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PHP RFC: Destructuring Coalesce


This RFC proposes adding an operator for default values in destructuring assignments.


This RFC proposes the usage of the ?? coalescing operator in destructuring assignments, allowing for default values to be specified when an array key specified on the left-hand side does not exist in the destructured array.

In its simplest form the destructuring coalesce will be written as follows:

[$a ?? "default value"] = $array;

meaning that $a will contain “default value” if no key 0 exists in $array.

By extension, this also works in all of the following scenarios where destructuring is currently allowed:

["string key" => $a ?? "default value"] = $array;
foreach ($array as [$a, $b ?? "default"]) {} // key 0 is required, key 1 may be absent
[[$a ?? 1], [$b ?? 2]] = $array; // nested destructuring
[[$a, $b] ?? [1, 2]] = $array; // if $array[0] is null or does not exist, $a will be 1 and $b will be 2

Note that for nested destructuring, the coalescing does 'not' skip the existence check of its container. Thus the following will emit an undefined key warning:

[[$a ?? "default"]] = [];

It however is trivial to skip this check too, by defaulting the first nesting level to an empty array:

[[$a ?? "default"] ?? []] = [];

Similarly, the following also emits a warning about the undefined variable:

[$a ?? "default"] = $undefinedVariable;
// Fix it via [$a ?? "default"] = $undefinedVariable ?? [];

Discussion of undefined key warning in nested destructuring

The ?? coalesce operator, when applied to an array expression, silences undefined key warnings for the whole of the left-hand expression.

However, crucially, the current RFC binds its coalescing operation to the variable itself, respecting only the current dimension for key existence. This behaviour is tied to how array destructuring works: array keys are only fetched once. Meaning a construct like:

[[$a, $b, $c ?? "default"]] = $array;

only fetches $array[0] once, and then takes the 0, 1 and 2 keys from that fetched value. This is also consistent with the fact that only one warning is emitted upon non-existence of its direct container, even though all three values are fetched from $array[0].

Further, an argument can here be made that the behaviour is idempotent with regards to what the exact nested contents are of the left-hand side. I.e. [[$a, $b]] = ... is handled identically to [[$a ?? 1, $b ?? 2]] = ..., with respect to its first dimension.

Additionally, this allows more fine-grained control over what exactly is expected to exist. While a feature for the general coalesce operator, making its usage more ergonomic, it's also a drawback, that a typo in the lowest dimension might be unnoticed, i.e. $variableExpectedToExist[“dimension expected to possibly not exist”] ?? “default” does never emit a warning.

With this proposal that issue does not exist and it is also not expected to be a major loss in ergonomics, as oftentimes, when you destructure, the base array is expected to exist.

It actually even allows one to concisely express nested array access with key checking, i.e., supposing we currently write code like $value = $array[0][“nested”][1] ?? “default”;, and we expect everything to exist, except possibly the last [1] dimension, it can be written as [["nested" => [1 => $value ?? "default"]]] = $array;, checking for the existence of $array, $array[0] and $array[0][“nested”] (and emitting warnings upon absence). The RFC author does not recommend writing code this way in general, but acknowledges that this is a possibility enabled by the outlined semantics.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

Next minor version.

Proposed Voting Choices

Add a destructuring coalesce feature as described?

A 2/3 majority is required.

Patches and Tests

Links to any external patches and tests go here.

If there is no patch, make it clear who will create a patch, or whether a volunteer to help with implementation is needed.

Make it clear if the patch is intended to be the final patch, or is just a prototype.

For changes affecting the core language, you should also provide a patch for the language specification.



Includes support for JIT / Optimizer.

rfc/destructuring_coalesce.1665761291.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/14 15:28 by bwoebi