
This is an old revision of the document!


This is the unofficial official TODO list for phd, see also the TODO files in PhD CVS.

  • PhD-Setup (replaces configure.php and several phpdoc/scripts/*)
  • PhD-Build (replaces .manual.xml generation)
  • Split up into different packages: phd core, phd xhtml, phd pdf, and theme packages
  • “so I could do pear install phd && pear install phd-xhtml && pear install phd-peardoc or pear install phd-all to install everything”
  • Gtk “theme”
  • Create a true indexer
  • Use PEAR style class naming and class locations
  • Implement the rest of the standard DocBook elements+attributes
  • Implement default “themes” for all formats
  • Support for dbhtml processing instructions
  • Make it generic for the world to use
doc/todo/phd.1239286007.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/22 13:28 (external edit)