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PHP RFC: CachedIterable (rewindable, allows any key&repeating keys)


Currently, PHP does not provide a built-in way to store the state of an arbitrary iterable for reuse later (when the iterable has arbitrary keys, or when keys might be repeated). It would be useful to do so for many use cases, such as:

  1. Creating a rewindable copy of a non-rewindable Traversable (e.g. Generator) before passing that copy to a function that consumes an iterable/Traversable.
  2. Generating an IteratorAggregate from a class still implementing Iterator (e.g. SplObjectStorage) so that code can independently iterate over the key-value sequences.

(foreach ($cachingIterable as $k1 => $v1) { foreach ($cachingIterable as $k2 => $v2) { /* process pairs */ } })

  1. Providing internal or userland helpers such as iterable_flip(iterable $input), iterable_take(iterable $input, int $limit), iterable_chunk(iterable $input, int $chunk_size) that act on iterables with arbitrary key/value sequences and have return values including iterables with arbitrary key/value sequences
  2. Providing memory-efficient random access to both keys and values of arbitrary key-value sequences (for binary searching on keys and/or values, etc.)


Add a class CachedIterable that contains an immutable copy of the keys and values of the iterable it was constructed from. (references inside of arrays within those keys/values will remain modifiable references, and objects within those keys/values will remain mutable)

final class CachedIterable implements IteratorAggregate, Countable
    public function __construct(iterable $iterator) {}
    public function getIterator(): InternalIterator {}
    public function count(): int {}
    public static function fromPairs(array $pairs): CachedIterable;
    public function __serialize(): array {}  // [$k1, $v1, $k2, $v2,...]
    public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
    // useful for converting iterables back to arrays for further processing
    public function keys(): array {}
    public function values(): array {}
    // useful to efficiently get offsets at the middle/end of a long iterable
    public function keyAt(int $offset): mixed {}
    public function valueAt(int $offset): mixed {}
    // dynamic properties are forbidden

CachedIterables can easily be created from arrays for use cases where objects(Traversable) are required.

$x = new CachedIterable([0 => 100, 'key' => 'value']);
foreach ($x as $key1 => $value1) {
    echo "$key1 $value1:\n";
    foreach ($x as $key2 => $value2) {
        echo "- $key2 $value2\n";
0 100:
- 0 100
- key value
key value:
- 0 100
- key value

CachedIterables can be used to cache and efficiently process results of Traversables

CachedIterables can also be created from Traversables. They eagerly evaluate the results of Traversables (e.g. Generators) and store an exact copy of the keys and values that can be processed in many ways.

function my_generator() {
    yield from ['first array'];
    yield from ['repeated key is allowed'];
    yield '0' => 'string key is preserved';
    yield ['an array'] => null;
    echo "Finished iterating over the generator\n";
$x = new CachedIterable(my_generator());
foreach ($x as $k => $v) {
    printf("%s: %s\n", json_encode($k), json_encode($v));
Finished iterating over the generator
0: 'first array'
0: 'repeated key is allowed'
'0': 'string key is preserved'
["an array"]: null
printf("Keys: %s\n", json_encode($x->keys()));
printf("Values: %s\n", json_encode($x->values()));
Keys: [0,0,"0",["an array"]]
Values: ["first array","repeated key is allowed","string key is preserved",null]
printf("Last key: %s\n", json_encode($x->keyAt(count($x) - 1)));
// Last key: ["an array"]

CachedIterables are immutable

CachedIterable is a final class.

Dynamic properties are forbidden on CachedIterables.

The keys and values of the CachedIterable cannot be modified or appended to after it is constructed, though objects and references within those values can be modified.

CachedIterables can be created from pairs

This can be done imperatively, to avoid the need to manually create a generator with the sequence of keys and values to pass to the constructor.

$it = CachedIterable::fromPairs([['first', 'x'], [(object)['key' => 'value'], null]]);
foreach ($it as $key => $value) {
    printf("key=%s value=%s\n", json_encode($key), json_encode($value));
key="first" value="x"
key={"key":"value"} value=null
object(CachedIterable)#2 (1) {
  array(2) {
    string(5) "first"
    string(1) "x"
php > echo json_encode((array)$it), "\n";

CachedIterables can be converted to pairs

Backward Incompatible Changes

None, except that the class name CachingIterable will be declared by PHP and conflict with applications declaring the same class name in that namespace.

Proposed PHP Version(s)


Future Scope

  • This will enable adding internal iterable functions such as PHP\iterable\take(iterable $input, int $limit): CachingIterator or someiterableprefix_flip(iterable $input): CachingIterator
  • More methods may be useful to add to CachingIterable, e.g. for returning a sorted copy, returning a slice(range of entries), returning a copy sorted by keys/values, quickly returning the index/corresponding value of the first occurrence of mixed $key etc.

Proposed Voting Choices

Yes/No, requiring a 2/3 majority.


Rejected Features

Rejected: ArrayAccess

From https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/6655#issuecomment-770444285

I think ArrayAccess would lead to more bugs in application code for those expecting $cachedIt[$i] to find the value corresponding to the first key occurrence of $i - adding keyAt(int $offset): mixed, valueAt(int $offset): mixed, keyIndex(mixed $key): int, valueIndex(mixed $value): int would be my preference for fetching values.

rfc/cachediterable.1612644342.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/06 20:45 by tandre