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PHP RFC: Constant Scalar Expressions (re-opening)


Sadly, Anthony Ferrara decided to stop developing PHP and withdrew all of his RFCs. Since I liked this one, I am re-opening it here. The original RFC was at https://wiki.php.net/rfc/const_scalar_expressions2. I am enormously indebted to him for this, as he designed and implemented the entire thing, and I am merely responsible for trying to push it through the RFC process now that he has left.

This RFC brings static scalar expressions to the parser. This allows places that only take static values (const declarations, property declarations, function arguments, etc) to also be able to take static expressions.

This can allow for writing far easier to understand code, by allowing for far more expressive code.


Adding parser support for compile-time resolved scalar expressions.

Supported Operations

The following operations are currently supported by this proposal:

  • + - Addition
  • - - Subtraction
  • * - Multiplication
  • / - Division
  • % - Modulus
  • ! - Boolean Negation
  • ~ - Bitwise Negation
  • | - Bitwise OR
  • & - Bitwise AND
  • ^ - Bitwise XOR
  • << - Bitwise Shift Left
  • >> - Bitwise Shift Right
  • . - Concat

Also supported is grouping static operations: (1 + 2) + 3.

Supported Operands

  • 123 - Integers
  • 123.456 - Floats
  • “foo” - Strings
  • __LINE__ - Line magic constant
  • __FILE__ - File magic constant
  • __DIR__ - Directory magic constant
  • __TRAIT__ - Trait magic constant
  • __METHOD__ - Method magic constant
  • __FUNCTION__ - Function magic constant
  • __NAMESPACE__ - Namespace magic constant
  • <<<HEREDOC - HEREDOC string syntax

Constant Declarations

const FOO = 1 + 1;
const BAR = 1 << 1;
const BAZ = "HELLO " . "WORLD!";

Note that constants are not supported within a declaration (since this happens at compile time). So const BIZ = FOO << BAR; would be a compile error.

Class Constant Declarations

class Foo {
    const FOO = 1 + 1;
    const BAR = 1 << 1;
    const BAZ = "HELLO " . "WORLD!";

Class Property Declarations

class Foo {
    public $foo = 1 + 1;
    public $bar = [
        1 + 1,
        1 << 2,
        "foo " . 
    public $baseDir = __DIR__ . "/base";

Function Argument Declarations

function foo($a = 1 + 1, $b = 2 << 3) {

Static Variable Declarations

function foo() {
    static $a = 1 + 1 
    static $b = [ 1 << 2 ];    

Backward Incompatible Changes


Proposed PHP Version(s)


SAPIs Impacted


Impact to Existing Extensions


Impact to Opcode Caching

None, as this is a pure compile-time construct, the generated op-array is the same as if there was no expression (it's purely static).

New Constants


php.ini Defaults



Merge into master?
Real name Yes No
Count: 0 0

Opened 1st November 2013, ends 8th November 2013.

Patches and Tests

An implementation based off of current master is available: Implementation On GitHub (Diff On GitHub)

This is, again, based off Anthony Ferrara's work: https://github.com/ircmaxell/php-src/tree/static_operation_parsing

This patch is ready to be merged with tests.

rfc/const_scalar_expressions2.1383332824.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)