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PHP RFC: Final class constants


Currently, class constants are always overridable by child classes. This causes a few smaller caveats:

First of all, the engine can't optimize class constant references when late static binding is involved, so it has to pessimistically assume that FOO is overridden in case of static::FOO or $this::FOO invocations.

What's more important is that class constants are not guaranteed to stay constant. Even if one always references them by using self::, doing so won't prevent a child class from changing their value or even their type. Although constants not being constants is usually considered only as a theoretical problem, being able to add a final modifier would make the intention explicit that child classes shouldn't try to override them (e.g. because the parent .

An interesting fact is that interface constants are already final:

interface I
    public const X = "i";
class C implements I
    public const X = "bar";
// Fatal error: Cannot inherit previously-inherited or override constant X from interface I

This leads to an interesting inconsistency. By introducing an intermediate class, overriding still becomes possible:

interface I
    public const X = "i";
class C implements I
class D extends C 
    public const X = "d";
// No error


The final modifier can be added to class constants. Doing so prevents overriding of a constant:

class Foo
    final public const X = "foo";
class Bar extends Foo
    public const X = "bar";
// Fatal error: Bar::X cannot override final constant Foo::X

Besides, interface constants would become overridable by default, and the final modifier could be used to retain the original behavior.

interface I
    public const X = "i";
    final public const Y = "i";
class C implements I
    public const X = "c"; // Overriding I::X is possible
    public const Y = "c"; // Overriding I::Y is not possible
// Fatal error: C::Y cannot override final constant I::Y


A ReflectionClassConstant::isFinal()method is added in order to be able to retrieve if a constant is final.

Backward Incompatible Changes



Add support for final class constants? The vote requires 2/3 majority to be accepted.

rfc/final_class_const.1620140816.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/04 15:06 by kocsismate