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internals:windows:stepbystepbuild_sdk_2 [2024/07/06 18:49] – Update link to setup-php-sdk action cmbinternals:windows:stepbystepbuild_sdk_2 [2024/11/19 14:27] (current) – mention php-windows-builder for GH action builds cmb
Line 18: Line 18:
   * Visual C++ 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015) for **PHP 7.0** or **PHP 7.1**.   * Visual C++ 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015) for **PHP 7.0** or **PHP 7.1**.
   * Visual C++ 15.0 (Visual Studio 2017) for **PHP 7.2**, **PHP 7.3** or **PHP 7.4**.   * Visual C++ 15.0 (Visual Studio 2017) for **PHP 7.2**, **PHP 7.3** or **PHP 7.4**.
-  * Visual C++ 16.0 (Visual Studio 2019) for **master**.+  * Visual C++ 16.0 (Visual Studio 2019) for **PHP 8.0**, **PHP 8.1**, **PHP 8.2** or **PHP 8.3**. 
 +  * Visual C++ 17.0 (Visual Studio 2022) for **PHP 8.4**.
 Always keep your installed Visual C++ up to date. Otherwise build errors may occur due to dependencies built with newer versions. Always keep your installed Visual C++ up to date. Otherwise build errors may occur due to dependencies built with newer versions.
Line 158: Line 159:
   - If the extension has a PHPT test suite, run ''nmake test''   - If the extension has a PHPT test suite, run ''nmake test''
-If you want to build your extension via Github Actions, consider to use you want to build your extension via Github Actions, consider to use or
 ==== Release directories ==== ==== Release directories ====
internals/windows/stepbystepbuild_sdk_2.1720291781.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/06 18:49 by cmb