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PHP RFC: Add pecl_http to core


It was interesting to see so many “users” that know pecl_http and so many “developers” that had no clue, so let’s start early.


What is pecl_http?

pecl_http is an extension that aims to provide a convenient and powerful set of functionality for one of PHP’s major applications.

It eases handling of HTTP urls, headers and messages, provides means for negotiation of a client's preferred content type, language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities.

It provides powerful request functionality with support for parallel requests and an event loop library.

Why pecl_http?

pecl_http was first created more than ten years ago. Back in that time I was a PEAR guy and maintained a set of HTTP related packages. I ever wondered so much why PHP does not support HTTP in a more sophisticated manner and thought I’ve got to change that.

Back then there wasn’t much more than a few PEAR libraries like HTTP_Request, HTTP_Download and HTTP_Cache. What followed was a journey through PHP4 and 5, OOP and procedural programming compatible APIs with good reception from the users, but bad critics by architects and evangelists. v2 tried to settle on a more concise and modern set of OOP APIs. I still get threats from users because of this. Development was slow and it took about three years until 2.0 stable was released in late 2013.

Ever so often there were requests to bundle pecl_http with the source distribution but until now I never felt like I want to do that nor that the code was ready for such a move. This time has come, though. The only real concern I still have is the burden it creates on all core developers when moving such a big amount of code from the hands of one into the hands of a few.

Code base size

I have to admit, that the amount of code that comes with pecl_http can be called big, but that is mostly only due to core PHP lacking in many if not all areas considered important to more sophisticated processing of HTTP. Everything works out of the box to certain extent with the tools already in core unless you have to dig deeper. pecl_http tries to give you the tools you need, out of the box, instantly available for more differentiated situations, which have become more not less in the last ten years.


Usage numbers

Frankly, I don’t know. PECL stats show about 50k source package downloads per month in average, whatever that has to say. It’s placed in the top 10 where good old APC still has the lead.

Test coverage

The current test suite provides a code coverage of about 90% and is subject to improvement.
Coverage resport of v2: http://dev.iworks.at/ext-http/lcov/http/index.html

There’s one test that currently fails for me due to porting the extension to ZE3, because of reference mismatch and a leak in zend_assign_to_variable_ref() as cause.


All of the affected code was licensed under 2-clause BSD and will be re-licensed to PHP-3.01 license.

FIG and PSR-7

There are no plans to follow or adhere to the Framework Interoperability Group’s “PHP Standard Recommendation” #7.

The Guts

A fully merged tree can be inspected here:


The current docs are available here:

The documentation presumably has to be converted to docbook to be included in php.net, though, at php.net/http currently reside the docs for pecl_http v1. As far as I know, the docs team did not come to a conclusion how to handle that situation.

I had hoped that in the meantime the php-docs approach/investigation of using some sort of markdown would have been successful, because the current documentation is written in a simple style of markdown, but anyway, conversion should not be too hard, I even had a volunteer in December, but did not hear back from him.

Markdown sources of the documentation can be found here:



  • Type: of dep: hard build dep
  • Minimum version:
  • Provided functionality: encoding and decoding of message bodies with zlib/gzip/deflate encodings
  • Current state: essential


  • Type of dep: soft build dep
  • Provided functionality: IDNA support for http\Url
  • Current state: feature completive, might look into ICU as alternative


  • Type of dep: soft build dep
  • Minimum version: 7.18.2
  • Provided functionality: HTTP request support
  • Current state: feature completive; might look into additional alternatives, but nothing has proven competitive enough yet


  • Type of dep: soft build dep
  • Provided functionality: multi_socket API from libcurl
  • Current state: nice to have - must have for more parallel requests than select() can reasonably handle; might look into additional alternatives like libuv (libev already has libevent compatibility)





  • Type of dep: hard build dep
  • Provided functionality: byref access to object properties representing C struct members
  • Current state: feature completive, suggested to be merged to ext/standard or main, please discuss
Property Proxy API

ZE2 doxygen reference can be found here:

There’s been similar functionality in ZE2, but it was dysfunctional to my findings back then and has obviously been removed in ZE3.

Internals thread from 2010:

When a property is requested byref (BP_VAR_RW) from an object that stores state in a member of the objects C struct, and that object implementation uses its own property handlers, it can use a property proxy to enable that kind of access to that state.

This is accomplished by returning an instance of the property proxy object instead of the property directly. The proxy has its set and get handlers overridden and does deferred and cascaded fetch/push of the original member of the container (object) to update the state.

Every extension maintaining state outside of real object properties (e.g. dom) can make use of this functionality and does not have to emit the error “Properties of XYClass can not be accessed by ref or array key/index”.

