MFH namespaces Done
MFH _ _callStatic Done
MFH Object handler get_debug_info Done
remove zend.ze1_compatibility mode and throw E_CORE_ERROR when set DONE (dmitry)
Add open_filename debug info to streams. Done
New error message generation for parameter parsing API. Done
Symlink the intl extension from PECL, but leave it disabled by default as is the case with all extensions dependent on external libs DONE
Apply the Late Static Binding Patch Done
Implement Sqlite3 support via the ext/sqlite extension (ext/sqlite isn't possible, ext/sqlite3 from pecl is.) (Scott) DONE
will require minor changes to PDO_SQLite to share the sqlite library DONE
Introduce mysqlnd library into core and use it as a backend for PDO and mysql/mysqli extensions (possibly enabling them by default) (Andrey) DONE
Patch PDO_MYSQL to optionally support mysqlnd library in addition to the MySQL client library, fix assorted PDO_MYSQL bugs, extend PDO test suite (Johannes, Ulf) DONE
Split off deprecation from E_STRICT into E_DEPRECATED Done (Lars, Felipe, Marcus)
PCRE extension will not be allowed to be disabled Done (Marcus)
The new php.ini files parser/scanner + CGI/FastCGI “htaccess” style ini file support Done
SPL improvements:
Make DirectoryIterator implement SeekableIterator. (Etienne) Done
Implement MultipleIterator in C. (Arnaud, Marcus) DONE
merge the zend_arg_info const'ify patch (Dmitry, Nuno) Done
Implement David's Circular Garbage collection patch. Done
Link phar extension from PECL into core (possibly enabling it by default) Done
Replace flex scripts with re2c ones in Zend. This will fix the memleak issues of the lexer, make the lexer threadsafe and reentrant and allows to use emalloc on temp blocks automatically (read more here). (Marcus, Nuno, Scott)
drop ext/hash in favor of an extended ext/mhash with an ext/hash wrapper (Scott) Done
Move extensions to PECL (Pierre)
ncurses *Done*
fdf *Done*
sybase *Done*
Update Ming (sync with ming cvs, may be done in the phase between feature freeze and alpha1) (Frank) DONE
drop _ _toString() from closures (Johannes/Dmitry) DONE
deprecate ticks (Felipe) Done
add array_replace[_recursive] (diff, phpt) (matt/johannes)