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rfc:comparison_inconsistency [2014/01/21 18:57] yohgakirfc:comparison_inconsistency [2014/02/05 03:03] (current) – removed yohgaki
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-====== PHP RFC: Existing inconsistent behaviors to discuss/document  ====== 
-  * Version: 0.1 
-  * Date: 2014-01-08 
-  * Author: Yasuo Ohgaki <yohgaki@php.net> 
-  * Status: Draft (or Under Discussion or Accepted or Declined) 
-  * First Published at: http://wiki.php.net/rfc/comparison_inconsistency 
-This RFC is to discuss comparison and conversion inconsistencies in PHP.  
-===== Introduction ===== 
-There are number of in comparison and conversion inconsistencies. 
-For example,  
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53104 reports comparison inconsistency in min() function. 
-There are number issues of like this. 
-Purpose of this RFC is fix inconsistency where it's feasible, otherwise document then fully if it's not documented already. 
-===== Inconsistency ===== 
-==== Conversion/comparison ==== 
-Type juggling only works for INTEGER or HEX like strings. 
-=== HEX === 
-  var_dump(0x0A); 
-  var_dump("0x0A"); 
-  var_dump((int)"0x0A"); 
-  var_dump((float)"0x0A"); 
-  var_dump(intval("0x0A")); 
-  var_dump(floatval("0x0A")); 
-  int(10) 
-  string(4) "0x0A" 
-  int(0) 
-  float(0) 
-  int(0) 
-  float(0) 
-  if (0x0A == '0x0A') { 
-    echo "0x0A == '0x0A'".PHP_EOL; 
-  } 
-  if (0x0A == "0x0A") { 
-    echo '0x0A == "0x0A"'.PHP_EOL; 
-  } 
-  0x0A == '0x0A' 
-  0x0A == "0x0A" 
-=== Octal === 
-  var_dump(010); 
-  var_dump("010"); 
-  var_dump((int)"010"); 
-  var_dump((float)"010"); 
-  var_dump(intval("010")); 
-  var_dump(floatval("010")); 
-  int(8) 
-  string(3) "010" 
-  int(10) 
-  float(10) 
-  int(10) 
-  float(10) 
-  if (010 == '010') { 
-    echo "010 == '010'".PHP_EOL; 
-  } 
-  if (010 == "010") { 
-    echo '010 == "010"'.PHP_EOL; 
-  } 
-  (NONE) 
-=== BINARY === 
-  var_dump(0b110); 
-  var_dump("0b110"); 
-  var_dump((int)"0b110"); 
-  var_dump((float)"0b110"); 
-  var_dump(intval("0b110")); 
-  var_dump(floatval("0b110")); 
-  int(6) 
-  string(5) "0b110" 
-  int(0) 
-  float(0) 
-  int(0) 
-  float(0) 
-  if (0b010 == '0b010') { 
-    echo "0b010 == '0b010'".PHP_EOL; 
-  } 
-  if (0b010 == "0b010") { 
-    echo '010 == "010"'.PHP_EOL; 
-  } 
-  (NONE) 
-=== Array of Chars === 
-Null string is not handled as ARRAY. 
-Test script: 
-  $a = ''; // empty string 
-  $a[10] = 'a'; 
-  echo $a; // "Array" 
-  $b = ' '; // non empty string 
-  $b[10] = 'b'; 
-  echo $b; // "          b" 
-Expected result: 
-  "          a" 
-  "          b" 
-Actual result: 
-  "Array" 
-  "          b" 
-==== String Integer conversion ==== 
-PHP converts "integer like string to integer". 
-  <?php 
-  // this is the problem, which we'd expect 
-  // to return false, but which returns true: 
-  echo (2 == '2b').'<br />'; 
-  // this is probably what's happening: 
-  echo (2 == intval('2b')).'<br />'; 
-  // this is what probably should happen: 
-  echo (strval(2) != '2b').'<br />'; 
-  ?> 
-==== String decrements ==== 
-String decrements is inconsistent 
-==== NAN/INF of float ==== 
-NAN/INF issue. 
-  $f = NAN; 
-  var_dump(++$f);                 // float NAN 
-  var_dump((float) NAN);   // float NAN 
-  var_dump((int) NAN);       // int -2147483648 -> what? 
-  var_dump((bool) NAN);   // bool true -> makes sense 
-  $f = INF; 
-  var_dump(++$f);                         // float INF 
-  var_dump((float) INF);             // float INF 
-  var_dump((int) INF);                 // int 0 -> what? 
-  var_dump((bool) INF);             // bool true -> so why int 0? 
-  var_dump((int) (bool) INF);   // int 1 
-E_WARNING for these invalid/unreliable operations might be better. 
-This could be mitigated by GMP float support. 
