
This is an old revision of the document!

Ideas for improvements


While discussing cleanup of PHP's Bug Database many people expressed their complaints about our current solution for tracking bug reports and there is no doubt it really deserves some love. I'm also absolutely aware that most people have more important things to do than working on over a decade old codebase.

However, if staying with our own infrastructure might be just a matter of some long-awaited improvements and not changing it completely for something being a standard (or popular solution) these days like GitHub issues, listing all ideas here will do no harm.


Feel free to add to the list as you want. Don't limit yourself, it's all about wishes for now. It's not meant to be a roadmap. Just please don't remove anything and if you have more to say about any of the points, please do this in the section Discussion below. Signing your thoughts with your username is appreciated and allows for more fruitful discussion.

  • redesign
  • mentioning other users
  • link the bugtracker from our GitHub's repo description
  • dropping dependencies on PEAR packages
  • searching the commenters' names
  • clearly specify available technologies



As far as I remember Levi Morrison mentioned that he had some ideas for the redesign. It was a year ago or so, however.

I could help with implementing whoever's idea but I don't have particular design skills and I'm unable to came up with one.

Mentioning other users

That looks pretty easy. The only problem I can see is checking whether given @user exists, then, if I'm right, we could just mail with the notification. Could it be solved with an endpoint on Perhaps with the cache for the performance, just like we do for PHP versions already (IIRC).

After it gets implemented we should clearly inform that such feature is available (in the edit bug view perhaps).

Dropping dependencies on PEAR packages

I don't consider it must-have but it seems to overcomplicate the required setup (Niklas Keller, as an example, mentioned he had problems related to PEAR while trying to work locally).

I managed to remove dependency on PEAR/Tree already. The biggest challenge seems to be switching from MDB2 to PDO (or maybe MySQLi?) but I think we should try that, especially because MDB2 appears to crash on PHP7.

Clearly specify available technologies

IIRC I was once told that bugs' machine runs PHP 5.6. I think this version should be mentioned in the source code's README so that people wanting to contribute won't have to guess what features they can use.

ideas/bugtracker.1484724146.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)