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PHP RFC: Generator Delegation


This RFC proposes new yield from <expr> syntax allowing Generator functions to delegate operations to Traversable objects and arrays. The proposed syntax allows the factoring of yield statements into smaller conceptual units in the same way that discrete class methods simplify object-oriented code. The proposal is conceptually related to and requires functionality proposed by the forerunning Generator Return Expressions RFC.


The following new syntax is allowed in the body of generator functions:

    yield from <expr>

In the above code <expr> is any expression that evaluates to a Traversable object or array. This traversable is advanced until no longer valid, during which time it sends/receives values directly to/from the delegating generator's caller. If the <expr> traversable is a Generator it is considered a subgenerator whose eventual return value is returned to the delegating generator as the result of the originating yield from expression.


  • A “delegating generator” is a Generator in which the yield from <expr> syntax appears.
  • A “subgenerator” is a Generator used in the <expr> portion of the yield from <expr> syntax.


  • Each value yielded by the traversable is passed directly to the delegating generator's caller.
  • Each value sent to the delegating generator's send() method is passed to the subgenerator's send() method. If the delegate traversable is not a generator any sent values are ignored as non-generator traversables have no capacity to receive such values.
  • Exceptions thrown by traversable/subgenerator advancement are propagated up the chain to the delegating generator.
  • Upon traversable completion null is returned to the delegating generator if the traversable is NOT a generator. If the traversable is a generator (subgenerator) its return value is sent to the delegating generator as the value of the yield from expression.


The proposed syntax

$g = function() {
    return yield from <expr>;

is equivalent to

$g = function() {
    $iter = <expr>;
    $isSubgenerator = $iter instanceof Generator;
    $received = null;
    $send = true;
    while ($iter->valid()) {
        if ($isSubgenerator) {
            $next = $send ? $iter->send($received) : $iter->throw($received);
        } else {
            $next = $iter->current();
        try {
            $received = yield $next;
            $send = true;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            if ($isSubgenerator) {
                $received = $e;
                $send = false;
            } else {
                $throw $e;
    return $isSubgenerator ? $iter->getReturn() : null;


A major impetus for generator delegation is refactoring and readability. At its core, this is the same guiding principle employed when returning values from discrete class methods. Imagine a class method from which no return value is possible. In such a scenario we could store the result in an instance property and subsequently retrieve it from the context of the calling code. However, this kind of superfluous state quickly becomes difficult to reason about.

Additionally, we recognize that functional contexts lack the additional stateful context in which to store results. In the absence of the standard input-output paradigm there's no way to access the eventual result of a generator's pausable computations. Of course, it is possible to work around this suboptimal situation with references and closure use binding but these indirect approaches are instantly eliminated when Generator functions are allowed to return expressions. Return values minimize cognitive overhead in such cases by allowing programmers to directly associate an individual operation with its eventual result.

Generator delegation -- at its heart -- is nothing more than the application of standard factoring practices to allow the decomposition of complex operations into smaller cohesive units.

Use-Case: Factored Generator Computations

In this simple example we demonstrate the use of yield from to factor out a more complex operation into multiple discrete generators. Callers of myGeneratorFunction do not care from whence the individual yielded values came (nor should they). Instead, they simply iterate over the yielded values awaiting the generator function's eventual return.

    function myGeneratorFunction($foo) {
        // ... do some stuff with $foo ...
        $bar = yield from factoredComputation1($foo);
        // ... do some stuff with $bar ...
        $baz = yield from factoredComputation2($bar);
        return $baz;
    function factoredComputation1($foo) {
        yield ...; // pseudo-code (something we factored out)
        yield ...; // pseudo-code (something we factored out)
        return 'zanzibar';
    function factoredComputation2($bar) {
        yield ...; // pseudo-code (something we factored out)
        yield ...; // pseudo-code (something we factored out)
        return 42;

Use-Case: Generators as Lightweight Threads

The defining feature of Generator functions is their support for suspending execution for later resumption. This capability gives applications a mechanism to implement asynchronous and concurrent architectures even in a traditionally single-threaded language like PHP. With simple userland task scheduling systems interleaved generators become lightweight threads of execution for concurrent processing tasks.

