
This is an old revision of the document!



PHP 8.1 introduced “Deprecate passing null to non-nullable arguments of internal functions” (short discussion), which is making it difficult for developers to upgrade.

Often NULL is used for undefined GET/POST/COOKIE variables:

$name = ($_POST['name'] ?? NULL);
$name = $request->input('name'); // Laravel
$name = $request->get('name'); // Symfony
$name = $this->request->getQuery('name'); // CakePHP
$name = $request->getGet('name'); // CodeIgniter

And NULL can be returned from functions, e.g.

  • array_pop()
  • filter_input()
  • mysqli_fetch_row()
  • error_get_last()
  • json_decode()

Which makes it common for NULL to be passed to internal functions, e.g.

hash('sha256', $name);
preg_match('/^[a-z]/', $name);
setcookie('name', $name);
socket_write($socket, $name);
xmlwriter_text($writer, $name);

This includes developers explicitly using NULL to skip certain parameters, e.g. $additional_headers in mail().

Currently this affects those using PHP 8.1 with E_DEPRECATED, but it implies everyone will need to modify their code in the future.

It also applies even if the developer is not using strict_types=1.

And while the individual changes are easy - there are many of them, they are difficult to find, and often pointless (e.g. urlencode(strval($name))).

Without the changes below, developers will need to either - use these deprecation notices, or use very strict Static Analysis (one that can determine when a variable can be NULL; e.g. Psalm at level 3, with no baseline).


Update some internal function parameters to accept NULL, to reduce the burden for developers upgrading.

While this is in Draft, the list of functions are hosted on GitHub.

Only the parameters in bold would be changed.

Suggestions and pull requests welcome.

Decision Process

Does the parameter work with NULL, in the same way it would with an empty string? e.g.

  1. preg_match() should continue to deprecate NULL for $pattern, whereas $subject should accept NULL.
  2. hash_file() should continue to deprecate NULL for the $filename.
  3. hash() should accept NULL for $data.
  4. substr_count() requires a non-empty string $needle (continue to deprecate NULL).
  5. mb_convert_encoding() requires a valid encoding for $to_encoding (continue to deprecate NULL).

You could argue some function parameters should not accept an empty string (e.g. strrpos() accepting an empty string for $needle), but those should be addressed in a future RFC, involving a discussion on any backwards compatibility issues for every change (there is no point complaining about NULL now, and then going though this process again if the developer simply uses strval() to get an empty string).

One set of candidates that could be removed are functions like sodium_crypto_box_open() where a blank $ciphertext will always return false (for failure).

Backward Incompatible Changes


Proposed PHP Version(s)

PHP 8.2

RFC Impact


None known

To Existing Extensions

None known

To Opcache

None known

Open Issues

Is the list of functions complete?

Future Scope

Some functions parameters could be updated to complain when an Empty String or NULL is provided.


Accept the RFC


Patches and Tests

To get and Test the list of functions, I wrote a script to get_defined_functions(), then used ReflectionFunction() to identify parameters that accepted the 'string' type, and not ->allowsNull(). This resulted in the list of functions to change, where I manually removed the functions that shouldn't be changed, and updated the script to test every argument (to see that it complained with NULL, and the output remained the same) - Source.



Rejected Features



Interesting the example quote from Rasmus is:

PHP is and should remain:
1) a pragmatic web-focused language
2) a loosely typed language
3) a language which caters to the skill-levels and platforms of a wide range of users
rfc/allow_null.1640953870.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/31 12:31 by craigfrancis