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rfc:curl_share_persistence_improvement [2024/11/27 16:54] – first draft enorrisrfc:curl_share_persistence_improvement [2024/12/17 18:39] (current) – forgot to change status enorris
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 ====== PHP RFC: Persistent curl share handle improvement ====== ====== PHP RFC: Persistent curl share handle improvement ======
-  * Version: 1.0+  * Version: 1.1
   * Date: 2024-11-27   * Date: 2024-11-27
   * Author: Eric Norris, erictnorris@gmail.com   * Author: Eric Norris, erictnorris@gmail.com
-  * Status: Under Discussion+  * Status: Voting
   * First Published at: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/curl_share_persistence   * First Published at: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/curl_share_persistence
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 This vote requires a ⅔ majority: This vote requires a ⅔ majority:
-<doodle title="Accept curl_share_init_persistent(array $share_options): CurlSharePersistentHandle over the previous RFC signature" auth="enorris" voteType="single" closed="true">+<doodle title="Accept curl_share_init_persistent(array $share_options): CurlSharePersistentHandle over the previous RFC signature" auth="enorris" voteType="single" closed="false" closeon="2025-01-02T00:00:00Z">
    * Yes    * Yes
    * No    * No
 </doodle> </doodle>
 This vote requires a simple majority: This vote requires a simple majority:
-<doodle title="Disallow CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE in $share_options" auth="enorris" voteType="single" closed="true">+<doodle title="Disallow CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE in $share_options" auth="enorris" voteType="single" closed="false" closeon="2025-01-02T00:00:00Z">
    * Yes    * Yes
    * No    * No
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   * https://externals.io/message/125858   * https://externals.io/message/125858
 +===== Rejected Features =====
 +  * Initially, it will not be possible to pass a ''CurlSharePersistentHandle'' to ''curl_share_close''. Calling ''curl_share_close'' is currently a NOP for ''CurlShareHandle'' objects, meaning that code does not have to consider handling a closed (invalid) ''CurlShareHandle'' object. In keeping with the spirit of making invalid states unrepresentable, we should not allow users to close ''CurlSharePersistentHandle''. If a valid use-case comes up in the future, we could revisit this.
rfc/curl_share_persistence_improvement.1732726484.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/27 16:54 by enorris