The RFC page

The feature branch



Initial work is done by ircmaxell, with that it compiles on linux and windows.

Area Assigned Status size_t Status int64 64 bit/size_t/other issues
Zend weltling done done
TSRM weltling done done
main weltling done done
sapi/aolserver not started not started
sapi/apache not started not started
sapi/apache2filter not started not started
sapi/apache2handler done done
sapi/apache_hooks not started not started
sapi/caudium not started not started
sapi/cgi weltling done done
sapi/cli done done
sapi/continuity not started not started
sapi/embed done done
sapi/fpm not started not started
sapi/isapi not started not started
sapi/litespeed not started not started
sapi/milter not started not started
sapi/nsapi not started not started
sapi/phttpd not started not started
sapi/pi3web not started not started
sapi/roxen not started not started
sapi/tests not started not started
sapi/thttpd not started not started
sapi/tux not started not started
sapi/webjames not started not started
sapi/phpdbg done done
bcmath weltling done done
bz2 weltling done done integer overflows with bz2 filter
calendar weltling done done
com_dotnet weltling done done
ctype done done
curl weltling done done
date done done
dba weltling done done
dom weltling done done possible libxml overflows
enchant weltling done done
ereg done done
exif weltling done done size_t vs. int overflows
fileinfo weltling done done
filter weltling done done
ftp weltling done done
gd weltling done done integer overflows with libgd
gettext weltling done done integer overflows with libintl
gmp weltling done done uncritical int overflows with mpir
hash done done many algos use 32 bit arithmetic only
iconv weltling done done
imap done done basic fix yet, need more tests
interbase done done untested!
intl weltling done done ICU int32 vs PHP int64
json weltling done done
ldap weltling done done some int overlows with openldap, need more testing
libxml weltling done done integer overflows with libxml
mbstring done done integer overflows with libmbfl and co.
mcrypt weltling done done integer overflows with libmcrypt
mssql done done untested!
mysql weltling done done see mysqlnd
mysqli weltling done done see mysqlnd
mysqlnd weltling done done need more testing
oci8 weltling done done need review
odbc weltling done done not tested on win64, 64 bit access driver not available
opcache done done need review
openssl bukka done done merged
pcntl done done
pcre done done
pdo weltling done done reviews reqiered
pdo_dblib done done untested!
pdo_firebird weltling done done untested!
pdo_mysql weltling done done see ext/pdo
pdo_oci weltling done done need review
pdo_odbc weltling done done need better x64 tests
pdo_pgsql weltling done done see ext/pdo
pdo_sqlite weltling done done see ext/pdo
pgsql weltling done done
phar weltling done done plenty of int32 types in use
posix done done
pspell done done
readline done done
recode done done
reflection done done
session done done
shmop weltling done done
simplexml weltling done done
skeleton done done
snmp weltling done done need more testing
soap weltling done done possible libxml overflows
sockets weltling done done
spl weltling done done
sqlite3 weltling done done
standard done done
sybase_ct done done
sysvmsg done done
sysvsem done done
sysvshm done done
tidy weltling done done
tokenizer weltling done done
wddx weltling done done
xml weltling done done
xmlreader weltling done done
xmlrpc weltling done done
xmlwriter weltling done done
xsl weltling done done
zip weltling done done
zlib weltling done done integer overflows with zlib
Zend open questions status
Array indexing done
ext/standard open questions status
Mersenne Twister done
Other status
Edge cases on int64/double done
Implement printf %d modifier for zend_int_t, see done
Implement mechanism to ensure PECL extensions fail to compile if not updated for new API not started
Do smart platform recognition and ermove the size_t/int64 configure options done
Develop a tutorial (and possibly tools) for PECL extensions in progress