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PHP RFC: On-demand Name Mangling


PHP marshals external key-value pairs into super-globals by mangling some disallowed characters to underscores:

  • .” and “ ” become an “_
  • If there is no “]”, then the first “[” also becomes an “_” -- all other left brackets remain intact
  • Other characters are left as is

As seen here, both for both $_ENV and $_GET:

# the shell environment variable "a.b" becomes "a_b" inside $_ENV
$ /usr/bin/env "a.b=foo" php -r 'echo $_ENV["a_b"];'

# a "[" also mangles to an underscore
$ /usr/bin/env "a[b=foo" php -r 'echo $_ENV["a_b"];'

# same mangling rules for $_REQUEST
# Note how $ is ignored
$ cat mangle.phpt
How does $_REQUEST handle HTML form variables with unusual names?
    [a_b] => bracket
    [a$b] => dollar
$ pear run-tests --cgi=/usr/bin/php-cgi mangle.phpt
Running 1 tests
PASS How does $_REQUEST handle HTML form variables with unusual names?[mangle.phpt]

Mangling has the undesirable consequence that many external variables may map to one PHP variable. For example, three separate HTML form elements named a.b, a_b and a[b will all resolve to a_b in the corresponding super-global, with the value from a[b winning (because it was last). This leads to user confusion and userland work arounds, not to mention bug reports: #34882 and #42055 for example.

Automatic name mangling supported register_globals and its kin like import_request_variables(), but those features ended in August 2014. Name mangling isn't required for super-global marshaling, because the associative array nature of super-globals can accommodate any string variable name. So do we need automatic name mangling? Consider this hypothetical new test:

Name mangling logic removed from engine, placed in polyfill
    [_GET] => Array
            [a.b] => dot
            [a_b] => underscore
            [a$b] => dollar
            [a b] => space
            [a[b] => bracket
    [_GET] => Array
            [a.b] => dot
            [a_b] => bracket
            [a$b] => dollar
            [a b] => space
            [a[b] => bracket

In this new implementation, the engine no longer mangles marshaled superglobals at startup. Instead, the ability to mangle names has moved to an optional, userland-provided polyfill function mangle_superglobals().

In the example above, an a_b key was externally supplied. The call to mangle_superglobals clobbered the original value of a_b with the value of the last seen mangle-equivalent key (a[b).

Importantly, the user made this mangling happen: the engine did not do it automatically.

The polyfill algorithm is simple:

  • find all superglobal keys that violate the PHP unquoted variable name regex 1)
  • for each, create a new mangled key linked to the corresponding value.

Applications requiring name mangling may call the polyfill during their bootstrap phase to emulate prior engine behavior.


This RFC proposes to phase out automatic name mangling, replacing it with on-demand mangling in extract():

  • Next minor release (currently 7.1):
    • Emit an E_DEPRECATED warning the first time a variable is mangled. The warning indicates that name mangling on import will be removed in the next major PHP version.
  • Next major release (currently 8.0):
    • Remove all name mangling code in super-global marshalling functions
    • Release a userland polyfill implementing mangle_superglobals that is available as a composable package


These questions were raised in the mailing list discussion.

Should multiple ''E_DEPRECATED'' be emitted?

No, because we do not know how many instances of mangling may be present and we do not want to flood application logs. The proposed single message intends to provide some warning to application developers when there is known use of name mangling. This notice is similar to the behavior of the datetime.timezone INI option: at most once per startup.

How can I disable the ''E_DEPRECATED'' notice?

Rouven Weßling asked:

If I have a well behaved application that doesn’t rely on name mangling or have included the polyfill, how can I prevent a log message from being emitted when a user appends (unused) parameters to the query string that require mangling?

As written, one can't: the engine emits the error as soon as it mangles a variable, at most one time per startup. While that's annoying, it's also informative: someone's hitting your application in a way that may not expect.

This behavior is similar to max_input_vars, which emits a warning as soon as more variables are sent than PHP is configured to accept. This message happens at most once per startup. There's no way to turn the message off: the best one can do is increase the upper limit in the configuration file.

Should an INI configuration control mangling?

Nikita Popov suggested (and Stanislav Malyshev seconded) a counter-proposal to use an INI setting:

I would favor the introduction of a new ini setting. E.g. mangle_names=0 disables name mangling, while mangle_names=1 throws a deprecation warning on startup and enables name mangling. mangle_names=0 should be the default. That is essentially disable name mangling, but leave an escape hatch for those people who rely on it (for whatever reason).

An INI setting to disable mangling must be engine-wide (e.g., PHP_INI_SYSTEM or PHP_INI_PERDIR) as its historical effect occurs before userland code runs. Engine-wide settings are tricky because they force conditions across all instances of PHP running in a given SAPI process. In a hosted environment where many unrelated sites share the same engine configuration, it's possible that one site might require mangling while another site requires no-mangling. These two sites could not co-exist unless the site operator allows per directory configuration, which they may not. Thus, an INI setting would introduce operational problems for some definable sub-set of users.

It's still possible to provide an “escape hatch” for applications requiring name mangling: the polyfill described eariler. Applications need only include the polyfill code and add it to their bootstrapping. The polyfill would be available via Composer, and the polyfill would populate all the mangled variables as before.

The polyfill approach is considered superior to the INI approach for three reasons:

  • Userland can maintain BC independent of system INI settings (which they may not control)
  • The engine is completely cleaned of all mangling behavior (which means less code to fuss over)
  • No additional weight of configuration values (which is a complaint point for many)

Should ''extract()'' automatically mangle names?

Early versions of this proposal (< v1.2) proposed using extract to mangle names. Rowan Collins and others pointed out this was an unnecessary complication: preg_match could also accomplish the goal. Thus, all references to extract in this RFC have been removed.

However, extract() should have the option to emit mangled names with a new constant (EXTR_MANGLE). extract() should also be fixed to export variables with any variable name, because they are all technically valid with the quoted variable syntax (${'foo.bar'}). These will be handled as function fixes and not with this RFC.

Backward Incompatible Changes

This proposal introduces backward incompatible changes: any userland code relying on mangled names would have to either (a) change to using original external variable names or (b) re-mangle the super-globals with a polyfill.

The polyfill could be accomplished with code like:

function mangle_name($name) {
    $name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]/', '_', $name);
    return preg_replace('/^[0-9]/', '_', $name);
function mangle_superglobals() {
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.0.0', '<')) {
    foreach ($_ENV as $var => &$val) {
        $mangled = mangle_name($var);
        if ($mangled !== $var) {
            $_ENV[$mangled] =& $val;
    // similar loops for $_GET, $_POST
    // similar logic for $_COOKIE and $_FILES

To reduce the burden on userland, this polyfill library could be made available via Composer:

$ composer require php/mangle-superglobals ^1.0
$ cat app/boostrap.php
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


// ...

Proposed PHP Version(s)

PHP 7.1 (for notice of impending BC break) and PHP 8.0 (for actual implementation and corresponding BC break).

RFC Impact


No impact.

To Existing Extensions

No impact.

To Opcache

No impact.

New Constants


php.ini Defaults


Open Issues

None so far.

Proposed Voting Choices

A simple yes/no voting option with a 2/3 majority required.

Patches and Tests

None yet. Implementations will follow vote.


TODO: After the project is implemented, this section should contain

  1. the version(s) it was merged to
  2. a link to the git commit(s)
  3. a link to the PHP manual entry for the feature

Rejected Features

None so far.

Unquoted variable names must match the regex [a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*
rfc/on_demand_name_mangling.1452266345.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)