In the absence of generator return values, though, applications face an environment where “background” tasks can be offloaded without a standardized way to return the eventual result. This is one reason why this proposal depends on the acceptance of the Generator Return Expressions RFC. The other reason return values are required stems from the previously discussed refactoring principle. Specifically: code using generators for threaded execution can benefit from subgenerators behaving like ordinary functions.

Using the proposed syntax an ordinary function foo

$baz = foo($bar);

can be transformed into a subgenerator delegation of the form

$baz = yield from foo($bar);

where foo is a pausable generator. In this manner applications can create powerful userland concurrency abstractions without the cognitive overhead often associated with threaded multitasking. In the above example generator delegation allows the language to do the heavy lifting while the programmer need only concern herself with the input, $bar, and the eventual output, $baz.

In short: generator delegation allows programmers to reason about the behaviour of the concurrent code simply by thinking of foo() as an ordinary function which can be suspended using a yield statement.

NB: The actual implementation of coroutine task schedulers is outside the scope of this document. This RFC focuses only on the language-level machinery needed to make such tools more feasible in userland. It should be obvious that simply moving code into a generator function will not somehow make it magically concurrent.

Basic Examples

Delegating to another generator (subgenerator)

function g1() {
  yield 2;
  yield 3;
  yield 4;
function g2() {
  yield 1;
  yield from g1();
  yield 5;
$g = g2();
foreach ($g as $yielded) {

Delegating to an array

function g() {
  yield 1;
  yield from [2, 3, 4];
  yield 5;
$g = g();
foreach ($g as $yielded) {

Delegating to non-generator traversables

function g() {
  yield 1;
  yield from new ArrayIterator([2, 3, 4]);
  yield 5;
$g = g();
foreach ($g as $yielded) {

The yield from expression value

function g1() {
  yield 2;
  yield 3;
  return 42;
function g2() {
  yield 1;
  $g1result = yield from g1();
  yield 4;
  return $g1result;
$g = g2();
foreach ($g as $yielded) {

Selected Implementation Details

The delegation implementation builds on the patch submitted as part of the Generator Return Expressions RFC. This implementation adds the following new parsing token:

%token T_YIELD_FROM “yield from (T_YIELD_FROM)”

The primary advantage of this approach is the addition of a readable and semantically meaningful syntax without reserving a new from keyword.

Subgenerator Keys

As Generator iteration is always associated with an accompanying key there exists the potential that a given delegation may return the same key multiple times from separate individual generators. This was deemed unproblematic for three primary reasons.

  • Multiple occurrences of the same key can easily occur in the existing generator implementation should a function yield the same key more than once.
  • If a caller derives semantic meaning from yielded keys the burden is placed on generator value producers to yield keys sensible for problem domain in which they exist. The burden here is not on the language to avoid duplicate keys.
  • The Traversable interface represents neither a hash map nor a traditional contiguously indexed array and its implementations have no special requirement to expose data access to API consumers via index keys. As such, key recurrence exposes no risk for overwriting existing internal generator data.

Shared Subgenerator Behavior

PHP generator functions are implemented as stateful object instances. Although “sharing” valid generator instances does not present any immediately obvious use-cases, such behavior is still supported. Here we note some of the characteristics of shared generator functions.

