with features that were discussed on the mail lists.

rfc/records.1722530957.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/01 16:49 by withinboredom