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PHP RFC: Change terminology to AllowList and BlockList

Change uses of “whitelist” and “blacklist” with better self-descriptive terminology.


Words like “whitelist” and “blacklist” require additional context to figure out the exact intention. We should name things better because we can. There are no reasons to use these if we can find better naming terminology.


The proposal is to replace all occurrences of “whitelist” and “blacklist” to their respective alternatives “allowlist” and “blocklist”.

A list of Open Source projects with similar terminology change is listed in references section.

Backward Incompatible Changes

Most of the changes are internal only with two exceptions for which this patch requires RFC:

  1. opcache.blacklist_filename INI directive
  2. opcache_get_configuration()[“blacklist”] key in returned array value

Use of opcache.blacklist_filename INI directive triggers a deprecation notice.

Proposed PHP Version(s)

Next PHP version 8.0.

RFC Impact



To Existing Extensions

Only in Opcache.

To Opcache

This proposal modifies Opcache structure and function names by replacing “blacklist” with “blocklist”.

php.ini Defaults

  • php.ini-development changed name of opcache.blacklist_filename into opcache.blocklist_filename
  • php.ini-production changed name of opcache.blacklist_filename into opcache.blocklist_filename

Future scope

Removal of opcache.blacklist_filename INI directive and opcache_get_configuration()[“blacklist”] in next PHP minor version 8.1.

Proposed Voting Choices

Accept changing terminology in PHP 8.0? Yes/No



rfc/change-terminology-to-allowlist-and-blocklist.1591699233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/09 10:40 by brzuchal