Actual implementation for http\Message properties:

static zval *php_http_message_object_read_prop(zval *object, zval *member, int type, void **cache_slot, zval *tmp)
	zval *return_value;
	zend_string *member_name = zval_get_string(member);
	php_http_message_object_prophandler_t *handler = php_http_message_object_get_prophandler(member_name);
	if (!handler || type == BP_VAR_R || type == BP_VAR_IS) {
		return_value = zend_get_std_object_handlers()->read_property(object, member, type, cache_slot, tmp);
		if (handler) {
			php_http_message_object_t *obj = PHP_HTTP_OBJ(NULL, object);
			handler->read(obj, tmp);
			ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(return_value, tmp);
	} else {
		return_value = php_property_proxy_zval(object, member_name);
	return return_value;


  • Type of dep: hard build dep
  • Provided functionality: unified API for managing (persistent) resource handles
  • Current state: feature completive, suggested to be merged to main, please discuss
Resource And Persistent Handle Factory API

ZE2 doxygen reference can be found here:

I once said that raphf provides a similar set of functionality like zend_list, but unfortunately this is a bit misleading, so let’s look at the differences first:

zend_list manages refcounted zend_resources with opaque handles and custom destructors for persistent and non-persistent handles. Persistent handles are returned to the caller as is.

raphf does not need refcount support, because we’re working with objects instead of resources, and so should you probably, too. Instead a kind of copy constructor is optionally supported for object cloning.

Here’s the actual implementation of curl_easy and curl_multi ctor/copy/dtor handlers for raphf:

typedef struct php_http_curle_storage {
	char *url;
	char *cookiestore;
	CURLcode errorcode;
	char errorbuffer[0x100];
} php_http_curle_storage_t;
static inline php_http_curle_storage_t *php_http_curle_get_storage(CURL *ch) {
	php_http_curle_storage_t *st = NULL;
	curl_easy_getinfo(ch, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, &st);
	if (!st) {
		st = pecalloc(1, sizeof(*st), 1);
		curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, st);
		curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, st->errorbuffer);
	return st;
static void *php_http_curle_ctor(void *opaque, void *init_arg)
	void *ch;
	if ((ch = curl_easy_init())) {
		return ch;
	return NULL;
static void *php_http_curle_copy(void *opaque, void *handle)
	void *ch;
	if ((ch = curl_easy_duphandle(handle))) {
		return ch;
	return NULL;
static void php_http_curle_dtor(void *opaque, void *handle)
	php_http_curle_storage_t *st = php_http_curle_get_storage(handle);
	if (st) {
		if (st->url) {
			pefree(st->url, 1);
		if (st->cookiestore) {
			pefree(st->cookiestore, 1);
		pefree(st, 1);
static php_resource_factory_ops_t php_http_curle_resource_factory_ops = {
static void *php_http_curlm_ctor(void *opaque, void *init_arg)
	return curl_multi_init();
static void php_http_curlm_dtor(void *opaque, void *handle)
static php_resource_factory_ops_t php_http_curlm_resource_factory_ops = {

A resource factory can be created from this ops and be used directly, or can be transparently wrapped by the persistent handle ops to support process/thread wide persistency:

Actual implementation of creating the resource/persistent handle factory for http\Client\Request of the curl driver:

static php_resource_factory_t *create_rf(php_http_url_t *url)
	php_persistent_handle_factory_t *pf;
	php_resource_factory_t *rf = NULL;
	zend_string *id;
	char *id_str = NULL;
	size_t id_len;
	if (!url || (!url->host && !url->path)) {
		php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot request empty URL");
		return NULL;
	id_len = spprintf(&id_str, 0, "%s:%d", STR_PTR(url->host), url->port ? url->port : 80);
	id = php_http_cs2zs(id_str, id_len);
	pf = php_persistent_handle_concede(NULL, PHP_HTTP_G->client.curl.driver.request_name, id, NULL, NULL);
	if (pf) {
		rf = php_resource_factory_init(NULL, php_persistent_handle_get_resource_factory_ops(), pf, (void (*)(void*)) php_persistent_handle_abandon);
	} else {
		rf = php_resource_factory_init(NULL, &php_http_curle_resource_factory_ops, NULL, NULL);
	return rf;

For php_persistent_handle_concede() to succeed, a provider has to be registered at MINIT:

	if (SUCCESS != php_persistent_handle_provide(PHP_HTTP_G->client.curl.driver.client_name, &php_http_curlm_resource_factory_ops, NULL, NULL)) {
		return FAILURE;
	if (SUCCESS != php_persistent_handle_provide(PHP_HTTP_G->client.curl.driver.request_name, &php_http_curle_resource_factory_ops, NULL, NULL)) {
		return FAILURE;

php_persistent_handle_concede() would also take pointers to a wakeup and a retire function for persistent handles, so that e.g. network sockets or database handles can be prepared for the idle time or be checked that they are still valid when requested.

