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rfc:internal_serialize_api [2013/12/15 18:26] – Set correct patch url bukka
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 +====== PHP RFC: Internal Serialize API ======
 +  * Version: 1.1
 +  * Date: 2013-07-27
 +  * Author: Jakub Zelenka, bukka@php.net
 +  * Status: Under Discussion
 +===== Introduction =====
 +This RFC proposes a new API for internal object serialization and unserialization.
 +The current methods of serializing/unserializing of objects in extensions are following:
 +  * Internal class has to to define object properties or use get_properties handler. The properties are then used for serialization. The object state can be restored using ''__wakeup'' user method.
 +  * Using Serializable interface or serialize / unserialize ''zend_class_entry'' callbacks and then generate / parse custom serialized string
 +The first method has one side effect. After unserializing of object, the properties are saved to the object properties HashTable. This requires more allocated memory for the object than it's usualy necassary. The usual purpose of unserializing the internal object is to get the object to the state when it was before serialization. These data are mostly saved in the object bucket and there is no point to save them to properties table as well. There also is an performance issue with serialization. In addition the serialization is quite slow because HashTable must be created and populated with zvals. This is much slower than simply transforming the state of the object to the string (see benchmarks).
 +The second method requires generating and parsing serialized string which can require quite a lot of coding in C. Also the resulted string is never compatible with the string generate by the first method. It means that existing classes cannot be changed from the first method to the custom serialization without breaking BC.
 +The proposed API resolves all mentioned problems and also simplify the way how internal objects are serialized/unserialized.
 +===== Proposal =====
 +The purpose of the proposed API is simplified custom object serialization and unserialization for extension writers and also improve performance.
 +The proposed changes does not have any influence on user space serialization/unserialization. The purpose is only to extend internal API for extensions.
 +==== Serialization ====
 +The first part of the proposal is API for generating serialized data for internal classes.
 +=== Serialize hook changes ===
 +Currently ''zend_class_entry'' serializer callback ''serialize'' is used if callback exists and its return value is ''SUCCESS''. The RFC proposes changing the possible return values to:
 +If the return value is ''PHP_SERIALIZE_FAILURE'' or ''PHP_SERIALIZE_CUSTOM'', the behavior will be the same as it is now for FAILURE or SUCCESS. It means that the changes are backward compatible. 
 +If the return value is ''PHP_SERIALIZE_OBJECT'', the custom class prefix generation in ''php_var_serialize_intern'' (C:class_name...) will be omitted and only the string returned from the callback will be used. In this case, the extension writer should always use new API functions (see bellow) that generates a valid string that can be later used for unserializing the object. 
 +=== Functions ===
 +The RFC defines new PHPAPI exported helper functions that should be used for object serialization.
 +/* add object serialization string prefix */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_object_start(smart_str *buf, zval *object, zend_uint nprops TSRMLS_DC);
 +/* append string that ends the object definition */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_object_end(smart_str *buf);
 +/* append null property */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_property_null(smart_str *buf, const char *key);
 +/* append boolean property */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_property_bool(smart_str *buf, const char *key, int value);
 +/* append long property */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_property_long(smart_str *buf, const char *key, long value);
 +/* append double property */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_property_double(smart_str *buf, const char *key, double value TSRMLS_DC);
 +/* append string property */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_property_string(smart_str *buf, const char *key, const char *value);
 +/* append string property */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_property_stringl(smart_str *buf, const char *key, const char *value, int value_len);
 +/* append string property zval */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_property_zval(smart_str *buf, const char *key, zval *value, zend_serialize_data *data TSRMLS_DC);
 +/* append properties taken from HashTable */
 +PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_properties(smart_str *buf, HashTable *properties, zend_serialize_data *data TSRMLS_DC);
 +The functionality for all functions should be clear from the comments.
 +=== Example ====
 +This example shows how the new API could be used in extension.
 +static int test_object_serialize(zval *object, unsigned char **buffer, zend_uint *buf_len, zend_serialize_data *data TSRMLS_DC)
 +    smart_str buf = {0};
 +    php_var_serialize_object_start(&buf, object, 3 TSRMLS_CC);
 +    php_var_serialize_property_bool(&buf, "valid", 1);
 +    php_var_serialize_property_long(&buf, "count", 23);
 +    php_var_serialize_property_double(&buf, "average", 1.23 TSRMLS_CC);
 +    php_var_serialize_property_string(&buf, "name", "test");
 +    php_var_serialize_object_end(&buf);
 +==== Unserialization ====
 +The second part of the proposal is API for parsing serialized string for internal classes.
 +=== Unserialize hook changes ===
 +Currently ''zend_class_entry'' unserializer callback ''unserialize'' is used for custom classes (when serialized string prefix is C:). The expected return value is ''SUCCESS'' on success, otherwise ''FAILED''.
 +The RFC proposes calling unserialize callback for custom classes as well as for normal internal classes (prefixed O:) that have ''unserialize'' not null. For the normal internal classes the meaning of return value is following:
 +The return value is number of characters left in the buffer after processing serialized string. In case of error, the return value should be negative number (usually -1). This behavior is backward compatible.
 +=== Functions ===
 +The RFC defines new PHPAPI exported helper functions that should be used for object unserialization.
 +/* whether unserialization finished */
 +PHPAPI int php_var_unserialize_has_properties(const unsigned char *buf, zend_uint buf_len);
 +/* unserialize all properties of the serialized object and save them to ht */
 +PHPAPI int php_var_unserialize_properties(HashTable *ht, const unsigned char **buf, zend_uint *buf_len, zend_unserialize_data *data TSRMLS_DC);
 +/* unserialize one property (key and value) of the serialized object */
 +PHPAPI int php_var_unserialize_property(zval *key, zval *value, const unsigned char **buf, zend_uint *buf_len, zend_unserialize_data *data TSRMLS_DC);
 +The functionality for all functions should be clear from the comments.
 +=== Example ====
 +This example shows how the new API could be used in extension.
 +static int test_object_unserialize(zval **object, zend_class_entry *ce, const unsigned char *buf, zend_uint buf_len, zend_unserialize_data *data TSRMLS_DC)
 +    zval key, value;
 +    while (php_var_unserialize_has_properties(buf, buf_len))
 +    {
 +        if (!php_var_unserialize_property(&key, &value, &buf, &buf_len, data TSRMLS_CC)) {
 +            return -1;
 +        }
 +        /* process key and value... */
 +        zval_dtor(&key);
 +        zval_dtor(&value);
 +    }
 +    return (int) buf_len;
 +===== Benchmark and more examples =====
 +The extension with tests and benchmarks is available at https://github.com/bukka/php-extest/blob/master/doc/serialize.md
 +===== Patches and Tests =====
 +PAtch is in my branch: https://github.com/bukka/php-src/compare/serialize_internal_api
rfc/internal_serialize_api.txt · Last modified: 2018/06/18 10:15 by cmb