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rfc:pipe-operator-v3 [2025/02/09 03:58] – Revise wording crellrfc:pipe-operator-v3 [2025/02/10 04:42] (current) – Note left-associativity explicitly crell
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 ==== Precedence ==== ==== Precedence ====
 +The pipe operator is left-associative.  The left side will be evaluated first, before the right side.
 The pipe operator has a deliberately low binding order, so that most surrounding operators will execute first.  In particular, arithmetic operations, null coalesce, and ternaries all have higher binding priority, allowing for the RHS to have arbitrarily complex expressions in it that will still evaluate to a callable.  For example: The pipe operator has a deliberately low binding order, so that most surrounding operators will execute first.  In particular, arithmetic operations, null coalesce, and ternaries all have higher binding priority, allowing for the RHS to have arbitrarily complex expressions in it that will still evaluate to a callable.  For example:
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 </code> </code>
-One notable implication of this is that if a pipe chain is placed within a larger expression, it will likely need to be enclosed in ''()'' or else it will be misinterpreted.+One notable exception is if other binding orders would result in nonsensical semantics In particular:
 <code php> <code php>
Line 82: Line 84:
 $x ? $y |> strlen(...) : $z; $x ? $y |> strlen(...) : $z;
-// will be interpreted like this: +// Is interpreted like this:
-($x ? $y) |> (strlen(...) : $z); +
- +
-// When what is most likely intended is this:+
 $x ? ($y |> strlen(...)) : $z; $x ? ($y |> strlen(...)) : $z;
 +// As the alternative (processing the ? first) would not be syntactically valid.
 +Also of note, PHP's comparison operators (''=='', ''==='', ''<'', etc.) have a relatively high binding priority.  Therefore, ''|>'' necessarily binds lower than those, as doing otherwise would require rethinking the entire binding order and that is entirely out of scope.  As a result, comparing the result of a pipe to something requires parentheses around the pipe chain.
 +<code php>
 +// Without the parens here, PHP would try to
 +// compare the strlen closure against an integer, which is nonsensical.
 +$res1 = ('beep' |> strlen(...)) == 4;
 </code> </code>
Line 96: Line 105:
 Pipe supports any callable syntax supported by PHP.  At present, the most common form is first-class-callables (eg, ''strlen(...)''), which dovetails with this syntax very cleanly.  Should further improvements be made in the future, such as a revised [[rfc:partial_function_application|Partial Function Application RFC]], it would be supported naturally. Pipe supports any callable syntax supported by PHP.  At present, the most common form is first-class-callables (eg, ''strlen(...)''), which dovetails with this syntax very cleanly.  Should further improvements be made in the future, such as a revised [[rfc:partial_function_application|Partial Function Application RFC]], it would be supported naturally.
 ==== References ==== ==== References ====
-As usual, references are an issue.  Supporting pass-by-ref parameters in simple cases is quite easy, and a naive implementation would support it.  However, passing a value from a compound value (an object property or array element) by reference breaks.  In practice, it is easier to forbid pass-by-ref parameters in pipe than to allow them.+As usual, references are an issue.  Supporting pass-by-ref parameters in simple cases is quite easy, and a naive implementation would support it.  However, passing a value from a compound value (an object property or array element) by reference does not work, and throws an "Argument could not be passed by reference" error.  In practice, it is easier to forbid pass-by-ref parameters in pipe than to allow them.
 <code PHP> <code PHP>
Line 122: Line 130:
 For that reason, pass-by-ref callables are disallowed on the right-hand side of a pipe operator.  That is, both examples above would error. For that reason, pass-by-ref callables are disallowed on the right-hand side of a pipe operator.  That is, both examples above would error.
 +One exception to this is "prefer-ref" functions, which only exist in the stdlib and cannot be implemented in user-space.  There are a small handful of functions that will accept either a reference or a direct value, and vary their behavior depending on which they get.  When those functions are used with the pipe operator, the value will be passed by value, and the function will behave accordingly.
