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Document Information

Author(s) Information

  • This RFC is under the BSD License

Discussion List


With the introduction of namespaces in PHP 5.3, the PEAR1 rule of Package_Subpackage_ClassName naming (for creating pseudo-namespacing) is no longer necessary. Package naming rules will be set by the PEAR2_Naming_Standards RFC, whereas class naming rules are addressed here in this RFC.

The naming of individual classes retains these PEAR1 rules:

  • Start with capital letter, e.g. class Foo {}
  • CamelCase for multi-worded class names, e.g. class FooBarBaz {}
  • Abbreviations only start with capital letter, e.g. class MrClean {}
  • Acronyms should be fully capitalized, e.g. class PEARTree {}

New guidelines for PEAR2:

  • syntax/scope hints that are desired to be in the class name should be suffixed rather than prefixed, e.g. abstract class FooAbstract {}
    • such suffixing is not preferred, but neither is it outlawed


  • there has been some discussion/debate around various forms of “Hungarian Notation” in class naming, particularly for Abstract and Interface classes

Proposed Solution

Initial rules and guidelines:

  • no suffix for an Abstract or Interface class name is necessary, nor is it preferred
    • attempts to misuse abstract classes and interfaces in userspace code will be caught by PHP anyway
    • any extra naming is effectively just for code readers to shortcut/avoid reading the code documentation, which isn't a best practice to promote
  • any extra naming should be a full legible word, not a cryptic letter/abbreviation (e.g. FooAbst, FooA)
    • this follows other well-known conventions (e.g. Java)
  • an “Abstract” suffix is tolerable, e.g. abstract class FooAbstract {}, though neither necessary nor preferred
    • having it suffixed makes it work better with IDE's autocompletion... otherwise, you'll always find yourself typing the full “Abstract” word just to reach the next character in the class name
  • an “Interface” suffix should not be used at all, as usage of “interface PublishableInterface {}” as “class Publisher implements PublishableInterface {}” seems less readable.


pear/rfc/pear2_class_naming.1231300633.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)