This is the last notable difference from zend_list and is not needed by curl, but here’s an example of wakeup and retire functions located in pecl/pq, a PostgreSQL Client:

static void php_pqconn_wakeup(php_persistent_handle_factory_t *f, void **handle TSRMLS_DC)
	PGresult *res = PQexec(*handle, "");
	if (CONNECTION_OK != PQstatus(*handle)) {
static void php_pqconn_retire(php_persistent_handle_factory_t *f, void **handle TSRMLS_DC)
	php_pqconn_event_data_t *evdata = PQinstanceData(*handle, php_pqconn_event);
	PGcancel *cancel;
	PGresult *res;
	/* go away */
	PQsetInstanceData(*handle, php_pqconn_event, NULL);
	/* ignore notices */
	PQsetNoticeReceiver(*handle, php_pqconn_notice_ignore, NULL);
	/* cancel async queries */
	if (PQisBusy(*handle) && (cancel = PQgetCancel(*handle))) {
		char err[256] = {0};
		PQcancel(cancel, err, sizeof(err));
	/* clean up async results */
	while ((res = PQgetResult(*handle))) {
	/* clean up transaction & session */
	switch (PQtransactionStatus(*handle)) {
		res = PQexec(*handle, "RESET ALL");
		res = PQexec(*handle, "ROLLBACK; RESET ALL");
	if (res) {
	if (evdata) {
		/* clean up notify listeners */
		zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&evdata->obj->intern->listeners TSRMLS_CC, apply_unlisten, 1, evdata->obj);
		/* release instance data */

Any extension providing (networked) services should be able to take advantage of raphf unless it needs to expose resources to userland.

raphf INI setting

There’s a global INI setting (SYSTEM), persistent_handle_limit (defaults to -1, unlimited) of debatable usefulness.



Most of the features are directly accessible through pecl_http's C API.


Additionally to the INI setting of raphf, there’s http.etag.mode (USER, defaults to crc32b), defining a hash algo used to generate ETags for dynamic response bodies. It may be better to make this a property of the actual http\Env\Response instead of a global setting, please discuss.


The http\Env module kicks the POST parser regardless of the request method, only the right content type of x-www-form-urlencoded or form-data must be given.

I suspect this is a controversial feature, so I’m listing it separately:

The FIX-ME note about the leak is already irrelevant, though.

If accepted, it would be easier to ditch this RINIT and just lift the request method limitation.


Nothing in the global namespace, except the namespace http.



The http stream wrapper is of limited functionality and the existing libcurl binding is subpar. They could be improved separately, but that is not subject of this RFC.

Currently only libcurl is implemented as a provider for http\Client, providing most of the functionality of current libcurl.

Representation of the request and response how a client sees them as http\Client\Request and http\Client\Response, extending http\Message. See http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http/Client/enqueue

Support for parallel requests and optional libev{,ent} support. See f.e. http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http/Client/once


Parses Cookie and Set-Cookie header values. Actually builds on http\Params.



Streamable implementations of chunked and zlib/gzip/deflate encodings.


Negotiation facilities, representations of the request and response how the server sees them as http\Env\Request and http\Env\Response.

Support for range requests (resuming) and caching by etag/last-modified, see f.e. http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http/Env/Response/setContentDisposition



Message parser and tools. http\Message is the base class of all request and response classes. Note that a “parent message” denotes any message appearing before a message in a stream of messages, see http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http/Message/getParentMessage for calrification.

Also message bodies with support for building and (basic) parsing of multipart bodies, utilizing a (temporary) stream for memory efficiency, see f.e. http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http/Message/Body/__construct

Splitting a multipart body creates a chain of http\Message objects, see http://devel-m6w6.rhcloud.com/mdref/http/Message/splitMultipartBody for an example.



Header params parser; think of a content-type or an accept header. Negotiation, cookie and query parser build on it.



Query string parser and tools. Actually builds on http\Params.



Ever been hit by the iscntrl() usage of parse_url()?

URL parser and tools with UTF-8, locale multibyte and IDNA support (need to check if, and how much it diverges from IRIs).

Unaffected PHP Functionality

The http: stream wrapper is unaffected by pecl_http.


50%+1 combined “Yes” votes needed for acceptance.


  • 1.1
    • Added “Feature corner stones”
  • 1.2
    • Improvements to “Introduction” and “Proposal”
  • 1.3
    • Added another link to the current docs
  • 1.4
    • Added link to fully merged tree
    • Expand voting options
  • 2.0
    • Complete rewrite
rfc/pecl_http.1422530031.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)