18 May 2012
- Check that this works OK with 'make test'
- Fix reported processes (sequential = 1, not 0). Check what happens when there are less processors available than requested.
- Write some how-to documentation
- Fix up last few bad tests
- Make it clean up from previous runs (remove diff/out/exp)
- Implement REDIRECT ................................................................................WORKING
- Implement sequential directory (group) setting for things like mysql/msqli
- Warn and exit if someone is using a test section only supported by server-tests
- Should there be a default number of CPUs if its not specified?
- Report times in whole seconds (no dp)
- Add .phpt to end of file name in output
- Should the default output be -v or -vv?
- Add execution time to -vvv
- Package as a single file (like run-tests.php)
- Add a test using --disable-all and check that it runs (not parallel, which will always need pcntl()...DONE
- Code review
- Should rtTestTaskGroup and rtPhpTestGroup be merged?
- Check memory usage
12 August 2009
- Investigate CI server - ongoing(S)
- Use rtException everywhere, get rid of other exception classes (Z)
- Fix up any remaining test fails on S and G systems (S - to try again with Windows, G to try Windows, Z to work on G's Mac fail)
- Completed writing documentation for parallel code on wiki (G, done:
- Fully explain test results on 32 way system (G, done)
- Run more tests on Valgrind (G - if time run tests with old and new verions. Will probably need to make a valgrind supression file)
22nd July 2009
- Investigate CI server (S)
- Tidy wiki and put together a set of doc pages (Z) (Note: user doc to go on wiki first, final destination undecided)
- Use rtException everywhere, get rid of other exception classes (Z)
- Run existing code on Windows (Done - see results)
- Fix up any remaining test fails on S and G systems (Z)
- Start writing documentation for parallel code on wiki (G, done)
- Run some more extensive tests/experiments with parallel code (G, Z&S to provide introductions)
- Implement valgrind (Z)
- Remove private, use protected (Z)
30th June 2009
- Run sequential groups within in Georg's schedulers (G - Done)
- Write whole object to disk (check timing differences, if none leave as it, otherwise Win/Lin versions) (G - Done)
- Refactor output writer - and task test group and task receiver. (G - Done)
- Focus more on QA
- Assemble a set of standard tests (Z - Done, see QA/QATESTS.tgz + README)
- Checkin results for running them with old version and current version of our code (Z, done. See LinuxQAJuly18)
- Write phing task to compare them (S - done)
- Always run Unit tests before checkin (All)
- Add new unit test whenever we find a problem (All)
- Always check output for notices and warnings (All)
- Always do clean checkout, never use cvs up (All)
- Use rtException everywhere, get rid of other exception classes (Z - not done)
May 2009
- Add a check for 5.3 only (Georg - done, 6th may)
- Implement valgrind (high priority from Nuno)
- Implement CGI tests (Zoe)
- GET (done, 27 April)
- POST (done 28th April)
- POST_RAW (done 3rd May)
- GZIP_POST (done 28th April)
- DEFLATE_POST (done 28th April)
- COOKIE (done 3rd May)
- Implement FILE_EXTERNAL (Georg, done)
- Prototype parallel running (Georg - first prototype committed)
- Replace the test status array with a status object (Zoe - done, 8th June)
qa/runtests/todos.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 by