If a “shared” subgenerator that has previously iterated to completion is passed in a yield from expression its completed return value is immediately returned to the delegating generator. In code:

function subgenerator() {
    yield 1;
    return 42;
function delegator(Generator $shared) {
    return yield from $shared;
$shared = subgenerator();
while($shared->valid()) { $shared->next(); }
$delegator = delegator($shared);
foreach ($delegator as $value) {
// This is our only output because no values are yielded
// from the already-completed shared subgenerator

Manually advancing a shared subgenerator outside the context of the delegating generator will not result in an error. In code:

function subgenerator() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;
    yield 4;
    return 42;
function delegator(Generator $shared) {
    return yield from $shared;
$shared = subgenerator();
$delegator = delegator($shared);
while($delegator->valid()) {

Error States

There are two scenarios in which yield from usage can result in an EngineException:

  • Using yield from <expr> where <expr> evaluates to a generator which previously terminated with an uncaught exception results in an EngineException.
  • Using yield from <expr> where <expr> evaluates to something that is neither Traversable nor an array throws an EngineException.

Rejected Ideas

The original version of this RFC proposed a yield * syntax. This was rejected in favor of yield from on the basis that it would break backwards compatibility. Additionally, the yield * form was considered a less readable option that the current proposal.


It has been suggested during the discussion phase that a mechanism other than return be used in subgenerators to establish the value returned to delegating generators by yield from expressions. The following counter-arguments are provided to this criticism:

  • Forms other than return would undermine the proposal's stated goal of conceptualizing subgenerators as suspendable functions. Implementing a different syntax would inhibit this understanding by fostering the idea of generators as being something other than “real” functions.
  • return expressions have applicable semantics, known characteristics and low cognitive overhead.
  • Other popular dynamic languages inhabiting a similar space to PHP implement generator delegation value resolution using the return syntax proposed here. Sharing common vernacular for similar features lowers cognitive barriers for developers coming to PHP from diverse backgrounds.

Other Languages

Other popular dynamic languages currently support variants of the proposed syntax ...


Python 3.3 generators support the yield from syntax:

>>> def accumulate():
...     tally = 0
...     while 1:
...         next = yield
...         if next is None:
...             return tally
...         tally += next
>>> def gather_tallies(tallies):
...     while 1:
...         tally = yield from accumulate()
...         tallies.append(tally)
>>> tallies = []
>>> acc = gather_tallies(tallies)
>>> next(acc) # Ensure the accumulator is ready to accept values
>>> for i in range(4):
...     acc.send(i)
>>> acc.send(None) # Finish the first tally
>>> for i in range(5):
...     acc.send(i)
>>> acc.send(None) # Finish the second tally
>>> tallies
[6, 10]


Javascript ES6 generators support the yield* syntax:

function* g4() {
  yield* [1, 2, 3];
  return "foo";
var result;
function* g5() {
  result = yield* g4();
var iterator = g5();
console.log(iterator.next()); // { value: 1, done: false }
console.log(iterator.next()); // { value: 2, done: false }
console.log(iterator.next()); // { value: 3, done: false }
console.log(iterator.next()); // { value: undefined, done: true }, 
                              // g4() returned { value: "foo", done: true } at this point
console.log(result);          // "foo"

Backward Incompatible Changes


Proposed PHP Version(s)


Unaffected PHP Functionality

Existing generator semantics are unaffected.

Proposed Voting Choices

Two voting choices are proposed†:

  • YES, implement the yield from syntax allowing generator delegation in PHP 7*
  • NO, do not modify existing Generator behavior

A 2/3 “Yes” vote is required to implement this proposal.

†: The success of this vote depends on the success of the accompanying Generator Return Expressions RFC. Should Generator Return Expressions be rejected the voting outcome of this RFC will be rendered moot.

Patches and Tests

The current patch is approaching “final” status and can be found here:


The patch was written by Bob Weinand and is based upon the implementation branch written by Nikita Popov for the Generator Return Expressions RFC. Extensive .phpt tests exist in the implementation branch and readers are encouraged both to compile with the proposed implementation and read the test cases to ascertain the full nature of the proposal.





  • v0.2.0 Moved to yield from instead of yield *+ massive textual additions
  • v0.1.0 Initial proposal
rfc/generator-delegation.1425930979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)