 ==== Syntax choice ==== ==== Syntax choice ====
 F#, [[https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/basics/pipe-operator/|Elixir]], and OCaml all use the ''|>'' operator already for this exact same behavior.  There has been a long-standing [[https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator/wiki|discussion in JavaScript]] about adding a ''|>'' operator as described here.  It is the standard operator for this task. F#, [[https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/basics/pipe-operator/|Elixir]], and OCaml all use the ''|>'' operator already for this exact same behavior.  There has been a long-standing [[https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator/wiki|discussion in JavaScript]] about adding a ''|>'' operator as described here.  It is the standard operator for this task.
 +==== Use cases ====
 +The use cases for a pipe operator are varied.  They include, among others, encouraging shallow-function-nesting, encouraging pure functions, expressing a complex process in a single expression, and emulating extension functions.
 +For example, here are some code fragments from existing projects of mine that use a user-space pipe implementation.
 +=== From Crell/Serde ===
 +<code php>
 +use function Crell\fp\afilter;
 +use function Crell\fp\amap;
 +use function Crell\fp\explode;
 +use function Crell\fp\flatten;
 +use function Crell\fp\implode;
 +use function Crell\fp\pipe;
 +use function Crell\fp\replace;
 +enum Cases implements RenamingStrategy
 +    case Unchanged;
 +    case UPPERCASE;
 +    case lowercase;
 +    case snake_case;
 +    case kebab_case;
 +    case CamelCase;
 +    case lowerCamelCase;
 +    public function convert(string $name): string
 +    {
 +        return match ($this) {
 +            self::Unchanged => $name,
 +            self::UPPERCASE => strtoupper($name),
 +            self::lowercase => strtolower($name),
 +            self::snake_case => pipe($name,
 +                $this->splitString(...),
 +                implode('_'),
 +                strtolower(...)
 +            ),
 +            self::kebab_case => pipe($name,
 +                $this->splitString(...),
 +                implode('-'),
 +                strtolower(...)
 +            ),
 +            self::CamelCase => pipe($name,
 +                $this->splitString(...),
 +                amap(ucfirst(...)),
 +                implode(''),
 +            ),
 +            self::lowerCamelCase => pipe($name,
 +                $this->splitString(...),
 +                amap(ucfirst(...)),
 +                implode(''),
 +                lcfirst(...),
 +            ),
 +        };
 +    }
 +    /**
 +     * @return string[]
 +     */
 +    protected function splitString(string $input): array
 +    {
 +        $words = preg_split(
 +            '/(^[^A-Z]+|[A-Z][^A-Z]+)/',
 +            $input,
 +            -1, /* no limit for replacement count */
 +            PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY /* don't return empty elements */
 +            | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE /* don't strip anything from output array */
 +        );
 +        return pipe($words,
 +            amap(replace('_', ' ')),
 +            amap(explode(' ')),
 +            flatten(...),
 +            amap(trim(...)),
 +            afilter(),
 +        );
 +    }
 +The various imported functions are higher order functions that return a callable suitable for pipe, and the ''pipe()'' function is essentially a user-space implementation of the operator presented here.  By using the pipe approach, the different case folding options can be laid out in a clean, linear fashion.  The steps of each option are clearly self-evident.  They can also be expressed in a single expression, which both reduces visual clutter and allows each pipe to be used in a ''match()'' arm.  The result is both more compact and more at-a-glance understandable than a multi-statement approach.
