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PHP RFC: New operator for context-dependent escaping


This RFC proposes the addition of new operator for context-dependent escaping. This operator is intended mainly for HTML escaping but it allows to add handlers for other contexts. This operator requires new syntax, so it requires the changes in the language parser.

Problem description

Missing or wrong HTML escaping is the main reason of XSS vulnerabilities on many sites. Template engines solve this problem, but there are many applications where template engines are not used - which are written on custom engines, on CMSs, on frameworks without a template engine by default. These projects continue to develop and require to write code.

In applications without template engines output a value from database is very frequent operation. Almost all cases of using <?= ?> operator must be with HTML-escaping, and only sometimes it is needed to output raw HTML.

I suggest new operator, which make escaping operation more easier, safer and useful. Usually it is not very hard to move an application to new version of language, but it is almost impossible to rewrite all PHP-templates to a special template engine.

Of course, we can make a function with short name like <?= h($something) ?>. But the problem is not that we don't have a function.

The problem is that <?= h($something) ?> and <?= $something ?> both work good, and unsafe variant works exactly as safe one until we get unsafe data. There is no such problem with other contexts. If we don't call json_encode() when passing an array or object into javascript, this only will break the script, and this will be noticeable, there won't be a problem with security. Also, because we need to call escaping function everywhere, the problem is that we must copy-paste it, and there is a possibility to forget to do this sometime.

Main argument against such operator is that main problem is in specific context. There are various contexts and each one requires special escaping. But I think this is not required to support all of them. Because - who asks about it?) There are no requests about special operator for json_encode(), but there are many requests for htmlspecialchars(). You can not deny the problem with HTML escaping really exists. My first goal is to draw the attention on it. Exact implementation is a secondary thing.

HTML context is very frequent case, and it can be used together with other contexts.

Consider the example:

<a href="/things/<?= $thing['name'] ?>" onclick="alert('<?= $thing['name'] ?>');">
    <?= $thing['name'] ?>

It may seem that different escaping is required here. But it's not. The call of htmlspecialchars() is required in all 3 cases:

<?php $thing = ['name' => 'Say "Hello")']; ?>
    href="/things/<?= htmlspecialchars(urlencode($thing['name'])) ?>"
    onclick="alert(<?= htmlspecialchars(json_encode($thing['name']), ENT_QUOTES) ?>);"
    <?= htmlspecialchars($thing['name']) ?>

Actually, on web page we have 3 external contexts - HTML, <script> tag, <style> tag. PHP+CSS generally is not used. PHP+JS is not just escaping. It is encoding in special notation, and as I think, it has different semantics - 'keep correct markup' (htmlspecialchars) and 'pass a value' (json_encode).

But anyway we need to be able to set different flags for htmlspecialchars(). So, handling for other contexts also can be added the same way. And I have an idea about how to do it.


The purpose of this operator is

  1. To make frequent operations for escaping more easy to use.
  2. To remove copy-paste for calling an escaping function.
  3. To improve a security, because the escaping will become automatic in all places, and this will prevent XSS.


Operator has the following form:

<?* $str ?>
<?* $str, 'html' ?>
<?* $str, $context ?>

Both expressions any constant or variable. Second expression is optional. How to handle a context is up to appllication.

I suggest the symbol '*' because it is not unary operator and it gives an error in previous PHP versions. All symbols in <?* ?> are typed with Shift, and they require another way to type, unlike <?= ?>, so there is a less possibility to write '=' instead. The symbol tilde '~' is not present on keyboard layouts for some european languages.

Operator is compiled into the following AST:

echo escape_handler_call(first_argument, second_argument);

This is done very similar to backticks operator for shell_exec().

There are 3 functions:

escape_handler_call($string[, $context]);

They work similar to set_error_handler() / restore_error_handler().

Function set_escape_handler() sets user-defined handler which will be called from escape_handler_call(). Returns previously set handler or null. The handler can be any valid callable value. Arguments for this handler are the same as for escape_handler_call().

Function restore_escape_handler() removes current handler and restores previously set handler.

Function escape_handler_call() just pass given arguments into user-defined handler. Second argument is not required. If the handler is not set, it throws an exception. There is no default handler for any context, to prevent 'built-in' wrong work of <?* $str ?> constructions in non-HTML contexts like CSV. This is not hard to create a handler once. Default context can be set in it as default value for second argument.

We can use it like this:

    // anywhere in application
    set_escape_handler(function($str, $context = 'html') {
        if ($context == 'html') {
            return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 | ENT_DISALLOWED | ENT_SUBSTITUTE);
        if ($context == 'js') {
            return my_js_encode($str);
        throw new Exception('Unknown context: ' . $context);
    // or
    // set_escape_handler([$this, 'escape']);
<?* $str ?>
<?* $str, 'html' ?>

There are no magic constants, problem with autoloading, complicated syntax, or big changes in the logic of existing constructions. This is just a helper to call user-defined escaper, the same as if he would call it manually everywhere.

In this way we can have multiple contexts, default escaping, and full control and customization.