-==== Object Array conversion of numeric property/index ==== 
-Object/Array cast looses accessibility of numeric property/element. 
-  $ php -v 
-  PHP 5.5.7 (cli) (built: Dec 11 2013 07:51:06)  
-  Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group 
-  Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies 
-  $ php -r '$obj = new StdClass; $obj->{12} = 234; ${1} = 567; var_dump($obj, ${1}); $ary = (array)$obj; var_dump($ary, $ary[12]);' 
-  object(stdClass)#1 (1) { 
-    ["12"]=> 
-    int(234) 
-  } 
-  int(567) 
-  Notice: Undefined offset: 12 in Command line code on line 1 
-  array(1) { 
-    ["12"]=> 
-    int(234) 
-  } 
-  NULL <= SHOULD BE int(234) 
-===== Function/Method ===== 
-==== is_numeric ==== 
-==== base_convert ==== 
-==== min() function ==== 
-This is not a bug. If one of operand is BOOL(or NULL), both operands are converted to BOOL and evaluated as BOOL. It may be good idea that document this behavior in min() manual. 
-==== Return value of wrong internal function/method parameters ==== 
-If not all, almost all functions return NULL when required function parameter is missing or wrong type. However, almost all functions return FALSE when they have errors. 
-The manual has document for this behavior 
-  Note: If the parameters given to a function are not what it expects, such as passing an array  
-  where a string is expected, the return value of the function is undefined. In this case it will  
-  likely return NULL but this is just a convention, and cannot be relied upon. 
-This behavior could be cause of bug in scripts. For instance, 
-  if (FALSE === some_func($wrong_parameter)) { 
-     // Error happend! 
-  } else { 
-     // OK to go 
-  } 
-Users should not rely on return value as it may return NULL for wrong parameters. Users should rely on error/exception handler for such case as internal functions raise E_WARNING in this case. (If there are function that does not raise error, it is subject to be fixed.) 
-It may be good to add use of error/exception handler as best practice in the manual. 
-There are bug reports that complain return value inconsistency. The document could be improved with more explanations. 
-**Related Bug Reports** 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60338 (Returns value for wrong key()) 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64860 (returns NULL for wrong file parameter) 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65986 (returns NULL for wrong parameter) 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65604 (returns NULL for too huge parameter, probably) 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=59225 (returns NULL when it should return FALSE? when server is not accessible?) 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65910 (returns NULL for wrong parameter) 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62492 (returns NULL for wrong parameter) 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44049 (returns NULL for wrong parameter by mistake? Expecting prepared query params?) 
-  * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64140 (returns NULL for wrong parameter without error/exception?) 
-Bug reports are not verified carefully. Removing wrong one, adding proper one is appreciated. 
-===== Developer Guideline ===== 
-  * Internal function/method should raise error(or exception) for invalid parameters. (parse parameters function does this) 
-  * Internal function/method is better to return NULL for invalid parameters as most functions do. 
-  * Internal function/method is better to return FALSE for other errors. 
-===== User Guideline ===== 
-  * User should not rely return value only for failure condition, but should rely error/exception handler for failure also. 
-===== Proposal ===== 
-Not yet. 
-===== Backward Incompatible Changes ===== 
-Not yet. 
-===== Proposed PHP Version(s) ===== 
-PHP 6.0 probably. 
-===== Impact to Existing Extensions ===== 
-Not yet. 
-===== New Constants ===== 
-Not yet. 
-===== php.ini Defaults ===== 
-If there are any php.ini settings then list: 
-  * hardcoded default values 
-  * php.ini-development values 
-  * php.ini-production values 
-Not yet. 
-===== Open Issues ===== 
-Make sure there are no open issues when the vote starts! 
-===== Unaffected PHP Functionality ===== 
-List existing areas/features of PHP that will not be changed by the RFC. 
-This helps avoid any ambiguity, shows that you have thought deeply about the RFC's impact, and helps reduces mail list noise. 
-===== Future Scope ===== 
-This sections details areas where the feature might be improved in future, but that are not currently proposed in this RFC. 
-===== Proposed Voting Choices ===== 
-Include these so readers know where you are heading and can discuss the proposed voting options. 
-===== Patches and Tests ===== 
-Links to any external patches and tests go here. 
-If there is no patch, make it clear who will create a patch, or whether a volunteer to help with implementation is needed. 
-Make it clear if the patch is intended to be the final patch, or is just a prototype. 
-===== Implementation ===== 
-After the project is implemented, this section should contain  
-  - the version(s) it was merged to 
-  - a link to the git commit(s) 
-  - a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature 
-===== References ===== 
-Links to external references, discussions or RFCs 
-===== Rejected Features ===== 
-Keep this updated with features that were discussed on the mail lists. 
-===== ChangeLog ===== 
-  * 2013/10/31 - Initial version.