 +=== From Crell/MiDy ===
 +<code php>
 +class PageData
 +    public array $tags {
 +        get => pipe(
 +            array_merge(...$this->values('tags')),
 +            array_unique(...),
 +            array_values(...),
 +        );
 +    }
 +    /**
 +     * @param array<string, ParsedFile> $parsedFiles
 +     */
 +    public function __construct(
 +        private array $parsedFiles,
 +    ) {}
 +    private function values(string $property): array
 +    {
 +        return array_column($this->parsedFiles, $property);
 +    }
 +class ParsedFile
 +    public function __construct(public array $tags) {}
 +In this (simplified from the actual code) example, the ''PageData'' class's ''$tags'' property is the aggregation of all tags on the files it contains.  Again, the use of a pipe makes the logic flow trivially easy to see visually.  With a native operator, it could be further simplified to:
 +<code php>
 +    public array $tags {
 +        get => $this->values('tags')
 +            |> fn($tags) => array_merge(...$tags),
 +            |> array_unique(...),
 +            |> array_values(...),
 +        );
 +    }
 +The single-expression alternative today would be:
 +<code php>
 +    public array $tags {
 +        get => array_values(array_unique(array_merge(...$this->values('tags'))));
 +    }
 +Which I believe is inarguably worse.  A multi-statement version would require:
 +<code php>
 +    public array $tags {
 +        get {
 +            $tags = $this->values('tags');
 +            $tags = array_merge(...$tags);
 +            $uniqueTags = array_unique($tags);
 +            return array_values($unique_tags);
 +        }
 +    }
 +Which is still less readable and less self-evident than the explicit pipe version.
 +=== Shallow calls ===
 +The use of a pipe for function composition also helps to separate closely related tasks so they can be developed and tested in isolation.  For a (slightly) contrived and simple example, consider:
 +<code php>
 +function loadWidget($id): Widget
 +    $record = DB::query("something");
 +    return makeWidget($record);
 +function loadMany(array $ids): array
 +    $data = DB::query("something");
 +    $ret = [];
 +    foreach ($data as $record) {
 +        $ret[] = $this->makeWidget($record);
 +    }
 +    return $ret;
 +function makeWidget(array $record): Widget
 +    // Assume this is more complicated.
 +    return new Widget(...$record);
 +In this code, it is impossible to test ''loadWidget()'' or ''loadMany()'' without also executing ''makeWidget()'' While in this trivial example that's not a huge problem, in a more complex example it often is, especially if several functions/methods are nested more deeply.  Dependency injection cannot fully solve this problem, unless each step is in a separate class.
 +By making it easy to chain functions together, however, that can be rebuilt like this:
 +<code php>
 +function loadWidget($id): array
 +    return DB::query("something");
 +function loadMany(array $ids): array
 +    return DB::query("something else");
 +function makeWidget(array $record): Widget
 +    // Assume this is more complicated.
 +    return new Widget(...$record);
 +$widget = loadWidget(5) |> makeWidget(...);
 +$widgets = loadMany([1, 4, 5]) |> fn(array $records) => array_map(makeWidget(...), $records);
 +And the latter could be further simplified with either a higher-order function (like ''amap()'' seen in the Serde example above) or partial function application.  Those chains could also be wrapped up into their own functions/methods for trivial reuse.  They can also be extended, too.  For instance, the result of ''loadMany()'' is most likely going to be used in a ''foreach()'' loop.  That's a simple further step in the chain.
 +<code php>
 +$profit = loadMany([1, 4, 5]) 
 +    |> fn(array $records) => array_map(makeWidget(...), $records)
 +    |> fn(array $ws) => array_filter(isOnSale(...), $ws)
 +    |> fn(array $ws) => array_map(sellWidget(...), $ws)
 +    |> array_sum(...);
 +And again, a few simple higher-order utility functions would eliminate the need for the wrapping closures.
 +<code php>
 +$profit = loadMany([1, 4, 5]) 
 +    |> amap(makeWidget(...))
 +    |> afilter(isOnSale(...))
 +    |> amap(sellWidget(...))
 +    |> array_sum(...);
 +That neatly encapsulates the entire logic flow of a process in a clear, compact, highly-testable set of operations.
 +=== Pseudo-extension functions ===
 +"Extension functions" are a feature of Kotlin and C# (and possibly other languages) that allow for a function to act as though it is a method of another object.  It has only public-read access, but has the ergonomics of a method.  While not a perfect substitute, pipes do offer similar capability with a little more work.
 +For instance, the above examples included utility functions ''amap()'' and ''afilter()'' Trivial implementations of those functions are as follows.  (A more robust version that also handles iterables is only slightly more work.)