Implementation is done similar to set_error_handler() mechanism.

escape_handler_call($string[, $context]);

callable|null set_escape_handler(callable $handler)

Sets user-defined handler which will be called from escape_handler_call(). Returns previously set handler or null. The handler can be any valid callable value. Arguments for this handler are the same as for escape_handler_call().

bool restore_escape_handler()

Removes current handler and restores previously set handler.

mixed escape_handler_call(mixed $string[, mixed $context])

Passes given arguments into user-defined handler. Argumants are passed 'as is', without any changes. Second argument is not required. If the handler is not set, it throws an exception. There is no default handler for any context, to prevent 'built-in' wrong work of <?* $str ?> constructions in non-HTML contexts. User must define itws own handler before using escaping operator. Default context can be set in it as default value for second argument.

Main arguments 'for' and 'against'

  • You can write short function in userland

The problem is not that we have no function. The problem is that the same action is always repeated, and if we don't repeat it then it leads to security problems. More than 90% of output data - is data from DB and must be HTML-encoded.

Both variants <?= h($something) ?> and <?= $something ?> work good. But the second variant is unsafe. One is a subset of another, we have the same beginning <?= and then can write helper function or not. It is easy to forget to write that main part.

With new operator we can write or <?* ?>, or <?= ?>, they are mutually exclusive, and we need specially write one or another. Safe variant becomes as easy as unsafe. And we need to write <?* ?> almost everywhere.

  • It is no place for such operators in the language

It is no place for a such operators in C++, or C#, or Java. But in the most popular language for web-programming it is very place for such operator. Even in the PHP source code the content outside the PHP tags is designated as T_INLINE_HTML, not just T_EXTERNAL_CONTENT.

Maybe it would be better if operator <?= ?> performs HTML escaping, and raw data is output via <?php echo ?> Maybe if there were not operators for switching context between PHP and HTML, escaping operator would not be needed. But that is exactly what made PHP what it is. It is necessary or remove these operators completely or make them more safer and useful.

And we already have similar operator in the language - `backticks` for shell_exec().

  • You want to add new operator just for your needs

It's not only my needs for one project. I meet this problem in many projects without template engine.
There are many discussions related to HTML escaping. Some feature requests were created in 2002.

Also I have created the article on russian technical site http://habrahabr.ru with the poll about this feature.

Results at the moment of writing this RFC:

How often do you work with the projects with template rendering on PHP
where template engines are not used?
35% (182)  Always
23% (116)  Quite often
19% (96)   Quite rare
23% (120)  Almost never

Voted 514 people. Abstained 121 people.

How do you think, such an operator would be useful?
56% (286)  Yes
44% (222)  No

Voted 508 people. Abstained 136 people.

I don't use PHP template rendering ...
50% (153)  and I think that such an operator is not needed
50% (151)  but I think that such an operator will come in handy

Voted 304 people. Abstained 272 people.

The results of the poll show that it is not only my need. About 60% are “for” this operator, projects of others 40% will not be affected.
Maybe it would be good to create some official poll and to know community opinion about it?


This operator allows to set default escaping, multiple contexts, and full control and customization, without any problems with autoloading. It is easy to use and has small amount of code. It does not change Zend VM opcodes and does not break any existing code.

Also it will be useful for beginners, which don't know about HTML escaping or forget about it. If there will be special operator for HTML-safe output, beginners will use it, because this is simple.

This small change can really improve a security and make development easier in many applications - all projects without template engine.

Under discussion

Here is what is under discussion:

Starting sign:

<?* $a, $b ?>
<?: $a, $b ?>

Last one is more comfortable to type.

Separator sign:

<?* $a , $b ?>
<?* $a | $b ?>
<?* $a |> $b ?>
<?: $a : $b ?>

Maybe it should differ from standard <?= $a, $b ?> syntax to prevent mistakes like <?= $a, 'html' ?> instead of <?* $a, 'html' ?>. '|' won't give error, but looks more similar to escaping in template engines.

If to wrap in a class or namespace (fully qualified), to not clutter up a global namespace:


And also any names in source code or details of implementation, without changing main algorithm.

What is not under discussion:

Multiple arguments.
I think, it is enough that second argument can be any type, e.g. an array.

Complicated syntax like <?*html*js= $str ?>.
If we allow custom handlers, then we need runtime processing, so the example above cannot be compiled into
<?= htmlspecialchars(json_encode($str)) ?>
directly, and it will something like
<?= escape_handler_call(escape_handler_call($str, 'html'), 'js') ?>
I.e. we anyway need to pass context as a second argument, so why not allow user to do it.

Backward Incompatible Changes

Does not break backward compatibility.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

Next PHP 7.x

RFC Impact

To Language Parser

This is new operator, there will be the changes in the language parser.

To Opcache

Not sure but more likely none. It does not change Zend VM opcodes.

To Existsing Applications/Extensions

There may be some applications or extensions which contains <?* some text ?> as raw text in PHP template.

Unaffected PHP Functionality

This is new operator, all existing functionality will not be chagned.
There are no php.ini settings, no new Zend VM opcodes.

Proposed Voting Choices

Can this operator be useful for many people and implemented in PHP in some of forms described above?
The choices are Yes or No
Requires a 2/3 majority

Patches and Tests

Diff with changes:

This is just a concept, to show main idea. All details of implementation can fully be changed, depending on discussion result.



Discussions: http://marc.info/?t=146619199100001 http://marc.info/?t=146868366400003

Diff with changes:

Rejected Features

rfc/escaping_operator.1469349133.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)