
This is an old revision of the document!

PHP RFC: Support Class Constant Visibility


Currently class method and member have visibility control, but class contant is not. They always public. But in real application, one might want to limit class constant's visibility for better encapsulation.

This RFC intend to introduce class constant's vibility.


This RFC propose PHP support class constant visibilty. The syntax is straightfoward as other member visibility modifiers.

Class constant may be define as public, private or protected. class constants declared without any explict visibility keyword are defined as public.

Proposed syntax:

class Token {
	// Declear public class constants
	const T_ISSET = 0;
	const T_ECHO = 1;
echo Token::T_ISSET; // accessiable
// no special limit, the same as class
abstract class AbstractClass {
interface ICache {
	private const CANNOT_BE_PRIVATE = 1;     // error interface can only have pulic class const
	protected const CANNOT_BE_PROTECTED = 2;
	public function get($k, $v);
	public function set($k);
class CacheStorage extends ICache {
	protected const CACHE_KEY_PREFIX = "";
	public const STORAGE_NAME = "Unknow";
class RedisCacheStorage extends CacheStorage {
	private const DEFAULT_HOST = "";
	private const DEFAULT_PORT = "8129";
	protected const CACHE_KEY_PREFIX = "my_redis_cache_prefix_";
	public const STORAGE_NAME = "redis";
	private $con;
	public function __construct() {
		echo parent:: CACHE_KEY_PREFIX; // access parent;
		$this->con = redis_fake_always_success_connect(self::DEFAULT_HOST, self::DEFAULT_PORT);
	public function set($k, $v) {
		return redis_fake_set($this, self::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX . $k, $v);
	public function get($k) {
		return redis_fake_set($this, self::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX . $k, $v);
echo RedisCacheStorage::DEFAULT_HOST; // cloudn't access
echo RedisCacheStorage::CACHE_KEY_PREFIX; // cloudn't access
echo RedisCacheStorage::STORAGE_NAME; // Yes we can

Backward Incompatible Changes

No BC break.

Proposed PHP Version(s)


RFC Impact



To Existing Extensions

Maybe? Need to check.

To Opcache

Need update. Will try to do it later.

New Constants


php.ini Defaults


Open Issues

Unaffected PHP Functionality

Future Scope

Support final modifier? Need another RFC upon this.

Proposed Voting Choices

Simple Yes/No option. This requires a 2/3 majority.

Patches and Tests

Work In Progress. TODO

Make it clear if the patch is intended to be the final patch, or is just a prototype.




Rejected Features



- V0.1 Initial version

rfc/class_const_visibility.1425442047.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)