 +<code php>
 +function amap(callable $c): \Closure
 +    return fn(array $a) => array_map($c, $a);
 +function afilter(callable $c): \Closure
 +    return fn(array $a) => array_filter($a, $c);
 +That allows them to be used, via pipes, in a manner similar to "scalar methods."
 +<code php>
 +$result = $array 
 +    |> afilter(is_even(...)) 
 +    |> amap(some_transformation(...)) 
 +    |> afilter(a_filter(...));
 +Which is not far off from what it would look like with scalar methods:
 +<code php>
 +$result = $array 
 +    ->filter(is_even(...)) 
 +    ->map(some_transformation(...)) 
 +    ->filter(a_filter(...));
 +But can work with //any// value type, object or scalar.  While I do not believe pipes can completely replace extension functions or scalar methods, they provide a reasonable emulation and most of the benefits, for trivial cost.
 ==== Existing implementations ==== ==== Existing implementations ====
-Multiple user-space libraries exist in PHP that attempt to replicate pipe-like or compose-like behavior.  (See future-scope below for compose.)  All are clunky and complex by necessity compared to a native solution.  There is clear demand for this functionality, but user-space's ability to provide it is currently limited.  This list has only grown since the Pipes v2 RFC, indicating an even stronger benefit to the PHP ecosystem with a solid built-in composition syntax.+Multiple user-space libraries exist in PHP that attempt to replicate pipe-like or compose-like behavior.  All are clunky and complex by necessity compared to a native solution.  There is clear demand for this functionality, but user-space's ability to provide it is currently limited.  This list has only grown since the Pipes v2 RFC, indicating an even stronger benefit to the PHP ecosystem with a solid built-in composition syntax.
   * The PHP League has a [[https://pipeline.thephpleague.com/|Pipeline]] library that encourages wrapping all functions into classes with an ''%%__invoke()%%'' method to allow them to be referenced, and using a ''->pipe()'' call for each step.   * The PHP League has a [[https://pipeline.thephpleague.com/|Pipeline]] library that encourages wrapping all functions into classes with an ''%%__invoke()%%'' method to allow them to be referenced, and using a ''->pipe()'' call for each step.
Line 165: Line 437:
 ===== Future Scope ===== ===== Future Scope =====
-There are a number of potential improvements to this feature that have been left for later, as their implementation would be notably more involved than this RFC.  The author believes they would be of a benefit in their own RFCs.+This RFC is deliberately "step 1" of several closely related features to make composition-based code easier and more ergonomic.  It offers benefit on its own, but deliberately dovetails with several other features that are worthy of their own RFCs.
 A [[rfc:function-composition|compose operator]] for closures (likely ''+'').  Where pipe executes immediately, compose creates a new callable (Closure) that composes two or more other Closures.  That allows a new operation to be defined simply and easily and then saved for later in a variable.  Because it is "just" an operator, it is compatible with all other language features.  That means, for example, conditionally building up a pipeline is just a matter of throwing ''if'' statements around as appropriate.  The author firmly believes that a compose operator is a necessary companion to pipe, and the functionality will be incomplete without it.  However, while pipe can be implemented trivially in the compile step, a compose operator will require non-trivial runtime work.  For that reason it has been split out to its own RFC. A [[rfc:function-composition|compose operator]] for closures (likely ''+'').  Where pipe executes immediately, compose creates a new callable (Closure) that composes two or more other Closures.  That allows a new operation to be defined simply and easily and then saved for later in a variable.  Because it is "just" an operator, it is compatible with all other language features.  That means, for example, conditionally building up a pipeline is just a matter of throwing ''if'' statements around as appropriate.  The author firmly believes that a compose operator is a necessary companion to pipe, and the functionality will be incomplete without it.  However, while pipe can be implemented trivially in the compile step, a compose operator will require non-trivial runtime work.  For that reason it has been split out to its own RFC.
rfc/pipe-operator-v3.1739073512.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/09 03:58 by crell