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PHP RFC: Is Literal Check


Add an is_literal() function, so developers/frameworks can check if a given variable is safe.

As in, at runtime, being able to check if a variable has been created by literals, defined within a PHP script, by a trusted developer.

This simple check can be used to warn or completely block SQL Injection, Command Line Injection, and many cases of HTML Injection (aka XSS).

See the justification for why this is important.

In short, abstractions like Doctrine could protect against common mistakes, like this Query Builder example:

$users = $queryBuilder
  ->from('User', 'u')
  ->where('u.id = ' . $_GET['id'])

Or this Twig HTML Template:

echo $twig->createTemplate('<p>Hi ' . $_GET['name'] . '</p>')->render();


Literals are safe values, defined within the PHP script, for example:

is_literal('Example'); // true
$a = 'Example';
is_literal($a); // true
is_literal(4); // true
is_literal(0.3); // true
is_literal('a' . 'b'); // true, compiler can concatenate
$a = 'A';
$b = $a . ' B ' . 3;
is_literal($b); // true, ideally (more details below)
is_literal($_GET['id']); // false
is_literal(rand(0, 10)); // false
is_literal(sprintf('LIMIT %d', 3)); // false
$c = count($ids);
$a = 'WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, $c, '?')) . ')';
is_literal($a); // true, the one exception that involves functions.

Ideally string concatenation would be allowed, but Danack suggested this might raise performance concerns, and an array implode like function could be used instead (or a query builder).

Thanks to NikiC, it looks like we can reuse the GC_PROTECTED flag for strings.

As an aside, Xinchen Hui found the Taint extension was complex in PHP5, but “with PHP7's new zend_string, and string flags, the implementation will become easier”. Also, MarkR suggested that it might be possible to use the fact that “interned strings in PHP have a flag”, which is there because these “can't be freed”.

Unlike the Taint extension, there must not be an equivalent untaint() function, or support any kind of escaping.

Previous Work

There is the Taint extension by Xinchen Hui, but in contract to this, there must not be an equivalent untaint() function, or support any kind of escaping (see the justification page).

Google currently uses a similar approach in Go where they use “compile time constants”.

And there are discussions about adding it to JavaScript to support Trusted Types.

As noted be Tyson Andre, it might be possible to use static analysis, for example psalm. But I can't find any which do these checks by default, they are likely to miss things that happen at runtime, and we can't expect all programmers to use static analysis (especially those who have just stated, who need this more than developers who know the concepts and just make the odd mistake).

And there is the Automatic SQL Injection Protection RFC by Matt Tait, where this RFC uses a similar concept of the SafeConst. When Matt's RFC was being discussed, it was noted:

  • “unfiltered input can affect way more than only SQL” (Pierre Joye);
  • this amount of work isn't ideal for “just for one use case” (Julien Pauli);
  • It would have effected every SQL function, such as mysqli_query(), $pdo->query(), odbc_exec(), etc (concerns raised by Lester Caine and Anthony Ferrara);
  • Each of those functions would need a bypass for cases where unsafe SQL was intentionally being used (e.g. phpMyAdmin taking SQL from POST data) because some applications intentionally “pass raw, user submitted, SQL” (Ronald Chmara 1/2).

I also agree that “SQL injection is almost a solved problem [by using] prepared statements” (Scott Arciszewski), but we still need the is_literal() check to identify mistakes.

Backward Incompatible Changes


Proposed PHP Version(s)

PHP 8.1?

RFC Impact


Not sure

To Existing Extensions

Not sure

To Opcache

Not sure

Open Issues

On GitHub:

  1. Should this be named something else? (Jakob Givoni suggested is_from_literal).
  2. Would this cause performance issues?
  3. Can array_fill()+implode() pass though the “is_literal” flag for the “WHERE IN” case?
  4. Systems/Frameworks that define certain variables (e.g. table name prefixes) without the use of a literal (e.g. ini/json/yaml files), they might need to make some changes to use this check, as originally noted by Dennis Birkholz.

Unaffected PHP Functionality

Not sure

Future Scope

As noted by MarkR, the biggest benefit will come when it can be used by PDO and similar functions (mysqli_query, preg_match, exec, etc). But the basic idea can be used immediately by frameworks and general abstraction libraries, and they can give feedback for future work.

Phase 2 could introduce a way for certain function arguments to only accept safe literals, and/or specific value-objects the project trusts (this idea comes from Trusted Types in JavaScript).

For example, a project could require the second argument for pg_query() to only accept literals or their query_builder object (which provides a __toString method); and that any output (print, echo, readfile, etc) must use the html_output object that's returned by their trusted HTML Templating system (using ob_start might be useful here).

Phase 3 could set a default of 'only literals' for all of the relevant PHP function arguments, so developers are given a warning, and later prevented (via an exception), when they provide an unsafe value to those functions (they could still specify that unsafe values are allowed, e.g. phpMyAdmin).

And, for a bit of silliness (Spaß ist verboten), there could be a is_figurative() function, which MarkR seems to really, want :-)

Proposed Voting Choices


Patches and Tests





Rejected Features


rfc/is_literal.1616235892.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/20 10:24 by craigfrancis