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PHP RFC: Immutable classes and properties


This RFC proposes introduction of immutable classes and properties. Currently PHP lacks native support for immutability. Because of that user-land applications are using third party libraries or resort to custom implementations and still there is no easy enforcement of immutability. Introducing this feature would help bring one unified solution to this problem, and also it would remove unnecessary logic from user-land applications.


  1. Immutability guaranteed by language instead of user-land implementation.
  2. Safe for concurrency.
  3. Value objects, DTO's etc. can be easily created.
  4. Properties can be public which removes need for getters without allowing state modification.
  5. (Please point it out more advantages)


  1. Cloning has to be disabled for immutable objects
  2. (Please point it out more disadvantages)


class Email {
  private $_email;
  public function __construct ($email) {
    // validation
    $this->_email = $email;
  public function getValue() {
     return $this->_email;


immutable class Email {
  public $email;
  public function __construct ($email) {
    // validation
    $this->email = $email;


Class defined as immutable will imply immutability across all of it's properties by default. After constructor returns, it will not be possible to modify state of immutable properties from any scope.

immutable class Email {
  public $email;
  public function __construct ($email) {
    // validation
    $this->email = $email;
$email = new Email("foo@php.net");
$email->email = "bar@php.net" // Call will result in Fatal Error

Regular classes can define immutability per property.

class Email {
  public immutable $email;
  public function __construct ($email) {
    // validation
    $this->email = $email;
$email = new Email("foo@php.net");
$email->email = "bar@php.net" // Call will result in Fatal Error

Any class that extends immutable class must be also declared as immutable.

immutable class Foo{}
class Bar extends Foo{} // Will result in Fatal Error

It will not be possible to assign value by reference to immutable property.

immutable class Email {
  public $email;
  public function __construct ($email) {
    // validation
    $this->email = $email;
$email = new Email("foo@php.net");
$emailRef = &$email->email;
$emailRef = "bar@php.net" // Call will result in Fatal Error

If immutable property contains object, object must also be an instance of immutable class.

class Bar{}
immutable class Foo {
  public $bar;
  public function __construct (Bar $bar) {
    // validation
    $this->bar = $bar;
$foo = new Foo(new Bar()); // Will result in a error because Bar is not instance of immutable class

Backward Incompatible Changes

No backward incompatible changes.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

- PHP 7.2

RFC Impact


No SAPI impact.

To Existing Extensions

- Reflection.

To Opcache

New Constants

No new constants.

php.ini Defaults

No changes for INI values.

Open Issues

No open issues.

Unaffected PHP Functionality

Future Scope

Proposed Voting Choices

Proposals require 2/3 majority

Patches and Tests


After the project is implemented, this section should contain

  1. the version(s) it was merged to
  2. a link to the git commit(s)
  3. a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature


Rejected Features

rfc/immutability.1471206217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)